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American and World War Two

The Big Idea : World War Two would bring America center stage and make it a world leader. The Essential Question : In what ways did Americans prove that they were ready to do whatever was possible to defend the United States?. American and World War Two.

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American and World War Two

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  1. The Big Idea: World War Two would bring America center stage and make it a world leader. The Essential Question: In what ways did Americans prove that they were ready to do whatever was possible to defend the United States? American and World War Two

  2. http://www.history.com/videos/japanese-diplomats-arrive-in-us#japanese-diplomats-arrive-in-ushttp://www.history.com/videos/japanese-diplomats-arrive-in-us#japanese-diplomats-arrive-in-us December 8th 1941 • The day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor America needed direction. • President Roosevelt knew that he needed to show strength in this time of national peril. • Privately however he expressed concern over fighting a war on two different fronts.

  3. Roosevelt’s Concerns • “I never wanted to have to fight this war on two fronts. We haven’t got the Navy to fight in both the Atlantic and the Pacific. . . . We will have to build up the Navy and the Air Force and that will mean we will have to take a good many defeats before we can have victory” – FDR to his wife.

  4. American Might • While Roosevelt was worried about fighting a global war, Prime Minister Churchill was not. • He compared the American economy to a giant boiler. • He said “Once the fire is lighted under it there is no limit to the power it can generate.

  5. American Might • America was still in the Great Depression despite years of reform and New Deal programs. • WWII would help get America producing again and lift the Great Depression. • The war would prove to the world that America domestic force to be reckoned with.

  6. American Production • The United States rapidly increased its war production after the attack on Pearl Harbor. • This increase was possible because Roosevelt had been preparing the nation for it. • After France fell to the Nazi’s Roosevelt declared a state of emergency and asked for more airplanes to be built.

  7. American Production • While many Americans were still in favor of isolationism before Pearl Harbor, the attack on France shocked many. • They were willing to build up Americans own defenses. • By October of 1940 Congress was spending over 17 billion dollars on national defense.

  8. American Production • After the attack on Pearl Harbor however, the U.S. began to do even more. • The Army-Navy munitions board began signing contracts with American companies. • The goal was to build new, state of the art aircraft, naval ships, and equipment.

  9. The Economy • Roosevelt believed that business and government needed to work together in order to be successful. • He believed that it was a win-win situation. • Business would get money and the government would get war materials.

  10. The Economy • This meant that the more a company produced the more they got paid. • So companies began to produce faster than ever. • This pumped money into the economy and weapons into the hands of soldiers.

  11. The wartime “miracle” • By early 1942 some 200,000 companies had converted to wartime production. • This increase meant more jobs and more money for average Americans, which helped end the depression. • All of these factors together made the wartime “miracle”.

  12. American Might • Americans would prove up to the task of war production. • American workers were twice as productive as German workers and five times more productive than the Japanese. • This production would help give America the advantage in the war.

  13. Mass Production • The automobile industry was uniquely suited for mass production. • For over 20 years these car factories became extremely effective at making things fast. • Car companies began producing tanks, jeeps, and even aircraft parts.

  14. Mass Production • These car companies did not just make vehicles however. • They also built artillery, rifles, mines, and even helmets. • This fast paced production helped America and its allies in the war.

  15. Henry Ford and the liberator • Henry Ford created an assembly line for the B-24 bomber. • By the end of the war this assembly built over 8,600 airplanes. • Overall the auto industry produced one-third of all military gear for the war.

  16. Building an Army • Now that America was producing all this new equipment they needed men to use it. • In the weeks after Pearl Harbor over 60,000 men enlisted into the military. • The government also helped promote the Army and Navy through wartime recruitment posters.

  17. Uncle Sam wants you • Army recruiting stations were flooded with men wanting to fight for their country. • So many men signed up that the Army did not have enough equipment to train all the soldiers at first. • The men were trained on wooden gun cutouts and threw rocks to simulate grenades.

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBUKRAE2O9c Frank Capra • Even though many young Americans were eager to fight, their families were not happy to see them go. • So the government contracted a director named Frank Capra to let Americans know why they are fighting. • He produced the famous “Why we fight” series.

  19. The “Sleeping Giant” awakes • This is what Japanese Admiral Yamamoto meant when he stated the Japanese had just “awoken a sleeping giant” • America proved that they were willing stand up and fight • This production along with military strength in battle showed the world that America was a super power.

  20. END NOTES • Titled America and World War TWO

  21. Start notes • Titled WWII THE FIGHT

  22. The Big Idea: World War Two would bring America center stage and make it a world leader. The Essential Question: IN what ways did the combat of WWII effect the outcome of the war? World War Two the fight

  23. General Issue • Before a soldier could be shipped overseas into battle they needed gear • Each soldier in a unit received the same “General Issue gear” • This is why soldiers were called “G.I.s”

  24. The American Soldier • Troops would be sent to war after their basic training. • This training involved learning how to read maps, pitch tents, dig trenches, as well as shooting. • This basic training was targeted at creating friendships among the men as well as training them to be warriors

  25. A segregated Army • Even though basic training was aimed at creating unity, most men didn’t meet people from all parts of society. • At the start of the war the U.S. military was segregated. • This meant that white soldiers and African American soldiers trained, lived, and fought in separate units.

  26. Double V • Many African Americans did not support going to fight. • Some felt that because of the racism of segregation they should not defend those ideals. • However most still choose to enlist and defend their country.

  27. Double V • Many African American leaders combined patriotism with protest. • They encouraged men to join the war effort, and help make a better society through their “Double V” campaign. • They were hoping for a Double Victory

  28. Double V • The goal was to not only have a victory against Hitler but also back at home. • Many African Americans felt that if they served in the war they would earn respect back home. • President Roosevelt supported the Double V campaign and ordered the Navy and Army to start recruiting African Americans

  29. Tuskegee Airmen • The air force created the first all African American unit. • These men were trained in Tuskegee, Alabama. • These men would prove to be great airmen, not one of their planes was shot down during the war.

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