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Technology and H2O

Technology and H2O. Questions:. How do you supply drinking water to the population and are there sufficient supplies? How does your country process the water for drinking and what technology does this involve?

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Technology and H2O

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  1. Technology and H2O

  2. Questions: How do you supply drinking water to the population and are there sufficient supplies? How does your country process the water for drinking and what technology does this involve? Where does the waste water go in your country? Are there any regulations for water usage/wastage/recycling? Are there projects in your country where you use water to produce power? Water is often used to fight fires, how important is this in your country?, How many fire fighters are there? What equipment do they use? Is flooding/droughts a problem in your country? Can you display the information regarding rainfall, flooding etc diagramatically How do You store large quantities of water in your country? And distribute it across the country, if this is required? Are there any other industries that utilise water?

  3. How do you supply drinking water to the population and are there sufficient supplies? According to the System of the Investigations on the Waters [Sia], the Italian communes that result endowed with nets of distribution of the drinkable water in 1999 are 99,5%; those that are unprovided of it of drinkable water are supplied through the supplying. In 1999 the water disbursed in Italy, is equal to 5,61 million meters cubes. In every region the percentagechangesbecauseof the climate, availabilityof water resources. (Adriano Palace)

  4. How does your country process the water for drinking and what technology does this involve? In Italy we use some trials to purify the water. Water can came from the aquifers, wells, rivers and lakes. On the occasion of this project, we visited ' Gabriele’s source' that is in our city. Picked water is poured in metallic containers with a substance called 'aluminum sulfate‘. This substance forms some flakes , that like some magnets attract the dirty particles that becomes heavy and falling at the end of the containers, from where they come then, you get further.Gone out of the pot, the water, is filtered and made clear. If there are some bacteriasinside of it, the water is mixed to the chlorine killing them. When the water becomes drinkable is introduced in pipes and then to the houses of the citizens.

  5. Where does the waste water go in your country? Are there any regulations for water usage/wastage/recycling? The treatment of waste water is a complex trial that includes the safeguard of the waters and the prevention of environmental damages. The Italian normative in subject of waters predisposes, with the D.Lgs. May 11 th 1999, n.152 and s.m.the., a suit program of guardianship of the water bodies from the pollution. The decree establishes the treatment of the waters urban reflue, that constitutes in this circle the norm of reference for States members of the UE. As well as disciplining the unloadings maintaining, at least in a first transitory phase, values limit of concentration for the various contained substances in the water waste, the decree assembles the attention on the quality of the body water receptor foreseeing, the development of activity of monitoringfor the quantification of the environmental damage practiced by the man and offering the bases for the search of systems of purification "appropriate" in base to specific objectives of quality of the natural waters.

  6. Waste water of : Gabriele’s source

  7. Are there projects in your country where you use water to produce power? Some researchers of the Italian institute of technology in Milan, will realize a device photo electrochemical ables to separate the hydrogen from the water, to produce clean energy. The device in matter will be constituted by particular organic and inorganic semiconductors that to contact with the water should succeed in separating the hydrogen to efficient and economic way without producing polluting substances. To produce clean energy thanks to the results of this search it would facilitate, according to the scientists, the progressive substitution of the sources fossils with the hydrogen.

  8. Water is often used to fight fires, how important is this in your country? How many fire fighters are there? What equipment do they use? In Italy the water's use to fight the fires is essential, above all in summer where the temperatures are very warm and the most frequent fires. In our country the organization preceded to the fireproof service and of urgent technical Help is the national Body of the officers of the fire, dependent from the Department of the Interior, that work on the whole national territory. The motor vehicle more used for the interventions, is him to.P.S. (auto pumps reservoir) that it is a particular truck that a reservoir of water has with a pomp for the fires, of the respirators to go to places full of smoke, staircases to reach windows and balconies and a series of utensils to effect particular manoeuvres to enter to local, to scatter foam on the fires and a lot of other things. The helicopters are used for the search of people in the inaccessible zones, to quickly bring the divers in the zone of the intervention, to effect recognitions to transport men and materials; in the summers they are used for the turning off of the fires of wood. The officers of the fire wear uniforms and jackets of particular said fabrics ignifughi (don't catch fire), and you/they have applied some colored strips to be at night also visible or with scarce visibility.

  9. Fire fighters Truck At job!

  10. Is flooding/droughts a problem in your country? Can you display the information regarding rainfall, flooding etc diagramatically. Yes, they are. Some weeks ago, therewas a flooding in Sardegna and itmade a lotofdisasters and death. Alsodroughtsis a problembutofsmallerentity.

  11. How do you store large quantities of water in your country? and distribute it across the country, if this is required? It arrives through a net of pipes that have different greatness.The pipes distribute the water in the aqueducts and these last they furnish it to the autoclave. The water that is furnished it is pure, drinkable, but he dirties through the autoclaves that every six months should be clean. If they are not cleaned, water becomes a risk for the inhabitants. An aquifer (Gabriele’s source). All water of Palermo comesfromhere.

  12. Gabriele’s source

  13. Are there any other industries that utilise water? 54% of the energy produced by renewable sources in Italy is from the hydroelectric one. It is calculated that the hydroelectric potentiality of the Italian territory could be of around 65 TW. The comparison with the produced energy points out that the potential of the hydroelectric resource in our Country is practically exploited to 90% and it is almost reached the limit of the maximum possible exploitation. This source has contributed to the start of the Italian industrialization between the eight hundred and the Nine hundred.

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