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Performance Enhancing Substances

Performance Enhancing Substances. Ben Johnson: Won gold for 100-metre in 9.79s Three days later, he lost it all. Ergogenic Aids. Ergogenic Aid – any substance, process, or procedure which may enhance performance through improved speed, strength, response time, or endurance

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Performance Enhancing Substances

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  1. Performance Enhancing Substances

  2. Ben Johnson: Won gold for 100-metre in 9.79s Three days later, he lost it all

  3. Ergogenic Aids • Ergogenic Aid – any substance, process, or procedure which may enhance performance through improved speed, strength, response time, or endurance • “Ergogenic” – Greek word means “to make work” • Can be physical and chemical

  4. The Desire to Win Drugs in Sports 1997 Poll of 198 US Olympians “If you could take a performance enhancing substance and not get caught, would you?” 98% = “Yes” Same 198 US Olympians “If you could take the same undetectable substance, win every competition for 5 years, and then die, would you?” Over 50% “Yes”

  5. History of Ergogenic Use • Ancient Greeks ate mushrooms • Aztec athletes ate human heart • Mayan Workers chewed on leaves of the Cocoa plant for energy to build temples • 1800’s – European cyclists took heroin and cocaine • 1904 Olympic marathon winner took strychnine and brandy during the race • 1920 Olympic 100 champ – drank sherry and raw egg • 1960 Olympics, 1967 Tour De France deaths from amphetamines

  6. Tom Simpson's last ride • Methampetamines

  7. Ergogenic Evolution - 1889 – Dr. Brown-Sequard injects himself with extract from dog and guinea pig testicles • 1905 – hormones discovered • 1935 – testosterone isolated • 1950’s – Russian weight lifters receiving injections • US physicians develop Dianabol to keep pace with the Russians • 1959 – first case of HS athlete taking steroids

  8. Ergogenic Evolution • 1960’s International Olympic Committee (IOC) banned steroid use and testing begins • 2000 Olympics - 27 Chinese athletes removed from team - Bulgarian and Romanian weight lifting teams expelled - USATF – alleged more than 12 positive tests not reported during the previous 2 years

  9. Steroids Encompass a wide variety of useful chemicals and hormones 1. Estrogens and progesterone in birth control pills 2. Cortisone and prednisone for muscle injury and asthma 3. Anabolic steroids for men with low hormone levels, delayed puberty, and body wasting diseases • Used to treat hypogonadism – condition in which the testes produce low testosterone levels

  10. “The Man Whose Arms Exploded” aka Gregg Valentino

  11. Common Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

  12. Androgenic = masculizing The primary androgen is TESTOSTERONE Anabolic = tissue building

  13. Routes of Administration • Orally - by mouth as a form of a pill • Injection - injected to the muscle by a needle (Users of steroids who shares needles are at a risk for serious infections such as Hepatitis A or B and HIV, the AIDS virus) • Cream or gel - rub on to the muscle area to where you want to enhance.

  14. Why Abuse Anabolic Steroids? • Improve athletic performance • To gain muscle mass and/or reduce body fat for desired physical appearance • Reduce recovery time between periods of strenuous activity • No proven effect on endurance or stamina

  15. Results of Unnatural Anabolic Steroid Use In Women: 1. increased muscularity 2. decreased body fat 3. deepening of voice 4. increased facial hair 5. male-pattern balding 6. enlargement of clitoris

  16. In Men: 1.decreased production of naturally occurring testosterone 2. gynecomastia – breast development 3. testicular atrophy 4. sterility 5. prostate hypertrophy 6. accelerated puberty in kids

  17. Side Effects in Both Sexes: 1. increase size/mass of muscle 2. acne, increased body hair or baldness 3. premature growth plate closure 4. liver and kidney problems 5. increased cholesterol and triglycerides 6. hypertension, atherosclerosis, blood clotting 7. possible liver cancer 8. tendon damage

  18. Anabolic Steroid abusers may take 10 – 100 times higher doses than the doses used for medical conditions Stacking – taking 2 or more different steroids

  19. Think its Natural?

  20. Negative Effects of Steroid Use Gynecomastia Body Acne= Backne (acne conglobata)

  21. Who was Lyle Alzado? - $30,000/year on steroids and growth hormone • 1991 diagnosed with brain cancer - In his account to Sports Illustrated, Alzado said he began taking anabolic steroids in college in 1969 and never stopped. "It wasn't worth it," Alzado wrote. "If you're on steroids or human growth hormone, stop. I should have." After receiving a radical chemotherapy treatment and contracting pneumonia, Alzado died on May 14, 1992 at his home in Portland, Ore. The official cause of death was complications from brain cancer.

  22. Human Growth Hormone (hGH) • Increases muscle size but not proportional strength • Increases strength/size of connective tissue, tendons, and ligaments • Cannot detect in urine • Very expensive – 1 yr supply for hormone deficient patients = $13,000

  23. Excessive hGH secretion: • During childhood = gigantism – person is abnormally tall • After puberty = acromegaly – disease characterized by widening of bones, arthritis, organ enlargement

  24. Signs of hGH use: • Increase size/mass of facial bones, especially jaw bones • Space between teeth • Increase size of hands and feet

  25. Blood Doping • Athletes are re-infused with their own Red Blood Cells (RBC’s) after a period of collection and storage • Erythropoietin – stimulates production of new RBC’s, naturally produced in kidneys • Ergogenic Effect = increased oxygen carrying capacity of blood due to increased RBC’s • Side Effects: • thickness of blood • increase risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots

  26. Hematocrit increases • Hematocrit – measurement of the percentage of packed RBC’s in a whole blood sample

  27. Stimulants • Amphetamines: • Adderall • Ritalin • Ephedrine Jason Grimsley revealed to federal investigators that amphetamines were readily available in clubhouses

  28. Ball Four • Thirty-six years before Jose Canseco introduced America to the goings-on in clubhouse bathroom stalls, Jim Bouton provided a more enlightened, well-written and entertaining look at baseball's frat-house culture in "Ball Four." Among other things, Bouton detailed the use of amphetamines -- or "greenies" -- as an antidote for everything from hangovers to garden-variety fatigue.

  29. During the Pittsburgh drug trials in the mid-1980s, outfielder John Milner testified that Willie Mays introduced him to a liquid amphetamine known as "red juice." More than a decade later, Tony Gwynn spoke of rampant amphetamine use in the game, and David Wells referred to greenies in his book, "Perfect I'm Not: Boomer on Beer, Brawls, Backaches, and Baseball."

  30. Amphetamines have become as much a part of the clubhouse scene as card games and hot feet. In a Kansas City Star story, former Royals outfielder Brian McRae recalled how there were always two pots of coffee brewing in the clubhouse -- one conventional and the other laced with stimulants. "I had to make sure I got the unleaded," McRae said. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/columns/story?columnist=crasnick_jerry&id=2289509

  31. Creatine • First used in 1992 by British sprinters • Ergogenic Effect: increase resting levels of creatine phosphate so as to regenerate more ATP and delay fatigue • Other than a small weight gain (muscle, water?), seems to be few short term side effects other than dehydration and cramping • Questions remain regarding long term effect on muscles (heart) and kidneys

  32. Ephedra (Ma Huang) • Increases alertness and euphoria • Often stacked with other stimulants such as caffeine • Decreased sense of fatigue • Often used as a weight loss supplement (Stacker 2)

  33. Ephedra (Ma Huang) • Bad Side Effects: - dehydration - loss of thermal autoregulation - tachycardia – rapid heartbeat - heat exhaustion and heat stroke

  34. Ephedra (Ma Huang) Linked to recent deaths: - Steve Bechler – Balt. Orioles pitcher heat stroke temp 108 degrees - Korey Stringer – Minnesota Vikings - Implicated in a “friendly fire” incident in Afganistan. As of October 2007, on list of banned substances for the military

  35. Steve Bechler Korey Stringer

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