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Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)

Pre-Bid Conference. Purchase of Surface Applied Truncated Dome Tile. Invitation for Bid/Contract Number – IFB FQ13092/ER. September 3, 2013 - 3:00 PM JGB 4B-01. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA). Opening Remarks Silence all Cell phones and pagers

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Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)

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  1. Pre-Bid Conference Purchase of Surface Applied Truncated Dome Tile Invitation for Bid/Contract Number – IFB FQ13092/ER September 3, 2013 - 3:00 PM JGB 4B-01 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)

  2. Opening Remarks • Silence all Cell phones and pagers • This presentation and attendee log will be provided on WMATA.com website • Safety Tip: “STAIRS: Avoid distractions. Talking to someone, using your cellphone, reading, looking somewhere else, etc. increases your risks of falling down the stairs. Save these activities for later when you are no longer using the stairs. You protect yourself from accident”

  3. Introduction of WMATA Personnel • James Perkowski, PRMT – Contracting Officer • Guzel Gufranova, PRMT – Contract Administrator • Patel Hiten, CENI PRGM – Program Management • Chen Zhou, CENI PRGM – Program Management • Delan Johnson, DBE – DBE Compliance Specialist • Anthony (Don) Gilmour – SAFETY – Safety Officer • Jim Hamilton – RISK - Insurance CENI – Chief Infrastructure Service PRGM – Program Management DBE – Disadvantage Business Enterprise PRMT – Office of Procurement and Materials SAFE – System Safety & Environmental Management

  4. Purpose • The purpose of the conference will be to provide and overview of the project, technical and contractual requirements, answer questions regarding the solicitation documents. • After today’s conference, if you have additional questions, they must be received via electronic mail no later than 1 P.M., September 6, 2013 (p.15). Email your questions to Contract Administrator eroper@wmata.com

  5. Purpose • To promote a common understanding of: • Authority’s requirements in IFB FQ13092/ER • Solicitation Instructions • To provide answers to questions regarding the IFB

  6. Disclaimer Regarding Changes to the Solicitation The Pre-Bid Conference is for information purposes only. It may answer some Bidders’ questions. Statements or representations made during the Conference are not legally binding. Changes resulting from this Conference are official only if issued through an Amendment to the IFB.

  7. WMATA.com All Contractors must register with WMATA at www.wmata.com “New Vendor Registration. Questions on Vendor Registration – contact Phillip Barrett Jr on 202-962-2292 WMATA solicitations are publicized at www.wmata.com

  8. BIDDING MATERIAL (p.6 of the IFB) • 1 Original Copy of the following: • Solicitation, Offer & Award Form p.11 • Unit Price Schedule (Continuation of Solicitation, Offer & Award Form) p.12 • Acknowledgement of Amendments Form p.13 • Representations and Certifications pp. 24-31 • Appendix B: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Forms. B-1 Form (Schedule of DBE participation), B-2 Form (Letter of Intent), B-3 Form (DBE unavailability certification - only if applicable!). BASIS FOR AWARD (p.20): The Authority will award a contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder whose bid conforms to this Invitation for Bids. Proposals may be received prior to, but no later than 2:00 PM, September 11, 2013

  9. Important to note • Notice to bidders on p.8. Please carefully review the Notice to Bidders of the IFB. The Notice to Bidders addresses common problems found in previous bids that may cause bid rejection. • No exceptions: Bidders are cautioned to not take exceptions or qualify their bid. Any questions regarding the solicitation should be made in writing to the Contracting Officer no  later than five (5) business days prior to the bid opening.   • ENVELOPES:Must be sent to the address as found on p.13. Pg.16-Offers shall be enclosed in sealed envelopes. The Offeror shall show the hour and date specified in the solicitation for receipt (2:00 P.M. September 11, 2013), the solicitation number (IFB FQ13092/ER), and the full legal name and address of the Offeror on the face of the envelope. The outside of the envelope containing the offer shall also be marked to show the amendments received.

  10. PRE-AWARD INFORMATION: - Shall not be submitted with the bid. After the bid opening, only the apparent lowest bidder will be requested to submit Pre-Award Information. Review pp.19-20 of the IFB for list of pre-award documents required. Unloading of the tiles is NOT REQUIRED for this IFB. The apparent lowest responsive bidder shall be ready to submit the pre-award information within five (5) calendar days after and if requested by the Authority.- Insurance. P. 80-81 Contractor shall furnish evidence of all required insurance prior to the start of any work on Authority property.

  11. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises It is the policy of WMATA, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE’s) shall have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in performing federally -assisted contracts, including contractors and subcontractors at any tier.

  12. AWARD Apparent Low Bidder submits Pre-Award Information within 5 days after Bid Opening WMATA will have 90 calendar days from latest revised date to award the Contract p.18

  13. Period of Performance • a) Two (2) shipments are required under the Contract as follows: • Shipment 1: 8000 SF, Delivery Date: Award + sixty (60) calendar days • Shipment 2: 7000 SF, Delivery Date: Award + ninety (90) calendar days • The Contractor shall be fully responsible for delivering the material at the designated area specified below under Delivery location.

  14. Schedule SCHEDULE EVENTDATE IFB ReleaseAugust 23, 2013 Pre-Bid Conference September 3, 2013 Bidders’ Questions final date September 6, 2013 1:00PM Deadline for Bid Submission September 11, 2013 @ 2PM Contract Execution October 1-13, 2013 Dates Subject to Change

  15. Questions

  16. Thank you!

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