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Active Rehabilitation Physiotherapy

If youu2019re suffering from a serious sports injury then Khalsa Physiotherapy Clinic will provide you with active rehabilitation physiotherapy at low rates. The team consists of 3 qualified physiotherapists and one fully qualified medical doctor who can help with all types of injuries including sprains, strains, tears, and fractures.<br>Read More: https://khalsaphysiotherapy.ca/active-rehabilitation-surrey/

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Active Rehabilitation Physiotherapy

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  1. ActiveRehabilitationSurrey

  2. WhyActiveRehabilitationor Physiotherapy? Weallknowphysiotherapyhelpsourbodytorecoverourbody musclesfromanykindofpain. All physiotherapyismade for different purposes. There are some of the essential points that whyyou need Active RehabilitationPhysiotherapy. Motor Vehicle Injury Recovery Enhance BodyStrength MoreFlexibility IncreaseCardioRespiratory Fitness MeetOurActiveRehabilitationor PhysiotherapySpecialist Ifyou’researchingfor anActive Rehabilitation specialistin Surrey,BCthenyoucantakeappointmentwithour professionals bycallingus CallUsNow

  3. QuickLinks WhoWeAre Fees KhalsaPhysiotherapyClinicputs special emphasisonhygiene, privacyandcleanliness.We provideindividual roomstoevery client forbetterprivacyduring assessment andsessions. Blog ContactUs    OpeningHours Association Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: --ByAppointment 10.00AM-8.00PM 10.00AM-2.00PM

  4. Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 10.00AM-8.00PM 10.00AM-2.00PM 10.00AM-5.00PM Closed ©CopyrightKhalsaPhysioTherapy 2021.AllRightReserved.DesignedandDevelopedbyBizFist

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