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Carbohydrates. Theory. Carbohydrate- Why do we need it?. Carbohydrates are the main energy providers. All carbohydrates are converted to glucose when digested and this is converted to energy! If the energy is not used up then it is stored as body fat!.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Carbohydrates Theory

  2. Carbohydrate- Why do we need it? Carbohydrates are the main energy providers. All carbohydrates are converted to glucose when digested and this is converted to energy! If the energy is not used up then it is stored as body fat!

  3. Where do carbohydrates fit into the eatwell plate?

  4. Types of carbohydrates Carbohydrates mainly come from plants. There are 2 types of carbohydrate: starches & sugars.

  5. Carbohydrates: Starches Starchy foods provide a slow release of energy and help our blood sugar levels stay the same so we don’t feel tired. (Also known as complex carbohydrates) Starchy foods also contain other nutrients such as vitamin B, which transfers and releases energy and also helps with the formation of red blood cells. What starchy foods can you think of?

  6. Carbohydrates: Sugars Sugar gives a fast release of energy that means your blood sugar levels go up and down like a yoyo! This makes you feel either too tired or too full of energy. Some foods contain natural sugars such as milk, fruit & honey. Many foods such as fizzy drinks, cakes, biscuits& jam contain added table sugars. This is the sugar that can be bad for our health and our teeth!

  7. Which contains more sugar? 44g 52.5g 2 x packets of chewy starburst sweets 1 x 500ml bottle of Ribena

  8. Watch out for hidden Sugars! Food manufacturers add sugar to many foods and drinks to improve the taste & flavour. It is sometimes called hidden sugar because we may not realise it is there. Foods such as pasta sauce, soups, cereals, baked beans contain added sugar. Manufactures often try to disguise sugar by referring to it as glucose, dextrose, fructose. Read labels carefully as sometimes the nutritional content is given per 100ml which means that a bottle containing 500ml has 5 times that amount!

  9. Fibre (NSP) Fibre (Non starch polysaccharides) is sometimes classified as a carbohydrate although it is not actually a nutrient. This is because it is not absorbed by the body. Why do we need it? Fibre helps the digestive system to stay healthy by getting rid of all the waste in the form of faeces. As fibre passes through the body it absorbs water and adds bulk to the waste making it soft. A lack of fibre in the diet can lead to constipation and bowl cancer. Fibre is also thought to slow down digestion which helps to control blood sugar levels. What foods are a good source of fibre?

  10. Quiz ?? Carbohydrate is needed … A) To protect vital organs B) For Energy C) For growth & repair

  11. Which section of the eatwell plate do carbohydrates come from… A) meat, fish, eggs B) Milk, cheese, yoghurt C) Bread, potatoes, pasta, rice

  12. Slow release carbohydrates are called… A) Complex carbohydrates B) Combined carbohydrates C) Simple carbohydrates

  13. Foods & drinks which contain natural sugars include A) Cakes, Biscuits, chocolate B) Milk, Fruit, Honey C) bread, chips, rice, potatoes

  14. Eating too much sugar in one go can affect….? A) Blood sugar levels B) Energy levels C) A & B

  15. Fibre helps the body to…. A) Grow & repair B) Get rid of waste C) Create energy

  16. All carbohydrates are converted to .. A) Glucose B) Protein C) Waste

  17. All carbohydrates are converted to .. A) Glucose B) Protein C) Waste

  18. Starchy foods are a good source of carbohydrate because they… A) Release energy quickly B) Speed up digestion C) Contain lots of other nutrients

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