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Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny. Phashod Moore . The San Jacinto River.

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Manifest Destiny

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  1. Manifest Destiny Phashod Moore

  2. The San Jacinto River • The battle of san Jacinto lasted only 18 min.Although the Texans where outnumbered, they killed 630 Mexicans and captured 700 more. They eventually captured Santa Anna making him to sign a treaty granting Texas there independence and more freedom.

  3. The Alamo • The defenders of the Alamo held out foe 13 days against Santa Anna’s army. The assault begin before daybreak. The Mexican soldiers emerged from the darkness of the night and headed straight for the Alamo’s walls. By sunrise the battle had been over and Santa Anna entered in to there

  4. The trail of tears • In 1838 and 1839, as part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma. The Cherokee people called this journey the "Trail of Tears," because of its devastating effects. The migrants faced hunger, disease, and exhaustion on the forced march. Over 4,000 out of 15,000 of the Cherokees died. They suffered a lot and had it hard

  5. Fort Mandan • During the time of winter of 1804-05, Lewis and Clark made a camp section on the Missouri River about 12 miles west of present day Washburn,Nd. The group of people made a log fort a short distance from five Indian villages occupied by Mandan and Hidatsa Indians. The fort was named FORT Mandan in honor of one of the local Indian tribes. They used it for a home for the expedition during the cold, long winter. The actual fort site was lost forever when it eroded by the Missouri river.

  6. Sutter’s Mill • In the morning sun brought out the glitter of something on the bedrock bottom of the race and caught Marshall's eye then he held it up for inspection and discovered that it was gold. After this he ran back to tell the other’s that he had discovered a gold mine. The next morning the men made a very thorough inspection of the race, collecting more gold from the mine and accumulating two or three ounces of gold for there efforts.

  7. Guadalupe Hidalgo They gave us Texas and California which gave us the ability to move over . In November 1835, the northern part of the Mexican state of Coahuila-TeIn November 1835, the northern part of the Mexican state of Coahuila-Tejas declared itself in revolt against Mexico's new centralist government headed by President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. By February 1836, Texans declared their territory to be independent as declared itself in revolt against Mexico's new centralist government headed by President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. By February 1836, Texans declared their territory to be independent.

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