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C l a s s i f c a t i o n s a n d A d a p t a t i o n s

C l a s s i f c a t i o n s a n d A d a p t a t i o n s. L e s s o n 1 : C r e e p y C r i t t e r s. Activity. Line up according to birthday No talking or writing allowed!. Classification. What are examples of items that are classified? Why are things classified?

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C l a s s i f c a t i o n s a n d A d a p t a t i o n s

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  1. C l a s s i f c a t i o n s a n d A d a p t a t i o n s

  2. L e s s o n 1 : C r e e p y C r i t t e r s

  3. Activity • Line up according to birthday • No talking or writing allowed!

  4. Classification • What are examples of items that are classified? • Why are things classified? • Is there more than one way to classify a set of items?

  5. Think about it… • If someone from China sends you a letter, how does the postal system know where you are? • How are supermarkets organized? If you go to a new supermarket, how would you know where to find a specific brand of cheese?

  6. Creepy Critters Imagine that in the year 2525, a solar system in a new galaxy is discovered. Many similarities between our solar system and this new one are found, including a planet that resembles Earth. A space probe lands on this planet and sends a variety of different living organisms back to Earth through a molecular transport beam. The macroscopic and microscopic structures of each creature are described. The scientists studying these organisms realize they need to develop a classification scheme to help them compare the life forms to organisms on Earth.

  7. Creepy Critters Your role is to… • Study your Creepy Critters illustration cards and observe similarities and differences • Brainstorm a list of ways you could categorize/classify the organisms. • Sort your cards according to one system of organization using a graphic organizer. You must be able to defend your method.

  8. New Creepy Critters 4 new organisms were just discovered. • Select 1 of the new organisms to place in your system of organization. • Where will it go? Why? • Will you have to create a new group or can you find another way to fit it into an existing group?

  9. Creepy Critters What did we learn today? • How are organisms are classified? • What factors are most important in classification? • What benefits come from classifying organisms? • What are the major factors that differentiate one species from another? • How would you further classify yourself as an individual, and what traits would be important in that classification? • Where would you begin if you had to classify an unknown plant?

  10. Graphic Organizer

  11. L e s s o n 2 : C l a s s i f i c a t i o n • Read pages 141, 146-156 in the Sciencesaurus book. • Complete the activity sheet to use with reading

  12. 1. vertebrates and invertebrates2. backbone or no backbone3. soft bodies, hard shells, exoskeletons4. 5. mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish

  13. Examples: shrew, whale, polar bears, human, dolphin, elephant Examples: hummingbirds, chickadees, penguins

  14. Examples: snakes, lizards, turtles Examples: frogs, toads, salamanders

  15. Examples: lungfish, salmon, trout

  16. L e s s o n 3 : A n i m a l C l a s s i f i c a t i o n • In a group, sort the Animal Classification cards using characteristics discussed in lessons 1 and 2 (examples: vertebrates/invertebrates, body coverings, diet, etc…) • Using a graphic organizer, show how you sorted the cards.

  17. Discussion Questions • What characteristics did you use to sort • your animals? • Why did you choose those • characteristics to sort your animals?

  18. Step 2 • In a group, come up with a different set of characteristics to sort the animals using the same set of cards. • Using a graphic organizer, show how you sorted the cards.

  19. Follow-up Discussion Questions • What new characteristics did you use to sort your animals? • Why is it important to sort animals into groups? • Why do scientists sort animals into groups? • What are some other things that scientists might classify into groups?

  20. Follow-up Discussion Questions • What is classification? • Why is it important to sort animals into groups? • Why do scientists sort animals into groups?

  21. L e s s o n 4: A d a p t a t i o n A r t i s t r y/ F a s h i o n a F i s h • As we view this powerpoint presentation, pay close attention to the various adaptations of the animals presented. • Look at how these adaptations affect what type of environment these animals live.

  22. Adaptations of Birds A structure or behavior that helps an organism survive in its surroundings.

  23. BEAKS • Pouch-like • Long, thin • Pointed • Curved • Short, stout • Slender, long

  24. Pelican • Pouch-like • Can hold the fish it eats

  25. Avocet • Long, thin beak • Can probe shallow water and mud for the insects it eats

  26. Woodpecker • Pointed Beak • Can break and probe bark of trees for the insects it eats

  27. Hawk • Curved beak • Can tear solid tissue for the meat it eats

  28. Finch • Short, stout beak • Can crack the seeds and nuts it eats

  29. Hummingbird • Slender, long beak • Can probe the flowers for nectar it eats

  30. FEET • Webbed • Long Toes • Clawed • Grasping

  31. Duck • Webbed feet • Aids in walking on mud and swimming

  32. Crane • Long toes • Aids in walking on mud

  33. Heron • Long toes • Aids in walking on mud

  34. Hawk and eagle • Clawed • Can grasp food when hunting prey

  35. Chicken • Grasping feet • Aids in sitting on branches, roosting, protection

  36. LEGS • Flexor tendons • Long, powerful • Long, slender • Powerful muscles

  37. Ostrich • Long, powerful legs • Aids running

  38. Heron and Crane • Long, slender legs • Aids walking

  39. Eagle and Hawk • Powerful muscles • Aids in lifting, carrying prey

  40. WINGS • Large span

  41. Eagle • Large wings • Aids in flying with prey, soaring while hunting

  42. COLORATION • Bright plumage • Dull plumage • Change of plumage for seasons

  43. Owl • Change of plumage with seasons • Provides camouflage protection ( brown in summer, white in winter)

  44. Ptarmigan • Provides camouflage protection • Change of plumage with seasons

  45. Male birds vs. female birds • Male birds – bright plumage aids in attraction in courtship, mating rituals • Female birds – Dull plumage aids in camouflage while nesting

  46. Male or female? Male Female

  47. Male or Female? Male Female

  48. Fashion A Fish Aquatic animals are the result of countless adaptations over time. Adaptations are features that increase the animals likelihood of survival.

  49. Mouth Body Shape Coloration Reproduction Adaptations

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