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Ducks!. By Megan Gressley. What are ducks?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ducks! By Megan Gressley

  2. What are ducks? Ducks are birds with webbed feet. Their feathers have a special oil that keep them dry. They have a beak called a bill. They use it to eat and catch prey. Female ducks are called ducks and males are called drakes. Most ducks live 2 years but wild ducks can live up to 25 years or more.

  3. Where do ducks live? Ducks are water animals. They have to live near water so they live in wetlands, marshes, rivers, ponds, and lakes. Ducks live in all parts of the world except Antarctica.

  4. What do ducks eat? Many different ducks eat different things such as… • Aquatic weeds • Grasses • Sedges Rushes • Small insects • Fishes • barnacles

  5. What are some adaptations of ducks? Ducks have waterproof feathers that keep them from getting wet. They also have a bill that helps them catch prey. Their webbed feet allow them to swim easily. Some female ducks have brown feathers that camafloudge them.

  6. How do ducks reproduce? Female ducks lay 5 to 12 eggs. The female duck sits on her eggs while the male temporarily leaves to join other males. Then the eggs hatch from 3 weeks to a month later. The baby ducks are called ducklings.

  7. What are different species of ducks? • Shoveler • Cinnamon Teal • Canvasback • Blue Winged Teal • American Wigeon • Mallard • Mandarainian • Pochards • Common Shelduck • Red Breasted Merganser • Stifftailed

  8. I collected all of my information from Infohio’s world book student. Infohio Rocks! The End!!!☺☻

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