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Preventive Resin Restoration

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Preventive Resin Restoration

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  1. Downloaded from: justpaste.it/21e0y Preventive Resin Restoration: A PRR is a shallow filling for a cavity that has barely begun. A PRR repairs the damage that has already been done to the tooth. It also protects the tooth from further decay. Think of a PRR as a thicker, stronger version of a dental sealant. A sealant is a protective covering for a decay—free tooth. A PRR is used to stop early decay when it is too late for a sealant, but a regular filling is not needed yet. The PRR acts as a combination of a filling and a sealant. Why is a PRR needed? Once tooth decay starts, it must be treated. otherwise it usually gets worse. An abscess (pus-filled sac) from a cavity can cause serious or even life-threatening infections when not properly treated. A PRR prevents early decay from going deeper into a tooth’s pits and grooves. A PRR can block food and cavity causing bacteria from getting into these grooves. It also can help lessen the need for bigger fillings and more expensive treatment. It is much simpler and more affordable to treat early decay then to fix a badly decayed tooth. Who can get a PRR? PRRs usually are applied to permanent teeth in children or adults when these teeth have very mild, early decay. PRRs are often used on molars, the large, bumpy teeth in the back of the mouth. The deep grooves in molars are prone to decay and need extra protection. How are PRRs applied? The dentist places a rubber dam around your tooth to keep the tooth dry. He or she then cleans the tooth well and removes the decayed part of the tooth.Resin material is flowed onto the tooth. The dentist may use tool called a curing light to harden the resin. A sealant is placed on the decay free parts of the tooth if needed. To get a PRR, visit the finest and best dental clinic in Hyderabad, Shambhala Dental Spa and Wellness.

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