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Shepherding Holistic Congregations

Shepherding Holistic Congregations. Begins with: Prayer and Dependence on God John 15:1-17. Begins with: Prayer and Dependence on God John 15:1-17 Heart to Impact the World Acts 1:8. Begins with: Prayer and Dependence on God John 15:1-17 Heart to Impact the World Acts 1:8

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Shepherding Holistic Congregations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shepherding Holistic Congregations

  2. Begins with: Prayer and Dependence on GodJohn 15:1-17

  3. Begins with: Prayer and Dependence on GodJohn 15:1-17 Heart to Impact the WorldActs 1:8

  4. Begins with: Prayer and Dependence on GodJohn 15:1-17 Heart to Impact the WorldActs 1:8 Leading by ExampleJames 1:22-25

  5. Three kinds of churches: DisengagedIn the Church and Out of the World

  6. Three kinds of churches: DisengagedIn the Church and Out of the World ConformedIndistinguishable from the World

  7. Three kinds of churches: DisengagedIn the Church and Out of the World ConformedIndistinguishable from the World Impacting the WorldIn the World but not of the World

  8. Three Things the Church Has Lost The Christian Mind (Head) • Romans 12:1-2 • Biblical worldview

  9. Three Things the Church Has Lost The Christian Mind (Head) • Romans 12:1-2 • Biblical worldview The Great Commission (Heart) • Matthew 9:35-38 & 28:18-20 • Disciple the nations

  10. Three Things the Church Has Lost The Christian Mind (Head) • Romans 12:1-2 • Biblical worldview The Great Commission (Heart) • Matthew 9:35-38 & 28:18-20 • Disciple the nations The Samaritan Strategy (Hands) • Luke 10:25-37 • Love like Jesus loves

  11. Worldview • A set of assumptions which we hold (consciously or unconsciously) in faith, about the makeup of our world and how the world works • Like a set of glasses for the mind

  12. Disciple Nations Alliancehttp://www.disciplenations.org/ Discipling Nations by Darrow Miller Against All Hope: Hope for Africaby Darrow Miller & Scott Allen

  13. Samaritan Strategy Africahttp://www.samaritan-strategy-africa.org/ Dennis Tongoi

  14. The Roots Produce the Fruit

  15. Ideas have consequences FruitConsequences BranchesBehavior TrunkValues RootsBeliefs

  16. Reaction “Fundamentalists” Evangelicals Pentecostals Charismatics Accommodation “Liberals” Old-Line Denominations Secularism Church Church Divided

  17. Faith Theology Ethics Missions Devotional Life Gospel Reason Science Business/economics Politics Art/music Physical ministry Bread The Greek Dichotomy Higher (more important) Sunday SPIRITUAL (sacred) GRACE Lower (less important) Weekdays PHYSICAL (secular) NATURE

  18. Sacred Secular Evangelical Gnosticism GOD

  19. Moral *Faith *Grace *Missions *Ethics Sacred * Theology * Evangelism * Discipleship * Devotions Physical * Works * Reason * Business * Politics Secular * Science * Economics * Mass Media * The Arts Evangelical Gnosticism GOD Spiritual Weekdays Natural Spiritual Disciplines Spiritual Warfare Sundays ‘Physical Ministries Social Justice

  20. Gathered and Scattered Gathered for worship & equipping Scattered for service and disciplemaking

  21. Three Things the Church Has Lost The Christian Mind (Head) • Romans 12:1-2 • Biblical worldview The Great Commission (Heart) • Matthew 9:35-38 & 28:18-20 • Disciple the nations The Samaritan Strategy (Hands) • Luke 10:25-37 • Love like Jesus loves

  22. In the Gospel we have a powerful story that has the ability to: • Transform individual lives • Transform families and relationships • Transform communities and cultures

  23. The Way it Should Be People God’s intentions for: Present Future

  24. The Effect of Sin SinGod’s intentions for: Present Future

  25. The Church as a Window People Church God’s intentions for: Present Future

  26. The Church as a Window People Church God’s intentions for: P So Present Future W Sp Luke 2:52

  27. The Church as a Window People Church God’s intentions for: P Present Future Luke 2:52

  28. The Church as a Window People Church God’s intentions for: P So Present Future Luke 2:52

  29. The Church as a Window People Church God’s intentions for: P So Future Present W Luke 2:52

  30. The Church as a Window People Church God’s intentions for: P So Present Future W Sp Luke 2:52

  31. The Church as a Window People Church God’s intentions for: Present Future Luke 2:52

  32. Three Things the Church Has Lost The Christian Mind (Head) • Romans 12:1-2 • Biblical worldview The Great Commission (Heart) • Matthew 9:35-38 & 28:18-20 • Disciple the nations The Samaritan Strategy (Hands) • Luke 10:25-37 • Love like Jesus loves

  33. Biblically Holistic Ministry Demonstrates the Gospel • Show it Declares the Gospel • Speak it Example: Life of Christ (Luke 4)

  34. Love like Jesus loves… • See the need & cast vision • Risk stepping out • Focus on relationship • Prepare well & coach as you go • Release people to serve • Rejoice at what God does

  35. Biblically Holistic Ministry

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