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Buff, Brainy And Behaved Changing the Educational Paradigm of Teaching and Learning

This presentation by Dave Spurlock, Executive Director of Active Education Group, explores the importance of physical activity in education and its impact on student learning. Spurlock discusses the negative effects of a boring learning environment and shares his formula "Movement = Improvement" to reengage students. He also highlights the significant findings from brain science research, emphasizing the benefits of physical activity on brain function. The presentation concludes with practical strategies for implementing movement and physical activity in the classroom.

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Buff, Brainy And Behaved Changing the Educational Paradigm of Teaching and Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Buff, Brainy And Behaved Changing the Educational Paradigm of Teaching and Learning

  2. Dave Spurlock Executive Director Active Education Group

  3. LEARN YOGA NOW. 4 square (you will find out why later.)

  4. Bonnie

  5. What Is the Most Negative Learning Environment That We As Educators Could Create?

  6. Educational Incarceration

  7. Boring !!!!

  8. The Bored of Education

  9. The Bored of Education

  10. The Bored of Education

  11. The Bored of Education

  12. In Research Done By the Gates Foundation, The Number One Reason for Students to Dropout of High School …

  13. Classes Were Not Interesting

  14. NCLB No Child Left Behind 2001

  15. National SAT Scores 2000: 1020 2011: 1011

  16. Pair and Share

  17. How Do we Reengage Student Learning? ( Or An Audience ? )

  18. Spurlock’s Formula “Movement = Improvement”

  19. Spurlock’s Formula Movement = Improvement Then Let’s Move… 8’s and Elephant Trunks

  20. “It’s time that Medicine recognizes that exercise is medicine and it is especially medicine for the brain. Our brain’s evolved to help us be better movers and if we move we make our brains better.” Dr. John Ratey Clinical Associate Professor Psychiatry Harvard Medical School

  21. “It’s time that Educators recognize that exercise is essential and it is especially essential for the brain. Our brain’s evolved to help us be better movers and if we move we make our brains better.” Spurlock

  22. “I thought of that while riding my bike.” Albert Einstein

  23. Brain Science

  24. Brain Science

  25. Why Should We Promote Physical Activity As a Strategy That Could Save Education? All of Education

  26. Because It Changes Bodies Brains And Behaviors

  27. IR Instant Recess Hindu Squats


  29. That Is What We Call Kinesthetic Learning Kinesthetic learning

  30. What Does Movement Do for the Brain?

  31. The major neurological findings are: Stimulation of brain monoamines (dopamine and serotonin) Neurogenisis in the hippocampus (memory) Decrease in brain atrophy (altzheimer) Increased brain plasticity (changes in neural connections) Increased blood flow throughout the brain (glucose) Increased production of neurotrophins (BDNF)


  33. Where is BDNF stored in the body?

  34. In the legs!! And how is it released into the blood stream and the brain? By moving your legs!!! Really Fast… It’s called Running!!!

  35. IR For the Legs “DESKERCISES”

  36. Square and Share (That means 4 of you)

  37. Now… Don’t You Feel Smart? end part 1

  38. Does Physical Activity Change our Bodies?

  39. Of Course It Does. If Fitness Is Our First Priority

  40. Doesn’t “PE” Take Care of Our Physical Education?

  41. Current Obesity Rates for South Carolina Ages 2-5 15.2% Overweight 12.8% Obese Adolescents 15% Overweight 16.7% Obese 2012 CDC

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