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Disclaimer Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics (CCLM^2) Project

Disclaimer Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics (CCLM^2) Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2013–2014

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Disclaimer Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics (CCLM^2) Project

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  1. Disclaimer Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics(CCLM^2) Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2013–2014 This material was developed for the Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics project through the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Center for Mathematics and Science Education Research (CMSER). This material may be used by schools to support learning of teachers and staff provided appropriate attribution and acknowledgement of its source. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. This project was supported through a grant from the Wisconsin ESEA Title II Improving Teacher Quality Program.

  2. Keys to Quality Classroom Assessment: Sound Design Common Core Leadership in Mathematics (CCLM)

  3. Learning Targets and Success Criteria Learning Target: Reflect on formative assessment principles and evaluate your own assessment system.

  4. In September… We reviewed: • different types of learning targets. • writing clear and understandable learning targets in student friendly language. As we dig into assessment, do we know how to make connections between learning targets and assessments?

  5. Vignettes on Formative Assessment

  6. Vignettes Purpose: to deepen our understanding of formative assessment and recognize formative assessment strategies in classroom practice.

  7. Vignette Set B These vignettes illustrate extended examples of formative assessmentpractices and the interconnectedness of the various attributes. They should not be viewed as a complete description of formative assessment. It’s about how several strategies appear across vignettes. As individuals: • Read vignette. • Identify the formative assessment strategies. • Individually record strategies on paper. As a group: • Justify how classroom scenarios connect to Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning. (5 minutes max per vignette) Repeat process

  8. Reflections ….. Think a moment about the vignette discussion and in your notebook make a list of any formative assessment strategies that you would like to build into your classroom assessment system.

  9. Linking to Our Classroom Practice Graffiti Chart What ideas do you want to build into your own classroom assessment system?

  10. So, What is Formative Assessment?

  11. Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning Take a look at the back of your binders. Which strategies do you currently use? • Where am I going? • Where am I now? • How can I close the gap? Are the strategies for the teacher or the student?

  12. The Word “assess” Comes from the Latin verb ‘assidere’ meaning “to sit with”. In assessment one is supposed to sit with the learner. This implies it is something we do withandforstudents and not to students (Green, 1998)

  13. Reflecting on Chapter 4 Now that you have discussed these vignette’s in relation to Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning, it is time to connect this back to your classroom practice. Take out your homework. Switch papers: Read and comment on one assessment idea. Consider, how will you enrich your own assessment system?

  14. Big Ideas Graffiti Chart How will you enrich your own assessment system?

  15. Learning Targets and Success Criteria Learning Target: Reflect on formative assessment principles and evaluate your own assessment system.

  16. Homework First: Read Chapter 9pages 297 - 307. Second:Looking ahead …… Choose the unit you will be teaching in November. Read three lessons and write learning targets for these lessons. Targets will be discussed in small groups. Consider: Type of target, student friendly language, embedded math idea not a math activity

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