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中東暨印度市場我見. 杜富漢高專 外貿協會市場拓展處亞太組 Asia and Pacific Section Market Development Department Tel:886-2-2725-5200 ext 1589 Fax:886-2-2757-6335 E-mail: tufuhan@taitra.org.tw 海外展團訊息: http://mk.taiwantrade.com.tw 台灣經貿網: http://taiwantrade.com.tw. 全球戰略 - 中東暨印度市場的位置. 全球產業鍊:研發、製造、原材料、零組件、行銷、財務 …

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  1. 中東暨印度市場我見 杜富漢高專 外貿協會市場拓展處亞太組 Asia and Pacific Section Market Development Department Tel:886-2-2725-5200 ext 1589 Fax:886-2-2757-6335 E-mail:tufuhan@taitra.org.tw 海外展團訊息:http://mk.taiwantrade.com.tw 台灣經貿網:http://taiwantrade.com.tw

  2. 全球戰略-中東暨印度市場的位置 • 全球產業鍊:研發、製造、原材料、零組件、行銷、財務… • 外貿版圖: • 出口比重: • 13th 印度 (1.3%) • 17th 阿聯 (0.5%) • 18th 沙烏地(0.4%) • 19th 科威特(0.1%) • 進口比重: • 5th 沙烏地(4.7%) • 10th 科威特(2.4%) • 11th 阿聯 (1.4%) • 13th 印度 (1.1%) • 總貿易額比重: • 8th 沙烏地(2.4%) • 15th 印度 (1.2%) • 16th 科威特(1.2%) • 18th 阿聯 (1.0%)

  3. 中東地區及印度總經一覽 中東地區及印度總經一覽 註:整理自外貿協會經貿年報2009-2010 註:整理自外貿協會經貿年報2009-2010

  4. 中東市場(vs.伊斯蘭教vs.阿拉伯)

  5. 中東市場 • 市場特性 • 伊斯蘭教主宰生活 • 石油價格影響經濟 • 地廣人稀代理盛行 • 輕重工業基礎薄弱 • 中東獨特的法令 • 設立聯絡辦事處要有法定代理人 • 設立貿易公司需要有合夥人 • 獨特的代理權法令 • 所有重要文件均要經過法定代理人簽署 • 外國公司負責人由法定代理人授權,取得經營權 • 國外產品總代理僅能由當地人擔任 • 雖然總代理合約可以訂定代理權的期限,但是在期滿後,如指定新代理,需要經過原代理的同意

  6. 中東市場 • 市場攻略 • 需要各式各樣產品(少量多樣-婦幼用品需求大) • 轉口貿易(貝魯特→巴林→杜拜) • 代理權vs策略聯盟 • 據點設立(組裝廠、發貨倉庫、辦事處) • 付款條件(4天時差、UN制裁、風險控管) • 伊斯蘭商品(清真食品、麥加可樂、沙拉娃娃、商業設計)

  7. 國人眼中的印度

  8. 印度市場所得偏低、財富懸殊

  9. 多元語言、文化、宗教

  10. 4大種族、4600種性階級

  11. 印度市場 • 市場特性 • 資源豐富-農、漁、牧產品及礦產豐富 • 產業扭曲-軍工業暨服務業發達,民生工業停滯(相當1970s~80s) • 貧富懸殊-金字塔底端行銷vs針尖行銷 • 同中求異-階級淪落vs財富扭曲 • 宗教衝突vs地域衝突 • 計畫經濟vs諸侯經濟 • 本土企業vs跨國企業 • 基礎建設破舊-現代文明vs文化遺址 • 炸彈橫飛-階級剝削、宗教岐異 • 以外國籍為榮-一起賺印度錢

  12. 亞洲十大豪宅 印度摩天宮第1 帝寶排第9 Antilia is a twenty-seven floor (560 ft or 173 m) building completed in Mumbai for Indian businessman Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries. The family will occupy about 400,000 square feet, making it the World's first billion dollar home and largest home in the world. There will be 600 full-time members staff to maintain the building. Antilla is named after the mythical island in the Atlantic, Antillia. It is designed by Chicagoarchitects, Perkins & Will. The construction is inspired by the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The skyscraper will have 3 helipads including air traffic control area at top.The building is equipped with amenities such as a health spa, and small theatre with a seating capacity for 50 on the eighth floor. Other features include multiple swimming pools, three floors of hanging gardens, and a ballroom. Included in the tower are six floors of parking - the seventh floor is for in-house vehicle maintenance. It has been reported in the media to have cost between US$1 billionand $2 billion, making it the most expensive residential building in the world. For 5 person.

  13. Mukesh Ambani's Godzilla-sized home in Mumbai, Antilia, has just notched up another headline. In the one month since he moved in with wife Nita and their three children, the house has generated a power bill of Rs 70,69,488, Mumbai's highest residential electricity bill. • According to the bill for the month of September, Antilia consumed 6,37,240 units of power. To put it in perspective, an average household equipped with all electronic amenities consumes 300 units per month. Ambani was, in fact, given a discount of Rs 48,354 for prompt payment, so the Rs 70 lakh quoted earlier is minus this amount. Experts say it's is roughly equivalent to the monthly power bill of 7,000 homes! All about bijli-paani basics, eh?

  14. India's first woman Dalit (formerly "untouchable") chief minister and has a huge following among those at the bottom of the Hindu caste system 贈禮-8萬張1,000盧比綁紮的花環 Mayawati has been given a second garland made entirely of money, this time worth 1.8m rupees

  15. India lost a total of $462bn in illegal capital flows between 1948, a year after Independence, and 2008. • The flows are more than twice India's external debt of $230bn. • Total capital flight out of India represents some 16.6% of its GDP. • Some 68% of India's capital loss has happened since the economy opened up in 1991. • The share of money Indian companies moved from developed country banks to "offshore financial centres" (OFCs) increased from 36.4% in 1995 to 54.2% in 2009. • ALMOST THREE QUARTERS OF THE ILLEGAL MONEY THAT COMPRISES INDIA'S UNDERGROUND ECONOMY ENDS UP OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY. • INDIA'S UNDERGROUND ECONOMY HAS BEEN ESTIMATED TO ACCOUNT FOR 50% OF THE COUNTRY'S GDP - $640BN AT THE END OF 2008. • 前印度電信部長拉加被控2008年以過低價格拍賣2G手機通訊頻譜,導致政府損失近400億美元。 • 國大黨最近幾周貪腐醜聞纏身。繼大英國協運動會的籌備委員會主席卡馬迪 (Suresh Kalmadi)被控竊取大會經費、上個月下台負責後,馬哈拉什特拉省長查文(Ashok Chavan)也因涉嫌住宅舞弊案而引咎辭職。

  16. 印度市場 • 市場攻略 • 掌握市場資訊 • 他山之石─印度台(外)商經營型態 • 確認在印利基

  17. http://www.taitraesource.com/india/default.asp

  18. http://www.india.org.tw/003/index.aspx

  19. http://www.ibef.org/

  20. http://www.imtma.in/index.php?page=annual_reports

  21. IMEX-2010 Rajkot Machine Tools Show 2010 IMTEX FORMING-2010 International Mining & Machinery Exhibition IMTOS-2010 Die & Mould Manufacturing ELECRAMA 2010 PLASTASIA-2010

  22. Economic Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in New Delhi Director:Mr. Hsu, Da-Wei Address:84 Poorvi Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi-110057, India Tel:91-11-46077777 / 46077728/ 46077726 Director’s line:91-11-46077722 Fax: 91-11-46077724 Email:india@moea.gov.tw time lag:-2.5 hour (s)

  23. 台商在印度的營運模式: A. 外銷產業大多獨資設廠,有從中國大陸轉投資者,雇用台幹及陸幹組成經營團隊,如萬邦製鞋、豐泰鞋業; B. 內銷產業則與印商合資經營或進行在地化,如台(泰)達電、友訊科技及三陽機車等。 C. 另有台商僅成立聯絡辦事處或研發中心,蒐集市場資訊、接單或研發新產品/技術,如台積電、聯發科。 D. 營建業如大陸工程及電子業如台達電子等,引進協力廠如亞利預鑄、升業營造及泰昌機電等。 http://www.dois.moea.gov.tw/asp/invest.asp

  24. http://www.htc.com/in/where_to_buy.aspx

  25. http://preview.imfmetal.org/index.cfm?c=24381&l=2 Union leaders and workers remain in jail in Foxconn dispute in India IMF calls for the release of imprisoned trade union leaders and workers, withdrawal of fabricated criminal cases and is writing to Foxconn and Nokia CEO's calling on them to respect workers' rights at a Foxconn plant located in a Special Economic Zone in Chennai, India. INDIA: Twelve Foxconn workers and union leaders remain in prison on October 13 in Chennai, India after hundreds of workers striking the plant were arrested on October 9. The International Metalworkers' Federationis writingto Foxconn and Nokia global management demanding they intervene and ensure workers' rights are respected at the Foxconn plant located in the Nokia Special Economic Zone in Chennai, India. More than 1,200 permanent workers belonging to the Foxconn India Thozhilalar Sangam (FITS) union, which is affiliated to Center For Indian Trade Unions (CITU), at the plant have been involved in weeks of struggle to have their union recognized by management so as to negotiate wage rises and other demands. On October 9 police arrested hundreds of workers who had been picketing and striking the plant for several days. Around 319 workers including the trade union leaders were remanded into judicial custody and transferred to Vellore central jail. Remaining workers were let off and around 200 women workers were taken to a bus stop and asked to leave. When the women refused and demanded to be arrested also, they were abused and forced off the police vehicle. On October 13, the court granted bail to 307 workers. The remaining 12 workers and union leaders remain in jail, including A. Soundhirarajan, CITU State General Secretary and E. Muthu Kumar, CITU District Secretary, Kanchipuram and FITS President. Workers at the plant with four years experience earn INR 4,800 (US$ 106) per month. FITS is demanding a basic pay of INR 10,000 (US$221), other additional bonuses and health checks and medical insurance. In addition to the latest rounds of arrests, the company has retaliated by deducting eight days of wages from striking workers' pay, suspending 23 union activists and leaders, and refusing to negotiate with the union on the grounds that it has entered an agreement with an alternative union the Foxconn India Thozhilalar Munnetra Sangam (FITMS). It is understood that Foxconn management reached a wage agreement with FITMS 15 days after FITS lodged its wage demands. FITMS claims memberships of 696 workers and reached a wage agreement with Foxconn for a wage increase to INR 8,999 (US$ 177). Throughout the dispute, the FITS sought assistance from the Deputy Labour Commissioner (DLC) to resolve the issues, including calling on the government authority to conduct an election to determining the majority union at the site. Despite the DLC advising the company to negotiate and not take actions that would lead to the victimization of the workers, the government has failed to take steps to remedy the situation. Instead, police have been used to repeatedly harass, arrest and detain the striking workers. To send an email protest letter to the Indian authorities in support of these Foxconn workers go to the LabourStart campaign page at: http://www.labourstart.org/cgi-bin/solidarityforever/show_campaign.cgi?c=790 To send your protest directly to Foxconn, please fax a letter to Gou Tai-ming, CEO, Foxconn, Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. in Taiwan at: Fax: +886 2 2282 2825 The IMF demands that Foxconn: immediately drops the charges behind the arrest and detention of the Foxconn workers and union leaders, reinstates the victimized workers to their former work assignments with back pay, and enters into good faith negotiations with the FITS union to resolve these issues and ongoing problems stemming from the working and employment conditions at Foxconn factory in Nokia SEZ complex of Tamil Nadu, India. There are approximately 7,800 workers at the Foxconn India plant, of this 1,800 are employed on a permanent basis and 6,000 are contract or trainee workers.

  26. 印度市場 • 市場攻略 • 拓銷方式 • 貿易-EMMA、貿訪團、IMD • 投資-據點、發貨倉庫、工廠 • M&A、JV

  27. 不缺資金、技術、人才 欠缺市場、誠信、敬業

  28. 印度市場 • 市場攻略 • 拓銷地區 • 全印vs區域 • 都會vs二級城市

  29. 印度市場 • 市場攻略 • 拓銷對象 • 代理vs工廠 • 政府vs消費者

  30. 印度市場 • 市場攻略 • 交易習性 • 持續殺價 • 市場資訊 • 市場定位-歐洲品質、台灣價格 戰鬥機種、中國價格 • 強迫放帳 • 中長期輸出保險 • 國際應收帳款承購 • Forfaiting(應收債權轉讓) • Second Supplier • 品質 • 服務

  31. 印度市場 • 市場攻略 • 誰與共舞 • 飲食的安全衛生 • 飲食習慣的調適 • 生活習慣的適應 • 身心健康的維護 • 印人習性的掌握 • 員工訓練與管理(種性遺毒、教育低落) • 法令掌握(勞工、稅務、會計、代理權、退運…) • 事倍工半(資深全才)

  32. http://blog.udn.com/hersbruck2010

  33. Q & A

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