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HARD CANDY. Almost consist of sugar, addition small amount of coloring & flavoring agent Example : Peppermint sticks, fruit drops, clear mints Product in market  Fox, Formula Bon Free, Relaxa, etc. ROCK CANDY. Almost pure sugar

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  1. HARD CANDY • Almost consist of sugar, addition small amount of coloring & flavoring agent • Example : Peppermint sticks, fruit drops, clear mints • Product in market  Fox, Formula Bon Free, Relaxa, etc

  2. ROCK CANDY • Almost pure sugar • Contains large sugar crystals attached to on another. It’s made in a way similar to other candy recipes - the water and sugar are boiled first and then cooled slowly, without stirring, causing large crystals to form on a string or stick which provides a foreign object that they can cluster on. • The oldest & purest of candy. Originally used as medicine.

  3. MAKING ROCK CANDY WHAT YOU NEED ??? • 4 cups sugar 2 cups water • a small saucepan• a wooden spoon • a candy thermometer• a small, clean glass jar• a measuring cup • cotton string • a weight to hang on the string (such as a screw or galvanized washer)• waxed paper• a pencil (to suspend the string in the jar)

  4. MAKING ROCK CANDY • Boil the water • Dissolve sugar into water  stir solution  until bright • Remove solution  transfer into jar  jar closed with waxed paper • Ikat pemberat pd salah satu ujung tali&ikat ujung lain pd bag tengah pensilcelupkan pd lart gulapindahkantaruh pd waxed paperbiarkan • Pd akhir minggu kristal akan terbentuk

  5. BASIC RECIPE HARD CAnDY • 2 Cups sugar • 2/3  Cups light corn syrup • 3/4 Cups water • oil flavors (optional) • color (optional) • In a saucepan, blend sugar, corn syrup, water and coloring.   • Bring to a boil over high heat, until mixture reaches 298º F (147,780 C).  • Remove pan from heat.  Allow to stand until bubbles have simmered down.  • Add flavoring.  Stir to blend.  Mold into desired shapes

  6. SHINY HARD CANDY • Terbuat dr bhn pembentuk cair yg terdiri dr plg tidak 1 gula alkohol yg bukan gula alkohol monosakarida, air dan senyawa asam • Diproses pd suhu yg tdk menyebabkan hidrolisis gula alkohol o/asam ttpi melarutkan komponen asam pd larutan. • Menghasilkan produk yg transparan & pny nilai transmisi sebesar 47.8% at 450 nm, 50.9% at 550 nm dan 52.3% at 650 nm

  7. SUGAR-FREE HARD CANDY • Umumnya mengandung gula-gula alkohol seperti Xylitol, Maltitol, Isomalt dan HSH (Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate) • Digunakan dngn kadar 15%hny memberikan kalori sebanyak 4 kal/g • Dpt meningkatkan kemanisan dan stabilitas hard candy • Direkomendasikan u/ kondisi pemasakan suhu 3300 F (165,560C) selama 25 s dlm kondisi vakum • Contoh produkFormula BonFree

  8. HARD CANDY STORAGE (TAHAN 2 BULAN ATAU KURANG) • Disimpan dlm kemasan kedap udara atau dibungkus scr individual dgn waxed paper • U/ hard candy yg berukuran keciltaburi dgn ground sugar (bukan gula bubuk)dan simpan dlm wadah yg tertutup rapat • Hindari mencampur permen ygmenyerap air (ex.hard candy) dgn permen yg melepas air (ex.fudge)

  9. HARD CANDY STORAGE (TAHAN LBH DR 12 BULAN) • Umumnya permen dibekukan dgn baik u/penyimpanan yg lbh lama • Bungkus dgn plastic food wrap atau aluminium foil • Jika siap untuk dimakan, permen dithawing

  10. Automatic Continuous Vacuum Cooker

  11. Hard Candy Machine

  12. Forming Machine High Speed Automatically

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