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2,000 ly away

2,300 ly away. 2,000 ly away. Cluster of galaxies with gravitational lensing. HST. p.390. Very Hot at the beginning. 10 32 ºK Very rapid expansion (inflationary universe). Expansion is cooling Up to 10 -6 sec quark lepton soup.

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2,000 ly away

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2,300 ly away 2,000 ly away

  2. Cluster of galaxies with gravitational lensing HST p.390

  3. Very Hot at the beginning. 1032ºK Very rapid expansion (inflationary universe). Expansion is cooling Up to 10-6 sec quark lepton soup. 10-6 sec to 1 sec form protons, electron, anti-protons, anti-electrons, etc. 1 sec to 3 min Nuclear synthesis D, He, Li, etc 106 years Universe became transparent at 3,000ºK when p + e  Hydrogen atom Early UniverseFirst Few Minutes

  4. Fred Hoyle He coined the words Big Bang Fig. 19-2, p.392

  5. Discoverers of Microwave Background Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson Won Nobel prize in 1978 Fig. 19-3, p.393

  6. COBE 1989 Measured microwave background The new satellite is WMAP Fig. 19-4, p.393

  7. T = 2.7°K Background radiation Fig. 19-5, p.393

  8. At 3,000ºK the universe became transparent and has cooled now to about 3ºK. 106 years Now Fig. 19-6, p.394

  9. Cygnus X1 Difference in color is due to Sun motion in galaxy Fig. 19-7b, p.395

  10. Is the Universe FLAT, that is Ω = 1. Ω = ρ/ρc. ρc = 3 H²/8пG = 4 × 10-30 g/cm³. Boomerang measured the flatness of the Universe and it is flat, ie Ω = 1. Fig. 19-10, p.396

  11. Temperature variation in the micro (10-6) Kelvin range Or 1 part per million. At 1 part per 100,000 Universe is very smooth. These variations were the seeds of galaxies Fig. 19-12b, p.398

  12. At the beginning only quarks and leptons existed. Fig. 19-13, p.400

  13. Big Bang predictions He / H = 25% and D / H = 0.005% Ratios measured are as predicted. Fig. 19-17, p.402

  14. Uniformity of microwave background (Horizon problem) Universe at critical density (Flatness problem) Ω = 1. Homogeneity problem – not very homogeneous Why are there more protons than antiprotons. First two problems are solved by Inflationary Model. Big Bang Problems

  15. Inflationary theory predicts Ω = 1 and uniform microwave background Fig. 19-20, p.404

  16. Very rapid expansion at about 10-35 second by a factor of 1050!!! Universe initially was very small so uniform background of microwave is no more a problem. Very rapid expansion also flattens the universe (Ω=1). Just like the surface of a large balloon looks flat. Inflationary Universe

  17. Black hole size R α Mass (M) Density = M / V = M / (4/3)πR³ α M / M³ α 1 / M² If Universe at critical density (Ω = 1) then universe is a black hole. Universe started with a quantum blip. There may be many universes. Is the Universe a Black Hole?

  18. The total energy of the Universe is zero (to the accuracy we can measure). Positive energy is mass and dark energy. Negative energy is gravity. Sum is zero! Universe started with a quantum blip! There can be other universes!!! Birth of the Universe

  19. What is dark matter? What is the mysterious force due to dark energy? If the Universe started from a hot soup, then the number of protons and anti-protons should be the same. It is not! Why? Are there intelligent beings in the Universe besides Earth? Unresolvedmajor topics

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