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Field scale application , case studies from the EU (CZR)

Field scale application , case studies from the EU (CZR). Kvapil Petr, Černík Miroslav (Lacinová L., Nosek J., Zbořil R.,). AQUATEST a.s. – TUL – UPOL. Presentation objectives. To start discussion about: the risk management problem being addressed,

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Field scale application , case studies from the EU (CZR)

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  1. Field scale application, case studies from the EU (CZR) Kvapil Petr, Černík Miroslav (Lacinová L., Nosek J., Zbořil R.,) AQUATEST a.s. – TUL – UPOL

  2. Presentation objectives To start discussion about: • the risk management problem being addressed, • the practical delivery and use of the technology, • the regulatory approval process, • the project outcomes and ongoing monitoring. • the risks versus the benefits of iron nano-particle use for remediation.

  3. History of nanoiron (nZVI) in ČR • Spolchemie • source - Zhang • GOLDER Ass. • Laboratory tests • Field tests • First application of nZVIin ČR – in 2004 • ORP decrease • pH increase • CHC decrease • 6 months Period of nanoiron activity reduction ~ 70 %

  4. Kurivody site – first successfull • 2005 • FRACTURED BEDROCK FLOW • Tracer test • Blast fracturing • Low final concentrations • No rebound Zhang´s nZVI

  5. Nanoiron applications - overview Laboratory: AOX, U, As, nitrobenzene, acid mine waters, other CHC

  6. Steps to FULL-SCALE • Feasibility approval - laboratory test • Concentration test • Kinetic test • Regulatory approval process in CZR • Feasibility approval - field pilot test • Geological & hydrogeological descriptions • Tracer tests • Applications of nanoiron • Full scale

  7. Feasibility - Laboratory tests Aim: Feasibility approval • description: Batch tests: system nanoparticles x water x soil • 2 phases: • 1. phase – verification of efficient concentration • 2. phase – verification of reaction rate

  8. Nano-iron project regullations • NZVI injections regulated by WATER law • „Ussualy“ Exception for irregular matters injection • Subject to decision of regional authorities • Ussualy field pilot test required • Usually the iron is more easily accepted than soluble materials (oxidants or reductants)

  9. Field system – from 2009 • Dry powder stored and brought to the site • Reduced surface oxidation by Oxygen (pretreatment) • Advantage of initial high reactivity • Mobility and reactivity control

  10. Case #1: PCB – Rozmital p.T. • 20 years of hydraulic barrier • Former tarmacadam plant, DELOR 103 • Recently contaminated soil waste deposit • Iron is feasible, but only nanoscale is efficient • No exception from Water law needed for this site

  11. Case #1: PCB – Rozmital p.T. • Laboratory experiments • kinetics for 4, 10, 30, 60 days • concentration dependency • Indicative congeners x all • RNIP x Nanofer25S Kinetics: Nanofer25 – indicative congeners • Significant decrease after 4 days • NanoFe active during whole period • TODA x Nanofer similar • Lower efficiency for more chlorinated • Sorption questions?

  12. Case #1: PCB – pilot test

  13. Case #2 – Horice • Provided by MEGA and TUL • Tested nanoiron vs. Lactates • During first stages nanoiron more efficient, later simillar efficiency • Decission of client to use nanoiron, no toxic intermediate degradation product observed. • No Water law exception needed for this site

  14. Case #2 – Horice – full scale system • PCE, TCE, DCE, 70 mg/l • 120 x 60 m • I.stage (11/2008) • 82 injection wells • depth 10 m • 300 kg nZVI • II.stage • 300 kg nZVI (11/2009)

  15. Case #2 – Horice - PCE: ini, 3m, 6m, 9m

  16. Case #2 – Horice - DCE: ini, 3m, 6m, 9m

  17. Case #2 – Horice – I. stage economics Direct push well network – 80 w x 10 m x 40€ = 32 k€ nanoFe - 300 kg x 5 x 23€ = 35 k€ Other (water, electricity, management) - 30 k€ Monitoring (not part of remediation) - 100 k€ TOTAL = 200 k€ II. Stage = 100 k€ (shared monitoring)

  18. Case #3: Pisecna site • Former dangerous waste landfill • Fractured – bedrock area • CLE and CLA contamination • Drinking water sources in the neighbourhood • High reactivity needed for TCA degradation • No exception from Water law needed

  19. Case #3 – Pisecna Comparative lab-tests Comparative test for 5 nZVI types: prepared by Zhang (2003) RNIP (Toda) NANOFER 25 – without surfactant NANOFER 25S – modifyed by TWEEN NANOFER …– modifyed by axilate Tested properties: aggregation - DLS sedimentation – column tests mobility - column tests reactivity – kinetic tests, various nZVI concentration 3 real ground water 2 artifficaly mixed water 19

  20. Case #3 – Pisecna – mobility tests 20

  21. Case #3 – Pisecna – reactivity tests 21

  22. Case #3 – Pisecna – pilot application GEO-Group a.s. site • RNIP x NANOFER25 • Geological conditions not equal • CHC concentrations similar • Cl-Ethenes O.K. both (o) • Cl-Ethanes TODA worse (∆)

  23. Case #3 – Pisecna – full-scale Pretreatment of technological water Contaminant removal Oxygen removal Preparation nZVI slurry: 1000 kg dry powder iron NANOFER25N (containers in N2 atmosphere) diluting by field slurry dispergator to 5000 kg of 20% suspension of nZVI NANOFER 25 and NANOFER 25S On-site Semi-automatic dosing system 23

  24. Case #3 – Pisecna – Full scale system

  25. Case #3 – Pisecna – full-scaleresults in application wells 25

  26. Case #3 – Pisecna – economics • Estim. contaminants = 1 ton • Contam. Area = 2000 m3 • Depth of contam.= 20 -35 mbs • nZVI plan = 1.3 tons • Number of wells = 30 • Duration = 1 test + 2 full a. • cost: nZVI = 140 k€ • Wells = 60 k€ • Other = 40 k€ • Monitoring = 120 K€ • TOTAL = 360 K€

  27. Case #4 – Spolchemie • Exception from Water law needed • Exploited cellars in contaminated area • CLE and CLM contamination • Clay, sand, gravel aquifer • Chemical factory

  28. Case #4 – Spolchemie - Pilot 30 kg of pure iron injected 6 months period of monitoring Reduction CHC – 30 – 40% Reduction ClE – 20 – 30% Reduction ClM – 70 – 80%

  29. Case #4 – Spolchemie – full scale • Full scale: • 10 direct pushed wells • 3 rotary drilled wells • 3-12m bgs • 1000 kg of pure iron • In 2-3 injection steps • 3 years

  30. Case #5 – Combination – NZVI - lactate

  31. Case #5 - combination Pure lactate Pure nanoiron Lactate -> Nanoiron

  32. Perspectives of nanoiron • For contaminations types where high reactivity is needed (for ex. PCB) • For sites where presence of toxic intermediates (VC) is hazardous (also buildings and cellars) • In the proximity of used cellars or underground facilities (where also the bad smell is undesirable) • In the proximity of water sources, the iron is not much soluble, the Iron will not harm the quality of water (bad smell, black color). • To enhance remediation proceess started by other technologies.

  33. TUL Miroslav Černík, Lenka Lacinová, Jaroslav Nosek, Štěpánka Klimková miroslav.cernik@tul.cz Hálkova 6, Liberec AQUATEST a.s. Petr Kvapil, Miroslac Černík kvapil@aquatest.cz Geologická 4 15200, Praha 5 UPOL Radek Zbořil Jan Filip radek.zboril@upol.cz Svobody 26, 77146 Olomouc Thanks for your attention

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