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Parasites of commercial fish es as bioindicators of marine pollution: A preliminary study

Vertimar 2005. Parasites of commercial fish es as bioindicators of marine pollution: A preliminary study. Ana Pérez-del Olmo , Mercedes Fernández, Francisco E. Montero, Juan Antonio Raga & Aneta Kostadinova. Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology

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Parasites of commercial fish es as bioindicators of marine pollution: A preliminary study

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  1. Vertimar 2005 Parasites of commercial fishes as bioindicators of marine pollution: A preliminary study Ana Pérez-del Olmo, Mercedes Fernández, Francisco E. Montero, Juan Antonio Raga & Aneta Kostadinova Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology University of Valencia, Spain

  2. Bioindicators in marine organisms • External anomalies • Length-weight relationships • Detoxifying enzymes • Hematological values • Histopathology • Pollutant concentration • Parasitism

  3. Bioindicators in marine organisms • External anomalies • Length-weight relationships • Detoxifying enzymes • Hematological values • Histopathology • Pollutant concentration • Parasitism

  4. Parasites as Bioindicators • Transmission through trophic webs (Marcogliese & Cone, 1997) • Alteration of parasite´s environment (Khan, 1987) • Life cycles shorter than those of their hosts • Heavy metal accumulation (Sures, 2003) • More parasitic than free living species (MacKenzie, 1999)

  5. “Amoco Cadiz” (France) 16.03.1978 “Exxon Valdez” (Alaska) 24.03.1989

  6. Micromesistius poutassou (Blue whiting – Lirio) Boopsboops (Bogue – Boga) Aim To investigate the medium-term impact of the oil spill from the “Prestige” using pre- and post-spill information on parasite infections from two commercial fish.

  7. 13.11.2002 2980 km affected “Prestige” oilspill

  8. Family Gadidae • aa • Mesopelagic • Small crustaceans (euphausiids, amphipods). Large individuals may prey on fish and cephalopods 30 – 400 m 160 m 3000 m Micromesistius poutassou

  9. Vigo Vigo Micromesistius poutassou 60 fish: 2000 & 2004

  10. Nematoda (pelagic) Digenea (benthic-neritic)

  11. Distribution of abundance

  12. Family Sparidae • aaaaaaaaaa • Inshore Waters (1 - 200 m) • Demersal or semipelagic above various bottoms • Omnivorous (young mostly carnivorous, adults mostly herbivorous) Boops boops

  13. Malpica Ondarroa 2001-2004 2001 Vigo 2001 Boops boops 120 fish: 2001 & 2004

  14. Pre-spill samples: Post-spill sample: Parasites of Boops boops Before VigoAfterMalpica 2 Malpica 1 Ondarroa Total: 26 metazoan parasites

  15. Parasite richness mean SD Parasite abundance mean SD Malpica (M2) Malpica (M1) Vigo (V1) Ondarroa (O1) After Before Parasite Communities

  16. *** P (%) 150 ns 100 50 0 Samples M2 M1 V1 O1 Monoxenous parasites: Prevalence direct cycle-ectoparasites

  17. Monoxenous parasites: Species richness *** *** ns ns Monoxenous parasites: Abundance Prevalence of monoxenous by group

  18. Diamant et al. (2003) *** HETEROXENOUS PARASITES (indirect cycle-endoparasites) MONOXENOUS PARASITES (direct cycle-ectoparasites) ns Ratio Sm/Sh

  19. PAHs Immunosupression Gill hyperplasia Excessive mucous secretion Coagulation of mucus ELEVATED LEVELS OF MONOXENOUS INFECTIONS Haensy et al. (1982): Amoco Cadiz oil spill Moles & Wade (2001):experimental study Khan (1990; 2003): experimental & field studies

  20. Endoparasites decrease Interruption of life cycles Pollution & Parasites MacKenzie (1999), Khan (2003) Ectoparasites increase Immunosupression

  21. *** *** No. sp. 7 ns 6 ns 5 4 3 2 1 0 Samples M2 M1 V1 O1 Heteroxenous parasites: Species richness Heteroxenous parasites: Abundance * No substantial perturbation of the benthic intermediate hosts

  22. 400 350 300 250 200 150 Mean no. of ind. 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 Mean no. of sp. Still … 3 Atlantic 3 Mediterranean

  23. Future research • Parasitism • Length-weight relationship • External anomalies • Hematological values • Histopathology • Pollutant concentration

  24. Thanks are due to: • Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia(APO holds a FPU grant and MF holds a “Ramón y Cajal” contract) • Fundación Azti (Sukarrieta), IIM (CSIC) • Pescados Rivas (Fisterra), Lonjas de Bueu y Ribeira • Unidad de Zoología Marina (ICBIBE, Universitat de València) Thanks for your attention!

  25. Micromesistius poutassou

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