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Guadalupe Pérez Ayala 1º BACH C Lorena T. Santamaría Chico 1º BACH D

CONDITIONALS. Guadalupe Pérez Ayala 1º BACH C Lorena T. Santamaría Chico 1º BACH D. WHAT ARE CONDITIONALS?. Conditionals are clauses used to express condition . They are formed by a hypothesis and a result , separated with a comma (,). No comma if it is

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Guadalupe Pérez Ayala 1º BACH C Lorena T. Santamaría Chico 1º BACH D

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  1. CONDITIONALS Guadalupe Pérez Ayala 1º BACH C Lorena T. Santamaría Chico 1º BACH D

  2. WHAT ARE CONDITIONALS? • Conditionals are clausesused • toexpress condition. • They are formed by a hypothesis • and a result, separated with a • comma (,). No comma if it is • formed result – hypothesis. • The hypothesis begins with • the word if. • There are fourtypesof • conditionals: • Type0, type1, type2 and type3.

  3. USES OF CONDITIONALS • 0 Conditional • Used to express something • that is always true. • If/when. • If-clause (hypothesis): If/when + present simple. • Main clause (result): Present simple.

  4. EXAMPLES • If/When the sun shines, snow melts. • If/When the temperature falls bellow 0ºC, water turns into ice. • If/When we heat water, it boils.

  5. 1st Conditional • Used to express real situations • in the present or future. • If-clause (hypothesis): If + present simple, present continuous, present perfect or present perfect continuous. • Main clause (result): Future/imperative/can/may/might/must/should/could + bare infinitive

  6. EXAMPLES • If he doesn’tstudyhard, he won’tpasshisexam. • If he doesn’tpaythe fine, he willgotoprison.

  7. Ifyouneedhelp, come • and see me. • Ifyouhavefinishedyourwork, wecan havea break. • Ifyouareever in thearea, youshould • come and visitus.

  8. 2nd Conditional • Used to express imaginary situations • which are contrary to facts in the • present and that are not probable to • happenin the present or in the future. • If-clause (hypothesis): If + past simple, past continuous. • Main clause (result): Would / could / might + bare infinitive

  9. EXAMPLES • If I wonthelottery, I wouldbuyanexpensive car and I wouldgoonholidayto a tropical islandnextsummer. • If I had time, I wouldtake upa sport. • If I wereyou, I wouldtalktomayparentsaboutit.

  10. 3rd Conditional • Used to express imaginary • situations which are contrary to • facts in the past and also to • express regrets or criticism. • If-clause (hypothesis): If + past perfect, past perfect continuous. • Main clause (result): Would / could / might + have + bare infinitive.

  11. EXAMPLES • If John hadn’tgot up late, he • wouldn’thavemissedthe bus. • If Peter hadstuediedharder, he wouldhavepassedthe test. • If he hadn’tbeenacting so foolishly, he wouldn’thavebeenpunished.

  12. Will, would & should • If + will or would:  Make a polite request •  Express insistence •  Uncertainty • If + should: Talk about something possible, but very likely to happen.

  13. EXAMPLES • Iftheweatherisfine tomorrow, wewillgocamping. • Ifyouwillfinish in thisform, I’llprocessyouapplication. • Ifyouwillnot stop shouting, you’llhavetoleave.

  14. Idon’tknowif he willpasshis test. • IfTom shouldcall, tellhimI’llbe late.

  15. Unless • Unless instead of if + verb (affirmative)  1st Conditional • EXAMPLE • Unlessyouleavenow, you’ll miss the bus.

  16. Were • Were instead of was for all persons  2nd Conditional • EXAMPLE • IfRick was / werehere, wecouldhaveparty. If I wereyou • Giving advice • EXAMPLE • IfI wereyou, I wouldn’tcomplainaboutit.

  17. Instead of if • We can use: • Suppose / Supposing • As long as • Provided / Providing that • EXAMPLES • Suppose / Supposingtheboss comes now, whatwouldyousay? • I wouldtellyouitas long as I nowit.

  18. You can seeDr Carter providedyouhaveanappointment. • WewillallhavedinnertogetherprovidingMary comes on time.

  19. Ifcan beommited… • In the 1st Conditional: if  should. • In the 2nd Conditional: if  were. • In the 3rd Conditional: if  had If

  20. Should instead of if (1st) Should Peter come, tell him to wait. • Were instead of if (2nd ) WereI you, I wouldn’t trust him. • Had instead of if (3rd ) • Had he known, he would have called.

  21. If I were a boy Beyoncé If I were a boy Even just for a day I’d rolloutta bed in the morning And throw on what I wanted and go Drink beer with the guys And chase after girls I’d kick it with who I wanted And I’d never get confronted for it 'Cause they’d stick up for me If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I’d be a better man I’d listen to her 'Cause I know how it hurts When you lose the one you wanted 'Cause he’s taken you for granted And everything you had got destroyed If I were a boy I would turn off my phone Tell everyone it’s broken So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone I’d put myself first And make the rules as I go 'Cause I know that she’d be faithful Waitin’ for me to come home • To come home • If I were a boy • I think I could understand • How it feels to love a girl • I swear I’d be a better man • I’d listen to her • 'Cause I know how it hurts • When you lose the one you wanted • 'Cause he’s taken you for granted • And everything you had got destroyed • It's a little too late for you to come back • Say it's just a mistake • Think I'd forgive you like that • If you thought I would wait for you • You thought wrong • But you’re just a boy • You don’t understand • Yeah, you don’t understand • How it feels to love a girl, someday • You wish you were a better man • You don’t listen to her • You don’t care how it hurts • Until you lose the one you wanted • 'Cause you’ve taken her for granted • And everything you have got destroyed • Butyou’rejust a boy

  22. INFORMATION • Jenny Dooley & Virginia Evans • “GrammarWay” Express publishing • Song • http://www.quedeletras.com/letra-cancion-if-i-were-a-boy-bajar-106676/disco-dangerously-in-love/beyonce-if-i-were-a-boy.html

  23. PICTURES Mafalda http://telenekos.files.wordpress.com/2007/09/mafalda20pensando.jpg Boy http://diegobacha.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/es-colorear-dibujos-imagenes-foto-pensar-p10044.jpg Girl http://cms7.blogia.com/blogs/p/pe/pex/pexoxas21/upload/20060611011648-cl-pensando.gif Sun http://sitioserradoscristais.com.br/sol.gif Snowflakehttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_we2xIhV1NIc/R877BV2s2fI/AAAAAAAAAGw/kuLN2Ha9nxQ/s320/copo%2Bde%2Bnieve.gif Ice http://cms7.blogia.com/blogs/a/ae/aed/aedia/upload/20070225204725-hielo.jpg

  24. Boilingwater • http://www.peru-warmi.com/assets/images/WARMI_OLLA_2004-1x0.902.jpg • Boy • http://marilima.blig.ig.com.br/imagens/pensando.gif • Boystudying • http://lp.udabol.edu.bo/revista/html/estudiar.gif • Tick • http://www.webdesign-guru.co.uk/icon/wp-content/uploads/tick-button.jpg • Police • http://www.conted44.com/img/police.gif • Help • http://www.tiraeltarot.com/imagenes/ayuda.png • Hands • http://www.hcvsinfronteras.org.ar/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/manos-unidas.jpg

  25. Break • http://www.gifs-yatou.net/images/bebes/gif-bebes-007.gif • http://absolutsalamanca.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/talleres-para-ninos.gif • Turista • http://www.galeon.com/nicetravel/Turista2.gif • Village • http://cms7.blogia.com/blogs/d/de/dev/devvy/upload/20070319171751-el-pueblo.jpg • Happy faces • http://www.ideacorporativa.com/megamarbles/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/HAPPY_FACE_10_5__4867454439cae.jpg • Harry & friends • http://raspaja.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/pensando1.jpg • Ferrari • http://www.internenes.com/fotos/00000081.jpg

  26. Tropical island http://lacomunidad.elpais.com/blogfiles/el-rincon/islaenvidia.jpg Footballplayer http://www.dogandcatshelter.com/assets/images/football.gif Bugthinking http://www.coloreardibujos.com/wp-content/uploads/backyardigans-uniqua-pensando.gif Bus http://tell.fll.purdue.edu/JapanProj/FLClipart/Nouns/vehicle/bus.gif Alarmclock http://tirnanog.ls.fi.upm.es/NoSeguro/Imagenes/Despertador.gif Studyboy http://media.photobucket.com/image/estudiando%20gif/dragancete/estudiando.gif Punishment http://www.swccd.edu/~dalonso/hojasdeestudio/Episodio22/reganar.gif

  27. Babythinking http://www.wondercliparts.com/thinking_of_you/graphics/thinking_of_you_graphics_12.gif Piece of paper http://sepiensa.org.mx/contenidos/2008/tl_experimentos/images/ims2_03.gif Womanshouting http://aupec.univalle.edu.co/informes/marzo98/fotos/grito.gif Boy’s test http://www.richardjames.org.uk/hchlogic/exam.gif Phone http://www.montereycountychildcare.org/images/PHONE.gif Interrogationpoints http://xtalformacion.com/formacioncontinua/img/interrogaciones.jpg Clock http://www.templocristiano.com/Horario/images/RELOJ.gif

  28. Bus http://www.ahiva.info/Colorear/Transportes/Autobus/Autobus-01.gif Running http://usuarios.lycos.es/piratalia/correr.gif Happyface http://profy.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/images/cyndy2008/happyface.gif Boss http://magicalsymphony.iespana.es/imagenes/director.gif Speaking http://www.escolalliurex.es/binary/470/files172/images/verbsunit2/hablar.gif Doctor http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/4605577/2/istockphoto_4605577-doctor.jpg Dinner http://recursos.cnice.mec.es/biosfera/alumno/2ESO/Energia_ecosistemas/imagenes/Actividades/familia%20comiendo.gif

  29. Waiting http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_9O4Lz0lNbWQ/Sb0Z-zoM2YI/AAAAAAAAA5M/6pvvznbY-hw/s320/sala+de+espera.gif Advice http://www.beekmann.net/rocio/rohmaterial/patatas/completas/presentes/prueba/conversar.gif Phone http://www.cspnj.org/images/phone.gif Books http://www.yeipi.com/imagenes/PlantillaML/libros.gif Song http://merced.org.ar/dinamico/images/stories/merced/vinilo_notas.gif


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