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Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Life Cycle (Butterfly)

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Life Cycle of a Butterfly

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

  2. Life Cycle of a Butterfly Vocabulary Words Life Cycle- All the parts of an animal’s life from birth to death. Developing- To grow. Egg- A round or oval mass from which young animals hatch. Larva- The stage early in an insect’s life when it looks like a worm. Pupa- A stage in the life cycle of certain insects when the larva is changing into an adult. Chrysalis- The inactive stage in the development of a butterfly or moth during which the larva is enclosed. Metamorphosis- The series of stages in the development of some animals from their immature form into adulthood. Caterpillars change into butterflies through metamorphosis. Change- To make different in some way.

  3. A butterfly starts its life as a tiny __________ on a leaf.

  4. What emerges from the egg?

  5. What does the caterpillar attach itself to?

  6. The caterpillar closes itself into a ___________________.

  7. What emerges from a pupa?

  8. Wrap up/Review Identify the stages of the life cycle. Students will complete

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