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Jacksonian Poltics

Jacksonian Poltics. Preceded by the so-called Era of Good Feelings. Learning Objectives—Jacksonian Politics. Identify the impacts of the Jackson presidency. How did the Jackson presidency represent and create political transformation in the United States.

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Jacksonian Poltics

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  1. Jacksonian Poltics Preceded by the so-called Era of Good Feelings

  2. Learning Objectives—Jacksonian Politics • Identify the impacts of the Jackson presidency. • How did the Jackson presidency represent and create political transformation in the United States. • Look at democracy, the West, the scope and power of the national government, and the party system • How did Jackson affect the presidency?

  3. James Monroe—Era of Good Feelings • Era of Good Feelings label comes from a single but important Good Will tour of New England in 1817 • Ran unopposed in 1820 and got all but 4 electoral votes • Great Cabinet: John Quincy Adams, William H. Crawford, John C. Calhoun http://faculty.adams.edu/~ercrowth/us202powerpoints/monroe.ppt#259,4,Adams, Crawford, & Calhoun

  4. Election of 1824 • Candidates • The Tennessee legislature nominated Andrew Jackson • The Kentucky legislature nominated Henry Clay • Massachusetts nominated John Quincy Adams • The congressional caucus, nominated William H. Crawford . Andrew Jackson http://go.dbcc.edu/behavior_socsci/mckeowm/files/33A7092D1B814A209FA58BCF04AEAC36.ppt#265,10,V. Missouri Compromise

  5. B. The Campaign • John C. Calhoun, ran for Vice-President on the Adams and Jackson tickets. • Adams benefited from the split of Southern and Western candidates. • Adams' supported Clay’s "American System“. • Jackson attacked "King Caucus ," supporting the right of the people to choose their own President. John C Calhoun http://go.dbcc.edu/behavior_socsci/mckeowm/files/33A7092D1B814A209FA58BCF04AEAC36.ppt#265,10,V. Missouri Compromise

  6. C. The Results • Jackson received 99 electoral votes, Adams 84, Crawford 41, Clay 37. The election was settled in the House of Representatives. • Clay convinced The state delegation of Kentucky to vote for Adams. • Corrupt Bargain: Clay with making a "corrupt bargain“. • Adams offered Clay the position of Secretary of State. • the Republican party divided into two factions: National Republicansand Democratic Republicans . Clay’s appointment to Secretary of State. http://go.dbcc.edu/behavior_socsci/mckeowm/files/33A7092D1B814A209FA58BCF04AEAC36.ppt#265,10,V. Missouri Compromise

  7. http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/3/3c/350px-ElectoralCollege1824-Large.pnghttp://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/3/3c/350px-ElectoralCollege1824-Large.png

  8. Election of 1824 http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~msaghir/MR%20Folder%202

  9. John Quincy Adams as President

  10. the Election of 1828 • the abominable tariff

  11. The Age of Jackson • Andrew Jackson was elected in 1828 and remained in office for two terms, until 1836. • Jackson was known as a national hero, and the symbol for the "common man". • Jackson also had a strong-will & quick temper. • Jackson’s Presidency is known for: • Jacksonian democracy • Nullification issue • National bank issue http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  12. The Age of Jackson http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  13. Jacksonian Democracy • Strengthened the executive branch & the Presidency at the expense of Congress • Broaden public participation in government. • Enfranchised all eligible white males, rather than just property owners (White male suffrage) • Supported the patronage system • Favored elected judges.. • Favored geographical expansion, sometimes justifying it in terms of Manifest Destiny http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  14. http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  15. The Spoils System • Also known as Political Patronage • The patronage system enabled politicians to appoint their supporters into Gov’t jobs, • Jacksonian’s argued that these appointments would lead to increased public participation in politics. http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  16. democracy in America • the expanded franchise

  17. Jacksonian Democracy • JACKSONIAN ERA 1824 - 1840 • JACKSON 1828-1836 • Jackson - the people's man • vigorous leadership • egalitarian • any honest citizen can represent in government • the people themselves should decide on public policy • "spoils system" • offices given as a reward for their support POPULAR WILL -----> PUBLIC POLICY The Election of 1828 http://faculty.sierracollege.edu/ccox/history_17A/15%20Building%20A%20Nation.ppt#301,7,BUILDING A NATION

  18. Jackson versus Calhoun

  19. Nullification Issue • A sectional crisis during the Jackson’s presidency over the question of a state’s right to nullify a federal law • The issue developed around protective tariffs, specifically the Tariff of 1828, that was also called the "Tariff of Abominations". • The debate over states' rights threatened conflict between South Carolina and the federal government http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  20. John C. Calhoun • From South Carolina and Jackson’s VP in his first term, • Calhoun believed in strong states rights in contrast to a strong central government • He led the southern fight against high Protective Tariffs • Near death in 1860, he led he south to secession http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  21. John C. Calhoun http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  22. South Carolina Exposition and Protest • Calhoun’s issues with the Tariffs were intense • He felt states had the right to Nullify laws of the Federal Gov't that were unconstitutional. • He further reasoned that if the federal Gov't refused to allow nullification, then states, could withdraw from the union. • Calhoun wrote down his theory in a document entitled The South Carolina Exposition http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  23. South Carolina Nullification Crisis • The Ordinance of Nullification declared both the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void within SC state borders • In response, President Andrew Jackson sent naval vessels to Charleston • Congress passed a "Force Bill" authorizing Jackson to take actions to enforce law. • Henry Clay, the Great Compromiser, resolved the crisis with his Tariff of 1833, also know as the compromise Tariff http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  24. Jackson versus Clay and Biddle

  25. National Bank Issue • Andrew Jackson was opposed to the National Bank, even though it was declared constitutional by the supreme court in McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819 • Jackson's independent personality contributed to his efforts to undermine it • Finally, Jackson favored his Pet Banks • This caused the Panic of 1837 http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  26. National Bank Issue http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  27. Pet Banks • In his effort to destroy the Bank of the U.S., Jackson refused to deposit federal money in the National Bank. • Instead, he used state banks that were loyal to his party. • These banks were called Pet Banks. http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  28. Panic of 1837 • The prosperity of the early 1830s was led by the construction of new canals railroads • The prosperity bubble burst in 1837 • Causes include the economic policies of President Jackson who favored currency in only gold or silver (Tight Money) and who terminated the National Bank. • Also, Pres. Van Buren refused to involve the government in the economic recovery http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  29. Election of 1832 • President Andrew Jackson, candidate of the Democratic Party, easily won reelection against Henry Clay of Kentucky. • The first national election for Martin Van Buren of NY, who replaced Calhoun as VP http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  30. Jackson versus American Indians

  31. INDIAN REMOVAL ACT - 1830 • Congress, with Jackson’s support, passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830 • Under this law, the federal government funded treaties that forced tribes west • The Cherokee Tribe in Georgia refused and were supported by the Supreme Court • Jackson refused to abide by the Court decision • Jackson said, “John Marshall (Supreme Court Chief Justice) has made his decision, now let him enforce it.” • Trail of Tears followed the Court ruling as U.S. troops rounded up the Cherokee and drove them west, mostly on foot. . .thousands died http://webzoom.freewebs.com/centralhistory/A%20C%203%20US%20CHAPTER%203.ppt

  32. INDIAN REMOVAL - 1830 http://webzoom.freewebs.com/centralhistory/A%20C%203%20US%20CHAPTER%203.ppt

  33. Whig Party, 1832 to 1856 • The Whig party was formed in opposition to Andrew Jackson. • The name was based on American Whigs of 1770s who fought for independence. • Whig philosophy was compatible with the reformers goals. • The Whigs were commitment to Clay’s American System http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  34. Fuuuuuuuuumbllllllllllllle!!!!! • the handoff of the Presidency from Jackson to Van Buren

  35. Election of 1836 • Winner: Martin Van Buren • As Andrew Jackson's Secretary of State and then Vice President, he helped built Jacksonian democracy • His Presidency was overshadowed by the economic hardship of the Panic of 1837. http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  36. http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/d/d8/350px-ElectoralCollege1836-Large.pnghttp://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/d/d8/350px-ElectoralCollege1836-Large.png

  37. Election of 1840 http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

  38. Election of 1840 • Van Buren was not popular do to the 1837 depression • Harrison ran as a war hero and man of the people, while presenting Van Buren as a wealthy snob • Rallying under the slogan “Tippecanoe and Tyler, too,” the Whigs easily won • The 2-party system re-emerged http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/ebhs/academics/socialstudies

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