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Automobile Sales, 1921–1929

Automobile Sales, 1921–1929. The greatest increase in automobile sales occurred between (1) 1921 and 1923 (2) 1923 and 1925 (3) 1925 and 1927 (4) 1927 and 1929 The information in the graph primarily reflects the influence of (1) the Great Depression

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Automobile Sales, 1921–1929

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  1. Automobile Sales, 1921–1929 The greatest increase in automobile sales occurred between (1) 1921 and 1923 (2) 1923 and 1925 (3) 1925 and 1927 (4) 1927 and 1929 The information in the graph primarily reflects the influence of (1) the Great Depression (2) increased foreign imports (3) mass-production techniques (4) public transportation systems 5 4 3 Millions of Automobiles 2 1 0 1921 1923 1925 1927 1929

  2. Automobile Sales, 1921–1929 The greatest increase in automobile sales occurred between (1) 1921 and 1923 (2) 1923 and 1925 (3) 1925 and 1927 (4) 1927 and 1929 The information in the graph primarily reflects the influence of (1) the Great Depression (2) increased foreign imports (3) mass-production techniques (4) public transportation systems 5 4 3 Millions of Automobiles 2 1 0 1921 1923 1925 1927 1929

  3. Causes of the Increase in Automobile Sales Effects of the Increase in Automobile Sales • Debt for many • More Jobs! • -manufacturing • -construction(houses, bridges, highways) • 3. People moved to suburbs • People could buy on CREDIT! • Assembly Line & Mass Production make cars less expensive

  4. The Roaring 20s! The years leading up to the 20s… Progressive Movement People worked to improve their lives – Temperance, Woman’s Suffrage, Laws to make food and Factories safer World War I Women experienced more independence and the U.S. became isolated afterwards (a return to normalcy)

  5. Politics and Prosperity(good times) • Calvin Coolidge was President • Factories started producing more consumer goods. • Incomes rose for most Americans, and they spent money using installment buying, or credit. Results More factory work, High debt for consumers Soaring Stock Market = a BULL MARKET

  6. The "boom" years of the 1920's were characterized by 1. a decrease in farm foreclosures 2. high unemployment 3. an increase in spending 4. increased government regulation of business

  7. The "boom" years of the 1920's were characterized by 1. a decrease in farm foreclosures 2. high unemployment 3. an increase in spending 4. increased government regulation of business

  8. New Ways of Life • People started moving to cities (urbanization) • Prohibition • 18th amendment, prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcohol. • Bootleggers evaded the law by smuggling alcohol • People drank at speakeasies • Increased the power of organized crime

  9. New Rights for Women • 19th Amendment – Suffrage for Women • More worked outside of the home • New appliances made housework easier • Sense of freedom and rebellion (flappers) http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.crimelibrary.com/graphics/photos/notorious_murders/celebrity/wm_randolph_hearst/FlapperstheCharleston2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.crimelibrary.com/features/fea_printPage.asp%3FcurPage%3D%26thisFile%3D/notorious_murders/celebrity/wm_randolph_hearst/4.html&h=219&w=285&sz=22&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=vS8RzQKZhv0rhM:&tbnh=88&tbnw=115&prev=/images%3Fq%3DFlappers%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3DHPIA,HPIA:2006-05,HPIA:en%26sa%3DN

  10. Impact of Automobile • Ford made cars affordable • Sales increased, more highways built, • more jobs • People could move to the suburbs

  11. Jazz Age • Result of the Harlem Renaissance • Celebration of African-American Culture • New Writers • Ernest Hemingway • F. Scott Fitzgerald • Technology • Radio, Movies

  12. Which aspect of life during the 1920s most likely caused the decade to be labeled the "Roaring Twenties"? 1. technological improvement 2. social change 3. political reform 4. territorial expansion

  13. Which aspect of life during the 1920s most likely caused the decade to be labeled the "Roaring Twenties"? 1. technological improvement 2. social change 3. political reform 4. territorial expansion

  14. Fear, Tension, Division Red Scare Communism from the Soviet Union increased fears and worries that people would plot to overthrow the government Effects Anti-Foreign Feelings!Ex.) Sacco & Vanzetti were 2 immigrants arrested for burglary and executed because they admitted to being anarchists – people who plot to overthrow the gov’t

  15. Limits on Immigration • Led by Nativists • Quotas set that limited # of immigrants • Scopes Trial • Religion (tradition) vs. Science • Teacher arrested for teaching evolution KKK Fear of Change, targeted immigrants also

  16. Which best explains why immigration Laws were passed in the 1920's? 1.) Industrialization reduced the demand for immigrant labor. 2.) Many nativist groups opposed continued immigration. 3.) Labor unions favored unlimited immigration. 4.) Urbanization was on the decline.

  17. Which best explains why immigration Laws were passed in the 1920's? 1.) Industrialization reduced the demand for immigrant labor. 2.) Many nativist groups opposed continued immigration. 3.) Labor unions favored unlimited immigration. 4.) Urbanization was on the decline.

  18. U.S. immigration laws in the 1920's primarily sought to 1.) increase the flow of immigrants 2.) encourage cultural diversity 3.) reduce the number of immigrants 4.) limit the role of the U.S. in foreign affairs

  19. U.S. immigration laws in the 1920's primarily sought to 1.) increase the flow of immigrants 2.) encourage cultural diversity 3.) reduce the number of immigrants 4.) limit the role of the U.S. in foreign affairs

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