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Basic 2 -D design concepts

Basic 2 -D design concepts. What is it? What does it describe?. What is two dimensional design?. H ow you communicate your visual ideas effectively via a flat surface, be it paper or canvas or a brick wall or an advertising page . How you convey mood, tone, inspiration .

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Basic 2 -D design concepts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Basic 2-D design concepts

  2. What is it? What does it describe?

  3. What is two dimensional design? • How you communicate your visual ideas effectively via a flat surface, be it paper or canvas or a brick wall or an advertising page.How you convey mood, tone, inspiration. • How do you best organize a space?

  4. This is called Accumulation. Why?

  5. What are the dots doing here?

  6. Vocabulary • Line – a point moving through space • Dot – a single point in space

  7. What kind of sky is this? How is the effect achieved?

  8. What is this line doing? Interpret this ad.

  9. Using only dots • Convey the idea: UP • Show me: squashed • Show me: rain • Love

  10. Using only line(s) • Illustrate the idea “Frenetic” (very excited! Energetic, uncontrolled) • Calm • Sleeping • Awake

  11. Vocabulary • Shape – a contour that describes an enclosed space • Volume – the description of a three dimensional space.

  12. Why are these shapes important? What is the meaning of this?

  13. How is the artist using dot, line, shape to convey an Equinox?

  14. Vocabulary • Pattern – the repetition of an element in a composition • Composition – the organization of visual elements on a surface How is this balanced? Is it symmetrical? What is the repeated element? Why is there a big diagonal line here?

  15. Radial composition

  16. Symmetrical, why is that essential here?

  17. asymmetrical: how does that affect the viewer?

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