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Shareholder Group: Private Industry

Shareholder Group: Private Industry. EVERYTHING’S CONNECTED. Environmental Consulting’s Concern/Perspective on Florida’s Coral Reef Tract. Environmental Consulting’s Interactions with Coral Reefs. Indirect:

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Shareholder Group: Private Industry

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  1. Shareholder Group: Private Industry EVERYTHING’S CONNECTED Environmental Consulting’s Concern/Perspective on Florida’s Coral Reef Tract

  2. Environmental Consulting’s Interactionswith Coral Reefs Indirect: Advising Clients: Avoid or minimize impacts to reefs, mangroves or seagrass – they’re all connected…. Direct: Surveys: Pre- & Post-Impact Monitoring: Follow-up on transplanting or reconstruction of a reef Research: Done by monitoring to show improvement or decline, number of corals in an area Recreation

  3. Environmental Consulting’s Key Concerns with Coral Reefs I. Water Quality & Biodiversity: Water Quality – Factor that is degrading reefs Outcome: Can cause excess algae growth - smothers corals Biodiversity – declines as corals die since habitat cannot support fish, invertebrates, etc. Survival of the fittest.

  4. Environmental Consulting’s Key Concerns with Coral Reefs II. Economic Indicators: Reefs are an Economic Driver in South Florida: 2000-2001 – Diving industry of S. Fla. generated: $4.4 billion in local sales* ~$2 billion in local income* 70,400 full and part time jobs* “Gateway to the Caribbean” “Yachting Capital of the World” “Venice of America” *NOAA CRCP: Tourism & Recreation

  5. Comparative Studies for Preservation of Coral Reefs • Shark Finning vs. Shark Dives Finning: 73 million sharks killed annually primarily for their fins. We all know this is not sustainable and it is now illegal in many countries. Single dead reef shark would only bring an estimated US$108. Shark Dives: Analysis of Palau’sshark-diving industry showed an estimated value of an individual reef shark was US$179,000 (annual) or US$1.9 million (over its lifetime).

  6. Comparative Studies for Preservation of Coral Reefs 2. Mangrove Swamp/Forest vs. Shrimp Farm Mangrove Swamp Functions: Provides $14,450/acre* 1. Storm Protection 2. Shore Stabilization 3. Products (wood, fish) 4. Nursery/Spawning Grounds 5. Absorb CO2 6. Counteract sea level rise by building up the land Shrimp Farm Functions: Provides $3,376/acre BUT Pollution & land degradation cost $2,200/acre SO REALLY Net income of $1,176/acre* *Wright, Boorse. Environmental Science, 2011.

  7. Study Indicating the Value of Coral ReefsApril 9, 2014 Center for American Progress and Oxfam America Release New Report, Finds Every Dollar Invested by Taxpayers in Coastal Restoration Projects Returns $15 in Economic Benefits -For 3 restoration projects funded in 2009 by stimulus grants from NOAA Benefits of healthy coastal ecosystems: 1.filter pollution 2. buffer coasts against extreme weather 3. serve as nurseries that sustain fisheries 4. support tourism & recreation 5. support the culture of coastal communities Long-Term Payout of Restored Coastal Ecosystems: $1 million invested in coastal restoration creates 17.1 jobs on average VS. $1 million invested in offshore oil and gas creates 8.9 jobs on average

  8. Environmental Consulting’s Desires/Wishes for Coral Reefs Preservation Help what is left of the coral reef and enable it to revitalize by: 1. Reducing pollution via runoff on the reefs 2. Lionfish rodeos 3. Education: importance of the reefs, no anchoring areas Sustainability Create a preservation plan that helps the entire 100 mile reef tract, not just patches of it.

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