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Shuler’s Therefore GBP Chapter 4 pp. 59-67

Shuler’s Therefore GBP Chapter 4 pp. 59-67. The Four main elements of the promise kingdom of God are the following: - God’s People - God’s Rule and Blessing - God’s Place/Land - God’s Promised King (Jesus) AKA: The Greatest of All Time. Shuler’s Therefore.

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Shuler’s Therefore GBP Chapter 4 pp. 59-67

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  1. Shuler’s ThereforeGBP Chapter 4 pp. 59-67

  2. The Four main elements of the promise kingdom of God are the following: • - God’s People • - God’s Rule and Blessing • - God’s Place/Land • - God’s Promised King (Jesus) AKA: The Greatest of All Time Shuler’s Therefore

  3. Even though there may be “problems” God’s will be done. • - Problem: Abraham/Sarah----- barren without child (old age) • - Solution: Isaac is born • - Problem: Jacob----- how he would receive the blessing from God because he wasn’t the first born • Solution: God allowed Jacob to have the blessing that Esau (Oldest Son) should have received Shuler’s Therefore

  4. Even though there may be “problems” God’s will be accomplished . • Problem: Joseph------- Sold Into slavery even though he was the “chosen” son • - Solution: God positioned Joseph to save his family from a severe famine in Egypt Shuler’s Therefore

  5. 3. God hears his people when they seek/cry out to him. - Children of Israel--- 400 years of slavery - Moses chosen as the leader of the Hebrew people - The Passover - The Crossing of the Red Sea Shuler’s Therefore

  6. 4. We should trust in the gospel promises even though we may not understand what God is doing in our lives. Abraham/Sarah------- Hagar Children of Israel-------slavery 5. God does not chose people based on merit (works) but will overrule things to make sure his promises are protected. (i.e. carried out, fulfilled) Shuler’s Therefore

  7. Shuler’s ThereforeGBP Chapter 4 pp. 67-74

  8. 1. God always overrules to ensure that his gospel promises are protected. • Joseph’s story: • Chosen by God (Coat): God was with him • Sold into slavery by his brothers • God blessed him while in Egypt (His master saw the hand of God on him • Accused of raping his master’s wife--- thrown into jail • Favored while prison—interprets prisoners and Pharaoh’s dreams • Becomes a high ranking official in Egypt----- Saves Egypt (family from a severe famine) Shuler’s Therefore

  9. 2. God (YHWH or Yahweh) hears the cries of his people. The Israelites groaned in their slavery (400 years) and cried out, and he heard their cry for help. ------ Remembers the covenant he made with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Solution: ---------Sends Moses 3. God is not just a God who delivers; he is also a God who demands and who draws near. He wants to bless his people The Exodus Mount Sinai---- Setting his people up to receive the law (Waiting in the wilderness, consecrating themselves i.e. washing their clothes) Exodus 19: 1-17 Shuler’s Therefore

  10. 3. Continued: God is not just a God who delivers; he is also a God who demands and who draws near. He wants to bless his people • Gives the children of Israel the law: Ten Commandments Exodus 20: 1-13 • Creates the Tabernacle: A place where he can dwell or be with people. • God take sin very seriously and institutes the “Day of Atonement” Leviticus 16 ------ Later sends his only son Jesus to deal with sin that separates us from God. Romans 3:23 Shuler’s Therefore

  11. 4. God redeems his people and then he gives them the law • The law was never intended to be the sole means to salvation • Obedience is not based on a desperate attempt to gain or earn salvation; but it is based on the fact that salvation was achieved through Jesus Christ. Let the church say AMEN!! Galatians 3:19-25 • Because of the grace shown to the believer, God requires us to live a certain way. Shuler’s Therefore

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