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IMPACT Agents for Logistics

IMPACT Agents for Logistics. T.J. Rogers, V.S. Subrahmanian Department of Computer Science University of Maryland {rogers,vs}@cs.umd.edu. 1. Credits. Joint effort with: US Army Logistics Integration Agency (POCs: Bobby White, Jeffrey Shields, Miranda Moore)

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IMPACT Agents for Logistics

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  1. IMPACT Agents for Logistics T.J. Rogers, V.S. Subrahmanian Department of Computer Science University of Maryland {rogers,vs}@cs.umd.edu 1

  2. Credits • Joint effort with: • US Army Logistics Integration Agency (POCs: Bobby White, Jeffrey Shields, Miranda Moore) • US Military Academy, West Point (POCs: LTC. Jack Marin, LTC. Ron Byrnes, and MAJ. Joseph Schafer) • University of Maryland (POCs: T.J. Rogers, V.S.Subrahmanian)

  3. Army Logistics Integration Agency(LIA) • LIA has a “Virtual Operations Center” concept which will: • allow analysts integrated access to a variety of data sources (AWR, AA) • allow analysts to “pipe” results of data access to planning, analysis and visualization tools. • allow analysts to register mission-critical conditions they need to track and couple actions to the evaluation of such conditions. Conditions to Track Data/software sources analysts updates

  4. NT 4.0 Server Solaris 2.5 Workstation Equip RU and APS-LOC Files Network Solaris 2,5 Workstation LOGTADDS Files Java Client Web and Remote HERMES Servers Army War Reserves Data Sets • 4 AWR data sets used so far: • LOGTAADS data sets - 2 files containing multi-table, multi-record structures. • ORACLE data - 2 data sets. • Distributed machines, running two OSs - Unix and NT. • Logisticians can specify conditions they want to monitor. • Logisticians can specify actions (e.g. send-mail, post web page, etc.) to be taken when these conditions are triggered.

  5. Example • John Smith wants to track the quantity of supply items in the “P” category on the ship “Alexandria”. • When the quantity drops below an 95% fill (I.e. the Alexandria has less than 95% of the “P” items it should have), he wants an email sent to him • Two steps: • John Smith interacts with IMPACT Logistics Agent Interface (see right). • IMPACT Logistics Agent tracks changes to data for all conditions and triggers actions. Logistics Agent Interface IMPACTLogistics Agent Condition Action Base Data agents

  6. Commander Interface Insert Jason’s screendump here

  7. ActionLog Screendump Insert screendump of action log (Rob)

  8. Example action status set Insert screendump from AgentDE

  9. Timing data Insert screendump from AgentDE

  10. Logistics Agent, I Data agent Logistics Agent Network Step 1: Data agent ships update info to Logistics Agent.

  11. Logistics Agent, II Mediator Network Step 2:Logistics agent evaluates conditions of interest to different users.

  12. Logistics Agent, III Mediator Network Step 3: Logistics Agent takes appropriate actions (e.g. providing email notifications, performing computations, etc.)

  13. Work to be Performed in year 3 • Develop incremental algorithm to evaluate effect of data changes on conditions of interest. • Develop algorithm to “merge” multiple interests together so as to reduce system load. • Extend the range of AWR data sets. • Extend the range of analytic, planning and decision tools used in AWR Logistics Agent. • Extend the range of actions taken by AWR agent to handle database updates (already supported in IMPACT, but not in this application).

  14. Addendum: Connection interface

  15. Addendum:Action method library

  16. Addendum:Agent Roost view-port

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