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Creating wikis for Federal Libraries

Creating wikis for Federal Libraries. May 31, 2006 Instructor: Cindy Boeke cboeke@verizon.net. Wiki background Manage settings Edit text in wiki Create pages Format text Add hyperlinks Upload/link to files Insert artwork. Manage files Add/delete comments to wikis

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Creating wikis for Federal Libraries

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  1. Creating wikis for Federal Libraries May 31, 2006 Instructor: Cindy Boeke cboeke@verizon.net

  2. Wiki background Manage settings Edit text in wiki Create pages Format text Add hyperlinks Upload/link to files Insert artwork Manage files Add/delete comments to wikis Manage/administer wikis: tracking changes, tracking users and reverting to old pages Add blogs/RSS feeds Make your own wiki! Topics Covered

  3. Wiki Background • Wikis allow multiple people to contribute to a web site • No knowledge of HTML • Two kinds of wikis: hosted by commercial web service or hosted internally by your IT department • Changes are recorded; pages can be reverted • Part of Web 2.0/Library 2.0 movement

  4. Wiki Definitions • Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki • Web 2.0: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0 • Library 2:0: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_2.0 • Wiki software: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki_software

  5. Wiki History • First wiki 1995; Ward Cunningham, computer programmer • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiWikiWeb • Today Wiki Wiki Web (http://c2.com/cgi/wiki) has 35,000+ pages • Cunningham named WikiWikiWeb that way because he remembered a Honolulu International Airport counter employee telling him to take the so-called "Wiki Wiki" Chance RT-52 shuttle bus line that runs between the airport's terminals. "Wiki Wiki" is a reduplication of "wiki", a Hawaiian-language word for fast. Cunningham's idea was to make WikiWikiWeb's pages quickly editable by its users, so he initially thought about calling it "QuickWeb", but later changed his mind and dubbed it "WikiWikiWeb".(Wikipedia)

  6. Examples of Wikis • Wiki Wiki Web: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki • Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki: http://www.libsuccess.org/index.php?title=Main_Page • FLICC/FEDLINK Surveys: http://fedlinksurvey.pbwiki.com/ • FLICC/FEDLINK Environmental Scan: http://environmentalscan.pbwiki.com • Public PBWiki directory: http://pbwiki.com/public.php • MediaWiki: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Sites_using_MediaWiki/en

  7. AcroWiki (for palm pilots): http://www.acrocat.com/AcroWiki/ MoinMoin: http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de JotSpot (hosted): http://www.jot.com/index.php PBwiki (hosted): http://www.pbwiki.com PMwiki: http://www.pmwiki.org/ Schtuff.com (hosted): http://www.schtuff.com/ Seedwiki (hosted): http://www.seedwiki.com/ TikiWiki: http://tikiwiki.org/ Twiki: http://twiki.org/ WikiEngines (directory of wiki software and services): http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiEngines Wiki Farms http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiFarms (rated listing of services) WikiMedia: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki WikiPad (notebook-like application): http://www.jhorman.org/wikidPad/ Wikispaces (hosted): http://www.wikispaces.com/ Xwiki (provides database and CMS functionality): http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome Wiki Web Services/Software(listed alphabetically; not exhaustive)

  8. PBwiki Formatting Help Pages • Sandbox (shows formatting code you can cut/paste and experiment with): http://trainingwiki.pbwiki.com/SandBox • Wiki style (basic formatting codes): http://yummy.pbwiki.com/WikiStyle • Advanced wiki style (more formatting tips): http://pbwikicentral.pbwiki.com/AdvancedWikiStyle • PBWiki tips: http://pbwikicentral.pbwiki.com/PBwikiTips • PBWiki FAQs (formatting tips and questions): http://pbwikicentral.pbwiki.com/PBwikiFAQ • Templates: http://pbwikicentral.pbwiki.com/PBwikiFAQ • PBWiki: FAQs (general FAQs): http://pbwiki.com/faq.php

  9. Let’s Make a Wiki • We will use the free, hosted PBwiki service (http://www.pbwiki.com) • We will make generic wikis on the topic of “Library Information” • Open http://trainingwiki.pbwiki.com in one window • Hit Control N and open your training wiki URL in another window • login in to edit (on the top right) • note that your name/email are useful to track changes and communicate with others, but they are optional (if your wiki is public they will be viewable by the public) • Note the “notify me of changes”; if selected you will receive emails of any changes made to the wiki

  10. Wiki Settings • Click on “Settings” on the top right • Write a description of your wiki. • Change the title (how you want it to appear on the top of the home page; e.g. from libraryinformation1 to Library Information). Don’t forget to click “Save.” • Write a description for your wiki. • Click on “Publicize” and make tags for your wiki

  11. Wiki Settings (cont’d) • Click on “Share Tool” and note that you can send emails about your wiki via PBWiki. • Click on “Public/Private” and make your wiki public or keep it private (even if it is public, people will need the password to log on to edit). • Click on “Skins” and apply each skin to your wiki. Select the one you like best. • We will quickly go through the rest of the settings.

  12. Formatting Text • Click on “Edit Page.” • Select all the text and hit “delete.” • Type in a title, e.g. “Welcome to Library Information” (or your preferred opening) at the top; try putting !, !! and !!!, previewing each time to see what the different size headers look like. Select the ! Size.

  13. Formatting Text (cont’d) • Type in the following introductory text: “This Library Information wiki contains information, resources and documents on:” Hit enter twice. Click on the bullet icon in the formatting toolbar. Then type “Libraries, Library News, Library Science, Library Blogs (and two topics of your choice.)” • You will need to manually add the bullet (* ) before the last two items. • Hit Preview and then Save if you are satisfied.

  14. Formatting Text (cont’d) • Type in some more text that describes your wiki. • Make some of the words bold, italicized and/or underlined. • Type the following code before the title:<span style="color:blue;">Library Information </span>. Pick any color you want and type over the blue. Hit Preview and then Save. • Note: You can make a section of text a different color by putting the <div style="color:blue;"></div> around the text. • Note: If you cannot get a break between lines, type in <br>

  15. Make a SideBar • Type SideBar into the search box. Select “Create Page: SideBar” • Hit save and look at the SideBar by clicking on the Home button

  16. Making New Pages • Go into edit mode in the Sidebar. Look at the to the bullets on your page. Let’s make them into new pages on our sidebar. • Make them into new pages by putting [ ] around them or making them CamelBack, e.g. LibraryScience or [Library Science]; LibraryNews or [Library News], etc. • Hit save. • You now have new pages! • Note that some words, e.g. PowerPoint, McDonald, etc. will inadvertently create new pages you don’t want in the wiki since they are in “CamelBack” style. Type ~ before the word and it will not create a page.

  17. Making a Table of Contents • Click on your “Libraries” page. Type the title at the top with the ! headline size. • Type <toc> • Type some subheadings with the !! Headline size, e.g. Public Libraries, Academic Libraries, Research Libraries, Special Libraries • Hit Preview and Save.

  18. Inserting Hyperlinks Method 1 • Go back into Edit mode in your Libraries page. • Make several!! Headings with the names of two libraries, e.g. New York Public Library:, Library of Congress:, etc. • Go into a new window (Control N) and find their URLs in Google. Copy (Control C) and Paste (Control V) the URLs next to the names. • Hit Preview and make sure the URLs work.

  19. Inserting Hyperlinks Method 2 • Click on your Library News page. • Put in the ! Title and <toc> tag. • Type some!! Headers, e.g. News, Magazines, Bibliographies, etc. • Use the following format [URL|text]. This will show only your text, and allow users to click on the text to get to the link you provide. • For example, under Magazines type [http://libraryjournal.com|Library Journal] • Under news, make a link to ALA News (http://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=News) to make another link. • Under Bibliographies make a link for Current Cites (http://lists.webjunction.org/currentcites/) • Type one blank space before each link. You will create a box around it. • Hit Preview and Save.

  20. Uploading Files • Go to the Training Wiki and select “Files” from the top navigation bar. • Download the two PDF files (Cataloging and StreamingSurvey) by right-clicking and select “download to computer.” • Go to your wiki and select “Files.” Click the Browse button and find the files. Click Upload. Do this for both files.

  21. Inserting Files Method 1 • Go to your Library Science page. Type in the ! Title and <toc> tags. • Make some subheads, e.g. !! Cataloging and !! Digital Libraries. • Use the horizontal bar button in the formatting bar to separate the sections. • Put your cursor after Cataloging, and hit enter. Type in “Cataloging Paper:” Then click on the Cataloging PDF file to the right. • Hit Preview and Save.

  22. Inserting Files Method 2 • Under Digital Libraries, use the other linking method, e.g. [URL|text]. Exit out of the page and go to Files. • Right click on the Streaming Survey PDF file, and select “copy link location.” Exit from Files. • Go into edit mode in the Library Science page. Click Control V (paste). Put [ ] around the URL and type “|Streaming in Digital Libraries” • Your code should look like this: [http://trainingwiki.pbwiki.com/f/StreamingSurveyPaperBoekeFall04.pdf|Streaming in Digital Libraries]

  23. Inserting Artwork • Go to the training wiki and go under Files. • Download an image that you would like to use (right click and download). • Go to you wiki and click on Files. Upload the file to your wiki.

  24. Inserting Artwork (cont’d) • Go to the SideBar in Edit mode. • Put your cursor above your text. • Click on an image and hit Enter. • Center it using the center command in the formatting toolbar. • Save and Preview by going to the Home page. • This image will appear on every page in the SideBar.

  25. Inserting Artwork: Advanced • You can insert artwork anywhere. For example to the left of a title. • Note: If you want to align the title text to the right of the photo, use the following code after you click on/insert your preferred photo: <img src="img src=/f/LibrarySmall.jpg“ hspace="5" align="left">. • The code must be to the left of the header !, !!, !!! If you are using the photo by a header. • Note: If you want to link it to a web site, use the following code (with your preferred URL) <a href="http://www.loc.gov"><img src="img src=/f/LibrarySmall.jpg" hspace="5" align="left"></a> How to Make a Wiki

  26. Manage Files • Click on “Files” • Notice the x: if you click on this, you will delete the file • Notice the r: you can rename the file • Always keep track of the space on your wiki by checking the “space used”

  27. Add Comments to a wiki • Only people with the password who are logged in can make and view comments. • Go to your home page. • Click on “Comments” on the top navigation bar. • Write a comment and click “add comment.” • Click on “Home” again. You will see 1 comment listed. Click on “Comments.”

  28. Delete Comments • Go into the “Comments” • Click “delete comment.” • Anyone who is registered and logged on can delete comments. • Deleted comments are not tracked in the changes, e.g. they are deleted from the wiki without record.

  29. Finding All Pages/Deleting Pages • Sometimes people make pages that do not have links to them. • Look at bottom of any page. Under “Wiki Information,” click on “Show All Pages.” • You can delete or rename pages. • You can delete any or all revisions of a page

  30. Tracking Changes Method 1 • Look at bottom of any page. Under “Wiki Information,” click on “Show All Pages.” • Click on the + sign; you will see all changes that were made to each page • Remember, with this method you can delete pages and/or revisions of pages

  31. Tracking Changes Method 2 • Go to “Page Information” on the bottom left, and click “History.” • Here, you can compare versions of pages. • With this method, by clicking on any of the revisions, you can view them and/or revert to that revision

  32. Tracking Changes Method 3 • Go to “Wiki Information” and select “show changes to this wiki;” you will see all changes • With this method, you can click on users and see who made the changes • Click on the user’s name and you will get their email (if they have provided it).

  33. Add a Blog • Go to your Library Blog page. • Type in the ! Title and <toc> • In a new window type in http://www.blogwithoutalibrary.net/ • Click on “Feed” on the top right. • Copy (Control C) the link (http://www.blogwithoutalibrary.net/?feed=rss2)

  34. Add a Blog (cont’d) • In a new window (Control N) type in this feed: http://jade.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/feed/ • Select “Build” from the top navigation bar. • Paste (Control V) the RSS feed • Select 5 under number of items to display • Select 0 under “Show/Hide Descriptions” or the number of words you want to show, e.g. 100>1(or your feed will be very text heavy) • Preview your feed • Click on “Generate JavaScript”

  35. Add a Blog (cont’d) • Copy the script • Go back to your Library Blog page. Paste the script. • Preview and Save • The blog(s) you add will update themselves constantly. In effect you have an RSS reader on your wiki.

  36. Add a Blog • Go to the following blog and insert it into your Library Blog page: • http://meredith.wolfwater.com/wordpress/ Hint: Click on “My RSS Feed” to get the URL for the feed

  37. Make your own Wiki! • Go to http://pbwiki.com/ • Type in your wiki name. This will be your URL, so try to make it descriptive. PBwiki will let you know if it has already been taken. • Put in your email. • PBWiki immediately sends you an instruction to set up the password. • You are the administrator.

  38. That’s It! • Remember PBwiki is just one provider. • Check out the other services: Wiki Farms http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiFarms (rated listing of services) • Look at the MediaWiki directory and see what others are doing: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Sites_using_MediaWiki/en

  39. Please Provide Feedback • Don’t forget to fill out your evaluation form. • Please go to the Training Wiki and put some comments on the “How to Make a Wiki” page: http://trainingwiki.pbwiki.com/How%20to%20Make%20a%20Wiki • Send me an email with comments or questions: cboeke@verizon.net

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