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O Zion, Haste (Verse 1)

O Zion, Haste (Verse 1). O Zion, Haste. 573. WORDS: Mary A. Thomson, 1894. 1. O Zion, haste, thy mission high fulfilling, to tell to all the world that God is light,. that he who made all nations is not willing one soul should perish, lost in shades of night. O Zion, Haste (Refrain).

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O Zion, Haste (Verse 1)

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  1. O Zion, Haste(Verse 1) O Zion, Haste 573 WORDS: Mary A. Thomson, 1894 1. O Zion, haste,thy mission high fulfilling,to tell to all the worldthat God is light,

  2. that he who madeall nations is not willingone soul should perish,lost in shades of night.

  3. O Zion, Haste (Refrain) Refrain Publish glad tidings,tidings of peace;tidings of Jesus,redemption and release.

  4. O Zion, Haste (Verse 2) 2. Behold how manythousands still are lyingbound in the darksomeprison-house of sin,

  5. with none to tell themof the Savior’s dying,or of the lifehe died for them to win.

  6. O Zion, Haste (Refrain) Refrain Publish glad tidings,tidings of peace;tidings of Jesus,redemption and release.

  7. O Zion, Haste (Verse 3) 3. Proclaim to everypeople, tongue, and nationthat God, in whomthey live and move, is love;

  8. tell how he stooped tosave his lost creation,and died on earththat we might live above.

  9. O Zion, Haste (Refrain) Refrain Publish glad tidings,tidings of peace;tidings of Jesus,redemption and release.

  10. O Zion, Haste (Verse 4) 4. Give of thine own tobear the message glorious;give of thy wealthto speed themon their way;

  11. pour out thy soulfor them inprayer victorious;O Zion, hasteto bring the brighter day.

  12. O Zion, Haste (Refrain) Refrain Publish glad tidings,tidings of peace;tidings of Jesus,redemption and release.

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