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What’s Folksonomy?

What’s Folksonomy?. Social Bookmarking. Facilitators. Stephan Ridgway, Workforce Development. Paula Williams, Workforce Development. Session Overview. How tagging can be used to manage, categorise and share online resources within social networks

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What’s Folksonomy?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What’s Folksonomy? Social Bookmarking

  2. Facilitators Stephan Ridgway, Workforce Development Paula Williams, Workforce Development

  3. Session Overview • How tagging can be used to manage, categorise and share online resources within social networks • Understand the difference between taxonomic and folksonomic classification • The personal (browser bookmarks) VS the Social (public tagging) • The role of RSS in syndicating, mashingup and embedding tag feeds • Overview of 2 social bookmarking tools http://del.icio.us/ & http://www.diigo.com

  4. Tagging in Social Networks How tagging can be used to manage, categorise and share online resources within social networks

  5. Tagging in Social Networks Social Bookmarking - Short Version by Common Craft

  6. Social Bookmarking • A means for storing, organising, searching and managing favourite sites on the web • Organisation is based on ‘tags’ or key words (individual or group) • Bookmarks are listed chronologically, by category or tags, or via a search engine. • RSS enabled – subscribers can become aware of new bookmarks as they are saved, shared and tagged by other users. • Newer tools have a range of other features such as ratings and comments on bookmarks, the ability to import and export bookmarks from browsers, emailing of bookmarks, web annotation, and groups or social networking features

  7. User-Based Tagging and Folksonomies Object worth remembering (article, image…) Multiple concepts activated Choose ONE of the activated concepts. Categorize it! Analysis-Paralysis! Image by Rashmi Sinha

  8. Taxonomic vs Folksonomic Taxonomy - The science of classification (The experts do it) • From the greek verb: • Taxis = "to classify“ • Nomos = "law, science, economy“ • Hierarchical-enumerative top down tree like structure • Hierarchies designed and maintained by experts • Repositories cataloged by experts eg. libraries • Structure imposed on the world of objects • Centralised classification

  9. Taxonomic vs Folksonomic Folksonomy - Social classification (The Folks do it) • Folk + Taxonomy meaning that it emerges from the people • Open democatic system • Constantly evolving based on user interactions and consensus • tags capture the social fabic at that moment in time • Structure is an emergent property • Well suited to rapidly changing heterogeneous information sources such as the internet and social networks

  10. RSS (real simple syndication)

  11. Tagging & the wisdom of the crowds Collective Intelligence The Knowledge of Networks Connectivism

  12. Social Bookmarking Services http://del.icio.us http://www.diigo.com

  13. Questions

  14. Next Hot Topic Conversdation 3 Sept 2008 myBusiness: Project management

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