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Fostering Recognition at Work

Fostering Recognition at Work. Yvonne R Horton Associate Dean & Associate Director March 9, 2010.

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Fostering Recognition at Work

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  1. Fostering Recognition at Work

    Yvonne R Horton Associate Dean & Associate Director March 9, 2010
  2. In organizations, real power and energy is generated through relationships. The patterns of relationships and the capacities to form them are more important than tasks, functions, roles and positions. - Margaret Wheatley
  3. How much appreciation do you experience every day at work?

    Do you walk into an atmosphere each morning that’s filled with gratitude and appreciation?
  4. Depreciation Mindset

    Weakens people Undermines morale Steals the joy from their work Destroys teamwork Creates anxiety Breeds an environment of negativity
  5. The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. - William James
  6. You have a special power to evoke workplace anxiety, and an equal capacity for helping colleagues deal with it.
  7. “Assume the best about us and give us some appreciation.”

  8. Gratitude Changes Your Mindset

  9. The Appreciation Mindset

    What would happen if YOU cultivated an Attitude of Gratitude at Work? How would you go about doing this?
  10. Recognition of Cooperative Extension Colleagues Rewards was identified as a system in need of greater alignment during last RBC module Focus on recognition of colleagues is a way to put responsibility-based culture into practice Stroke theory – we do our best when appreciated for what we do
  11. The Business Case for Effective Recognition Support of purpose, vision, and values Increased performance Job satisfaction Retention
  12. What would you like to be recognized for?
  13. Existing Opportunities for Recognition within Our Systems

    Current Formal Awards On-going Procedures…Part of doing “our business” Looking Across a Career Prompts & Tools are Needed
  14. The purpose of recognition in Cooperative Extension is to celebrate, motivate, recognize and thank colleagues for their work, initiative, creativity and spirit in support of our purpose, vision and values.
  15. You can take the responsibility for carrying the spirit of appreciation each day to your office, letting the power of gratitude and recognition revitalize your workplace.
  16. Recognition Guidelines

    As soon As sincerely As specifically As Personally As Positively As Proactively
  17. Day-to-Day Recognition

    Personally thanked for doing good work-88% Being given a verbal praising- 86% Being sought out to be commended- 82% Praising a person for good work in front of another person-61%
  18. Plan Before You recognize

    What Who When Where How
  19. Recognition Ideas

    Personal note Telephone call Regular expression of appreciation Email recognizing their presentation at a recent workshop Length-of-service recognition Birthday card Pot Luck Catch them carrying out organizational values and strategic directions Sincere thank you for a job well done!
  20. Manager Managed Reciprocal Desire to Achieve Leadership Relationship Goal-Setting Communication Trust Accountability Recognition Achievement Skill Development Responsibility Advancement Growth Reinforcement of Self-Image and Proof of Accomplishment Elton, Chester and Gostick, Adrian. (2009). The Carrot Principle. New York: Free Press.
  21. Commitment and Performance Recognition Business Results To Recognition-Driven Leadership Engagement of Individuals Self- Actualization Mutually Beneficial Success Elton, Chester and Gostick, Adrian. (2009). The Carrot Principle. New York: Free Press.
  22. “Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.” - G.B. Stern
  23. References

    Dattner, Ben. (2009, March 27). The Baggage We Bring To Work Each Day. Retrieved January 21, 2010, from Business Week website: http://www.businessweek.com/managing/content/mar2009/ca20090327_480483.htm Elton, Chester and Gostick, Adrian. (2009). The Carrot Principle. New York: Free Press. Emmons, Robert. (2007). Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Fontana, Anita. How to Cultivate Gratitude in the Workplace.Retrieved November 25, 2009, from Hodu website: http://www.hodu.com/gratitude_workplaces.shtml Garrison, Laura. (2008, December 9). Improve Office Morale With Gratitude and Teamwork. Retrieved November 25, 2009 from Articles Base website: http://articlesbase.com/print/676400. Nelson, Bob. 1001 Ways to Reward Employees. 1st. New York, NY: Workman Publishing, 2005. Print. Nelson, Bob, and Dean Spitzer. The Complete Guide: The 1001 Rewards & Recognition Fieldbook. 1st ed. New York, NY: Workman Publishing Company, Inc., 2003. Print. Schwartz, Tony and Catherine McCarthy. (2007, October). Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time. Retrieved January 21, 2010, from Harvard Business Review Reprints website: http://hbr.org/2007/10/manage-your-energy-not-your-time/ar/1 Su, Tina. (2007, October 15). Attitude of Gratitude: 5 Tools for Appreciation. Retrieved November 25, 2009, from Think Simple Now website: http://thinksimplenow.com/happiness-of-gratitude-5-tools-for-appreciation/ Thornton, Emily. (2009, September 14). A Message to Managers: Be Positive—Or Else! Retrieved January 21, 2010, from Business Week website: http://blogs.businessweek.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/15500.1336314645 Wheatley, Margaret J. (2005). Finding Our Way. California: Berrett-Koehler Publishing.
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