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TOK: Problems of Knowledge : Language

TOK: Problems of Knowledge : Language. Pete. What are some of the problems?. Language is assumptive Language is symbolic Language is organic Language is multiple Language is complex Language is coded. Problem 1: Assumptions. Stated. Possible Pragmatic Assumptions. She loves me

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TOK: Problems of Knowledge : Language

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  1. TOK: Problems ofKnowledge: Language Pete

  2. Whataresomeofthe problems? • Language is assumptive • Language is symbolic • Language is organic • Language is multiple • Language is complex • Language is coded

  3. Problem 1: Assumptions Stated Possible Pragmatic Assumptions She loves me She loves me now She loves me this much She also loves him She also once said she loves skiing She loves me but not in that way I don’twant her to love me… • ’I love you’

  4. Problem 2:Symbolism Stated Possible symbolic interpretations She’sincrediblyhungry She’sincrediblygreedy She has weird taste in food She is boasting She won’treallyeat a horse, but she mighteat a monkey She has theright to eat a horse Etc. • ’I couldeat a horse’

  5. Problem 3: Language is organic Once Now Happy Postal deliveryworker Person ofcolour To access Cool / great / reallygood Wicked Like • Gay • Postman • Black • Gainaccess to • Bad • Good / fantastic • Sort of…

  6. Problem 4: Language is multiple Word In thecar In this way In time Come in Come in inthirdplace Move in He was in on it The ins and outs • in

  7. Problem 4 continued Word Comeabout Come by Comeclose Comedown Comeeasy Comeforth Come forward Comethrough Come off it! • Come

  8. Problem 5: Language is complex ”It is onlythroughculturalproduction (and this includesone’sownlanguagebehaviours) that onecancome to subjectivity. This is a processthroughwhichlinguisticminority students, by speakingtheirownlanguage, gainauthorshipoftheir world and areenabled to move from their present object to a subjectposition. However, this movementcannotoccurunless progressive educatorsacquirecriticaltools that wouldfacilitatethedevelopmentof a thoroughunderstandingofthemechanismsemployed by the dominant culture in thereproductionofthoseideological elements that devalue, disconfirm, and subjugatecultural and linguisticminority students.” (From: Macedo, Dendrinos and Gounari (2003) TheHegemonyofEnglish, Paradigm Publishers, Boulder Colorado, p.42)

  9. Problem 6: Language is coded He She (Not lookingup from her laptop computer) ”So drink it black.” She ”Youare not going to play golf.” (Openingthefridgedoor and lookinginside) ”There’snomilk.” He ”Is yourmothercoming this weekend?”

  10. Conclusions?

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