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Do you recognize these students?

21 st Century Literacies and Reading Apprenticeship Faculty Teaching and Learning Academy January 17, 2013. Do you recognize these students?. Have limited comprehension when they do read academic texts Are not held accountable for much reading

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Do you recognize these students?

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  1. 21st Century Literacies and Reading ApprenticeshipFaculty Teaching and Learning AcademyJanuary 17, 2013

  2. Do you recognize these students? Have limited comprehension when they do read academic texts Are not held accountable for much reading Expend a lot of energy covering up what they don’t understand • Are inexperienced but not beginning readers • View reading as only a school-based activity • Lack confidence and are mentally passive with reading • Appear to have limited knowledge of topics in school texts

  3. 21st century learning goals • Tony Wagner, Seven Survival Skills • AACU, Essential Learning Outcomes • NAIS, Seven Essential Capacities • Common Core State Standards • Knowledge-able rather than just “knowledgeable” (Michael Wesch)

  4. WestEd’sStrategic Literacy Initiative (SLI) • A professional development and research organization focusing on improving academic literacy in diverse populations of adolescents and post-secondary students using Reading Apprenticeship, a research-based instructional framework.

  5. Reading Apprenticeship • A partnership of expertise between the teacher and students, drawing on what content area teachers know and do as skilled discipline-based readers and on learners’ unique and often underestimated strengths

  6. Our Goals with Reading Apprenticeship: • Help students learn to read and think like insiders (experts) in a subject area • Overcome our own expert blind spot – blending subject-area knowledge with important understandings of how novices acquire the conventions, rituals, and expectations of discourse in that field

  7. Disciplinary expertise matters

  8. Dimensions of Reading Apprenticeship

  9. Metacognitive conversation provides a powerful and productive window: • For students, into the teacher’s and other students’ reading processes, so theycan broaden their repertoire of strategies and deepen their subject area knowledge. • For teachers into students’ reading processes, so they can plan instruction to focus on students’ actual learning needs.

  10. Student Case Inquiry • We’re going to experience some metacognitive conversation with an undergraduate “Medical Terminology” text before watching a student grapple with the text to advance our inquiry into how to best support students’ academic literacy development.

  11. Think Aloud • Helps students to notice and say when they are confused, and use each other as resources for making meaning • Helps you to practice making your thinking visible, so you can model effective ways of reading texts in your discipline for students • Helps to give names to the cognitive strategies that we use to comprehend text • Helps to notice text structures and how we navigate various genres to build confidence, range, and stamina

  12. Think Aloud with Medical Terminology Textbook

  13. Think Aloud in Pairs with “Key Terms”

  14. Debrief Think Aloud • What was the Think-Aloud experience like? • What did you notice you or your partner doing? • Could you see yourself trying a Think Aloud with your students and your class text(s)?

  15. Debrief Think Aloud

  16. Debrief Think Aloud

  17. Talking to the Text This strategy is basically a think aloud on paper. It differs from think aloud in two key ways: • the individual reflection on the reading process is written, not spoken • the metacognitive conversation is delayed until after the individual reading and reflecting

  18. Talk to the Text with “Introduction”

  19. Talk to the Text with Diagram

  20. Debrief Talking to the Text • How did it feel to Talk to the Text? • What similarities and differences did you notice about Thinking Aloud and Talking to the Text? • What might be some of the benefits and burdens of engaging students in Talking to the Text in your own classes?

  21. What are our goals in looking at case studies of students reading? • To see how students understand and approach the kinds of challenging reading materials and tasks they encounter in school • To see the resources—knowledge, strategies, experiences, habits of mind, interests and motivations—students bring to these challenging reading materials and tasks • To see how well these resources serve them • To see what kinds of instructional support students will need to meet this challenging reading more successfully and to continue to develop as readers

  22. Debrief Natasha • What are some highlights from your small group discussions? • What do we see of Natasha’s strengths as a reader? • What supports could build on these strengths and enhance her academic success?

  23. Invitation to ongoing inquiry • 3CSN is supporting a statewide Community of Practice in Reading Apprenticeship, the Reading Apprenticeship Project • 1-day and ½ day follow up workshops • 3-day seminar • 3-day STEM/ CTE seminar • Summer Leadership training for RA facilitators • Six-week online course

  24. We welcome your feedback! • What worked well to support your learning and instructional planning in today’s workshop? • What questions remain? • Would you like more information about Reading Apprenticeship professional learning? • mihogan@pasadena.edu

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