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Bicycling and Public Health: PLACE grants and Safe Routes to School

Bicycling and Public Health: PLACE grants and Safe Routes to School. Matthew Ruscigno, RD, MPH Network for A Healthy California at LA Trade Technical College. Many Uses of Bicycles. Recreation Physical fitness Utility Socially Politically. As Transportation?. In NYC.

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Bicycling and Public Health: PLACE grants and Safe Routes to School

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  1. Bicycling and Public Health: PLACE grants and Safe Routes to School Matthew Ruscigno, RD, MPH Network for A Healthy California at LA Trade Technical College

  2. Many Uses of Bicycles • Recreation • Physical fitness • Utility • Socially • Politically

  3. As Transportation?

  4. In NYC • DOT's most recent counts show levels of cycling have doubled in the last 6 years • Commuter cycling grew by 35% from 07-08 • Strong city support and the building of infrastructure

  5. Los Angeles: Unique • Space developed primarily for automobiles Easier to drive = More likely to drive • Low rates of bicycle commuting • Poor infrastructure and city support • LA DOT recently threatened to cut 100% of bike projects BUT There is currently a lot of momentum

  6. LA County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) envisions a new Los Angeles that is a great place for everyday, year-round cycling; a Los Angeles with healthier, more vibrant communities, where the air is cleaner, streets are safer and quieter www.la-bike.org

  7. Connecting Public Health and Bicycling • Safer, quieter streets • Less pollution • Increase in local resources • Humanization of mobility and social interactions

  8. PLACE Grant • Policies for Livable, Active Communities and Environments • PLACE funds proposals that initiate policy changes and physical projects to enhance the built environment and increase physical activity among community residents • Requires non-profit organizations to partner with a city

  9. PLACE Recipients • Pacoima Beautiful & LA City Planning Dept • Culver city & LACBC • El Monte & multiple partners • Long Beach & BikeStation • LACBC & City of Glendale

  10. In Glendale • Colin Bogart, LA County Bicycle Coalition 818.334.9731, colin@la-bike.org,www.la-bike.org/glendale • Create a Safe and Healthy Streets Plan, a policy document designed to implement existing policies from current City planning documents • More educating and connecting, than built projects

  11. Glendale PACE Activities Glendale history 12-mile ride

  12. PLACE cont • The LA Dept of Public Health does not anticipate funding additional initiatives at this time • Mailing list to receive information about other funding opportunities or built environment workshops: place@ph.lacounty.gov

  13. Safe Routes to Schools Two funding sources: • State (SR2S)- Applicants are cities and counties, funds infrastructure, 10% match required, K-12 target, must be in school vicinity • Federal (SRTS)- Non-profits, PH Depts, school districts with city or county, funds infrastructure and other, no match, K-8, must be w/in 2 miles of schools

  14. How To Get Started • Identify community stakeholders and form a multidisciplinary team • Inventory and identify safety needs/hazards around schools; get info and seek out resources; and propose alternatives that would correct those needs/hazards • Prioritize alternatives and adopt the one that proposes short and long-term safety solutions in the form of projects • Develop a plan • Submit an application to secure funding for project within that plan

  15. CA’s SR2S Program • Joyce Parks, the SR2S Coordinator, Caltrans 916.653.6920, joyce_parks@dot.ca.gov dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/saferoutes/saferoutes.htm • Dorothy Le, Planning & Policy Director, LACBC dorothy@la-bike.org, 213.629.2142 • Safe Bicycle Routes for LA schools http://sr2s-la.blogspot.com • www.saferoutesinfo.org

  16. Safe Routes to Schools • Safe Routes to Schools national conference: Portland, Oregon August 19-21st www.saferoutesconference.org/

  17. Cyclists Inciting Change thru Live Exchange www.cicle.org • Safe urban riding courses • Workshops for kids • Social rides: ice cream tours, bike-in movies, park tours

  18. CICLE’s Recommendations • 40% of our trips are under 2 miles. These trips present a great opportunity to get on the bike • Make your first few city bike trips pleasant and enjoyable • Keep it easy. Pick a regular destination that falls within one mile from your house. Start biking instead of driving. Ride to meet friends for a cup of coffee or a trip to the movies • Make it safe. Learn good urban street riding and bike handling skills

  19. Additional Resources • Complete the Streets www.completestreets.org • Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center www.pedbikeinfo.org • League of American Bicyclists www.bikeleague.org • Street Films www.streetfilms.org

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