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GLOBAL PROBLEM. People all around the world continue to be exploited through human trafficking. WILL YOU CRY FREEDOM?. But The Salvation Army is responding and seeing the fight working. CHINA. Reports of trafficking in Chinese valleys has fallen to zero due to: A wareness-raising

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GLOBAL PROBLEM People all around the world continue to be exploited through human trafficking.

  2. WILL YOU CRY FREEDOM? But The Salvation Army is responding and seeing the fight working.

  3. CHINA Reports of trafficking in Chinese valleys has fallen to zero due to: • Awareness-raising • Income generation. Traffickers no longer even visit these villages, because they now know that there’s nothing for them there.

  4. MALAWI In Malawi hundreds of children have been given the chance to reclaim their childhood at our anti-child trafficking centre. Many communities across the country have also been mobilised to spot the dangers of trafficking and protect children before they end up exploited.

  5. WILL YOU CRY FREEDOM? This is the impact that our work can have if you take action: • Every individual rescued from trafficking is another person who can start to reclaim their freedom, be supported to recover from their experiences and develop skills to give them the chance for a better future.   • Every community empowered through education and income generation is another community better protected from the dangers of trafficking.

  6. ACT NOW We can tackle trafficking and see freedom proclaimed for the thousands of people trafficked or at risk. Will you take action? GIVE NOW and commit to a regular gift to help us tackle trafficking amongst some of the poorest people in our world.

  7. CONTACT US www.salvationarmy.org.uk/id id@salvationarmy.org.uk +44 (0)20 7367 4777 facebook.com/SAIDUK @SAIDUK youtube.com/salvationarmyid

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