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PI: Suzanna Randall Total Time: 300 hours

Estimating the Ages of Nearby Elliptical Galaxies from the Spectroscopic Analysis of Hot Evolved Stars in M 32. PI: Suzanna Randall Total Time: 300 hours

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PI: Suzanna Randall Total Time: 300 hours

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  1. Estimating the Ages of Nearby Elliptical Galaxies from the Spectroscopic Analysis of Hot Evolved Stars in M 32 PI:Suzanna Randall Total Time: 300 hours CoI’s: of order 10 stellar population synthesis people, experts in the spectroscopy of crowded fields and atmospheric modelling, stellar evolution theorists

  2. Scientific Rationale • Abrupt rise rise in the UV continuum emission of elliptical galaxies between 1200 and 2000 Å discovered in 1969 • Puzzling for a long time, the excess UV flux is now thought to originate principally from hot evolved (horizontal branch and post-horizontal branch) stars • However, the relative flux contribution from different types of hot evolved stars is debatable, and has a critical impact on the age, metallicity and evolutionary history of the galaxy UV upturn O’Connell, 1999

  3. Scientific Rationale Two main hypotheses: 1) Metal-poor:UV-upturn due to a very old metal-poor population - requires uncomfortably large age (up to 20 Gyrs) Z=0.06, 10 Gyrs Z=0.01, ~18 Gyrs 2) Metal-rich:results from an old metal-rich population - requires a number of assumptions, including an age ~ 10 Gyrs => If we know the characteristics and relative flux contribution of the stars making up the UV excess, we can constrain the age of the galaxy

  4. Immediate Objective • We propose to obtain UBV photometry for the 25’x25’ field observed in the UV by STIS/HST in M32 (Brown et al. 2000), and use this to construct a colour-magnitude diagram down to V~29 • From the photometry we will select of order 1000 hot evolved stars and obtain low-resolution spectroscopy • We will model the individual spectra with appropriate model atmospheres, and determine their evolutionary status (EHB, post AGB, post-early AGB, AGB Manqué) and atmospheric parameters • The measured relative abundance of different types of star will be an invaluable input for evolutionary models, finally solve the UV-upturn debate that has been raging for four decades, and ultimately lead to a robust age estimate for nearby elliptical galaxies

  5. Justification • The vast majority of the UV-bright sources detected in M32 are fainter than 26th magnitude and we expect extreme horizontal branch stars to be as faint as V~29 (Mv~4.5) in this galaxy, requiring an ELT-class telescope even for low S/N (~5) low-resolution (R~500) spectroscopy • We require a large field-of-view (~25’x25’) multi-object spectrograph (~1000 slits) with a high efficiency in the blue part of the optical spectrum, and AO to get a spatial resolution of ~1” (!) • This will be the first time that evolved hot stars have been spectroscopically classified in an external galaxy, making the data invaluable from a galaxy morphology, evolution and dynamics point of view

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