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Chapter 12 – Part 2 Nutrition Basics Essential Nutrients and Nutritional Guidelines

Chapter 12 – Part 2 Nutrition Basics Essential Nutrients and Nutritional Guidelines. 1. What is a Nutrient?. A nutrient is a chemical substance in food that helps maintain the body. You need over 50 nutrients, which can be divided into six groups . Water Carbohydrates Lipids (Fats)

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Chapter 12 – Part 2 Nutrition Basics Essential Nutrients and Nutritional Guidelines

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  1. Chapter 12 – Part 2 Nutrition Basics Essential Nutrients and Nutritional Guidelines 1

  2. What is a Nutrient? • A nutrient is a chemical substance in food that helps maintain the body. • You need over 50 nutrients, which can be divided into six groups. • Water • Carbohydrates • Lipids (Fats) • Proteins • Vitamins • Minerals

  3. Nutrients have three general functions in your body.

  4. The Six Classifications of Nutrients • Water • Carbohydrates • Fats • Protein • Vitamins • Minerals Sugars Starches Cellulose 5

  5. These Three Nutrients Have Calories • *Carbohydrates • *Fats • *Proteins 6

  6. What is the Definition of a Calorie? • The unit used to measure the energy value of food. 7

  7. The Energy-Yielding Nutrients • Carbohydrate • Fat • Protein

  8. Non-Energy Nutrients • Vitamins • Minerals • Water

  9. Variables which affect nutrient needs: 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Activity level 4. Climate 5. Health 6. State of nutrition 10

  10. 1. Carbohydrates 11

  11. Function • Supplies energy • Provides fiber • Help the body digest fats 12

  12. Sources • Sugars: honey, jam, molasses, candy, table sugar • Fiber: fruits, vegetables, whole grains • Starch: breads, cereals, pasta 13

  13. 2. Vitamins 14

  14. Function Vitamins are divided into two main groups. 15

  15. Fat-soluble vitamins • dissolve in fats • are stored in fatty tissues of the body 5.01C Nutrients

  16. Water-soluble vitamins • dissolve in water • are not stored in the body 5.01C Nutrients

  17. 3. Minerals 4.01C Nutrients 18

  18. Used in minute amounts only. • Become part of the body’s bones, tissues, and fluids. 5.01C Nutrients

  19. 4. Fats 20

  20. Function • Supply energy • Carry fat-soluble vitamins • Insulate the body • Protect organs • Provide essential fatty acids 21

  21. Sources • Types of Fats • Saturated: dairy products, meats, lard, coconut and palm oils • Unsaturated: fish, nuts, vegetable oils 22

  22. Cholesterol • The fat-like substance found in body cells. This substance clogs arteries. 23

  23. 5. Proteins 24

  24. Functions • Builds and repairs muscles and cell tissues • Helps the body make important substances • Regulates body processes • Supplies energy 25

  25. Sources • Complete proteins: • dairy products, eggs, fish, meat and poultry. • Incomplete proteins: • beans, grains and nuts. 26

  26. 6. Water 27

  27. Function • Aids in digestion • Aids in cell growth and maintenance • Facilitates chemical reactions • Lubricates joints and cells • Regulates body temperature 28

  28. Sources • Liquids • Food • Breakdown of energy nutrients 29

  29. Dietary Guidelines for Americans AIM FOR FITNESS . . . Aim for a healthy weight. Be physically active each day.

  30. BUILD A HEALTHY BASE . . . Let the Pyramid guide your food choices. Choose a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. Keep food safe to eat.

  31. CHOOSE SENSIBLY . . . ♦Choose a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fat. ♦Choose beverages and foods to moderate your intake of sugars. ♦Choose and prepare foods with less salt. ♦If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.

  32. Food For Thought Avoid excesses of some vitamins and minerals. To promote good nutrition and maintain good health: • Eat a variety of foods from the food guide pyramid. • Drink plenty of water • Daily exercise • Seek the advice of a physician or dietician before taking supplements 4.01C Nutrients 33

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