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Muon tagger

Muon tagger. Eun-Ju Jeon October 11, 2007 For MC analysis group. Tyvek. veto. air. PMT position – type I, II. PMT position - typeIII. 8 inch PMT installed on outside wall of Buffer - top: 12 ( 격자형태 ) - side: 27 (3 rings) - bottom: 12 ( 격자형태 ).

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Muon tagger

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  1. Muon tagger Eun-Ju Jeon October 11, 2007 For MC analysis group

  2. Tyvek veto air • PMT position – type I, II • PMT position - typeIII • 8 inch PMT installed on outside wall of Buffer • - top: 12 (격자형태) • - side: 27 (3 rings) • - bottom: 12 (격자형태) • 8 inch PMT installed on inside wall of Veto • - top: 12 (격자형태) • - side: 27 (3 rings) • - bottom: 12 (격자형태)

  3. Z=0 Z=2054 Z=-2054 Z=500 Z=-500 PMT position – I PMT position – II

  4. (0,0,4750) m track Tyvek veto air Muon tracks theta • It generates muon tracks with a cos2q • distribution of directions at (0,0,4750) phi px -20GeV 20GeV py 20GeV -20GeV pz -20GeV

  5. Muon tagging efficiency (I, II, III)

  6. Before improvement

  7. z0-z0’ y0-y0’ x0-x0’ x1-x1’ y1-y1’ z1-z1’ Results of vertex resolution: using PMT position II (old version) • Muons that pass through buffer and catcher region: nclst >= 2 Mean: -6.545 RMS: 261.9 Mean: -26.1 RMS: 276.9 [mm] [mm] [mm] Mean: -45.42 RMS: 1366 Mean: -19.61 RMS: 1388 [mm] [mm] [mm]

  8. Results of vertex resolution: using PMT position III (old version) • Muons that pass through buffer and catcher region: nclst >= 2 z0-z0’ y0-y0’ x0-x0’ [mm] [mm] [mm] Mean: -50.28 RMS: 1734 Mean: -68.66 RMS: 1667 x1-x1’ y1-y1’ z1-z1’ [mm] [mm] [mm]

  9. After improvement (what is changed?) • Select entering and outgoing clusters • nCluster>=2 인 경우 • Cluster의 평균시간이 가장 빠른 cluster를 entering cluster로 정하고, 가장 느린 cluster를 outgoing cluster로 정함. • Cluster를 구성하는 hitPMT들의 평균시간대신에 각각의 cluster에서 charge가 가장 큰 hitPMT들의 시간을 비교하여 가장 빠른 시간의 hitPMT를 포함하는 cluster를 entering cluster로 정하고, • 나머지 cluster들 중에서 charge가 가장 큰 hitPMT를 포함하는 cluster를 outgoing cluster로 정했음. • Find entering position and outgoing postion • entering position : entering cluster를 구성하는 hitPMT들의 position과 hitPMT_charge를 이용해서 전하중심점을 entering position으로 정함.  동일함. • outgoing position : outgoing cluster를 구성하는 hitPMT 중에서 hitPMT_charge가 가장큰전하의 1/10보다는 크고, hitPMT_time이 가장 작으나 entering cluster의 time보다는 큰 hitPMT의 위치를 outgoing position으로 정함.  entering position과 같은 방법을 사용했음.

  10. Results of vertex resolution: using PMT position I (improved) • Muons that pass through buffer and catcher region: nclst >= 2 Entry; 796 Mean: 23.8 RMS: 279.9 Entry: 796 Mean: 3.9 RMS: 264.0 Entry: 796 Mean: 93.2 RMS: 598.8 z0-z0’ y0-y0’ x0-x0’ [mm] [mm] [mm] Entry: 796 Mean: -67.3 RMS: 748.7 Entry: 796 Mean: -20.3 RMS: 810.2 Entry: 796 Mean: 1124 RMS: 1149 x1-x1’ y1-y1’ z1-z1’ [mm] [mm] [mm]

  11. Results of vertex resolution: using PMT position II (improved) • Muons that pass through buffer and catcher region: nclst >= 2 Entry; 809 Mean: 21.7 RMS: 225.6 Entry: 809 Mean: -72.8 RMS: 235.6 Entry: 809 Mean: -57.9 RMS: 384.9 z0-z0’ y0-y0’ x0-x0’ [mm] [mm] [mm] Entry: 809 Mean: -61.6 RMS: 726.9 Entry: 809 Mean: 83.9 RMS: 636.5 Entry: 809 Mean: 1108 RMS: 1050 x1-x1’ y1-y1’ z1-z1’ [mm] [mm] [mm]

  12. Results of vertex resolution: using PMT position II (improved: pick up PMT for outgoing) • Muons that pass through buffer and catcher region: nclst >= 2 Entry; 809 Mean: 21.7 RMS: 225.6 Entry: 809 Mean: -72.8 RMS: 235.6 Entry: 809 Mean: -57.9 RMS: 384.9 z0-z0’ y0-y0’ x0-x0’ [mm] [mm] [mm] Entry: 809 Mean: -58.7 RMS: 671.9 Entry: 809 Mean: 75.0 RMS: 624.2 Entry: 809 Mean: 1049 RMS: 1000. x1-x1’ y1-y1’ z1-z1’ [mm] [mm] [mm]

  13. Results of vertex resolution: using PMT position III (improved) • Muons that pass through buffer and catcher region: nclst >= 2 Entry; 810 Mean: 45.5 RMS: 897.5 Entry: 810 Mean: 15.2 RMS: 809.5 Entry: 810 Mean: 680.6 RMS: 1070 z0-z0’ y0-y0’ x0-x0’ [mm] [mm] [mm] Entry: 810 Mean: -134.1 RMS: 1012 Entry: 810 Mean: 36.9 RMS: 875.2 Entry: 810 Mean: 2.187 RMS: 1320 x1-x1’ y1-y1’ z1-z1’ [mm] [mm] [mm]

  14. Summary

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