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Customer Data Platform To Improve Customer Experience

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are software solutions that combine data from multiple tools to create a single customer database containing information on all customer interactions and touch points. At Altudo, we help marketers curate seamless customer experiences across all channels. We build a business case based on your organization's goals, existing technology platforms for capturing customer information, and then add the right MarTech to help you leverage these insights more effectively.<br>

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Customer Data Platform To Improve Customer Experience

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CUSTOMER DATA PLATFORM Dataand InsightsTo Improve Customer Experience

  2. INTRODUCTION CustomerDataPlatform(CDP) aresoftwaresolutionsthat combinedatafrommultipletools tocreateasinglecustomer databasecontaininginformation onallcustomerinteractionsand touchpoints.

  3. WHATDOESACDP DO? COLLECTING DATA MERGING DATA ACTIVATING DATA DRAWINGINSIGHTS FROMDATA Bydrawinginsights fromdata,youcan getinsightsabout yourcustomers, segmenttheminto groups,andcreate lookalikeaudiences andpersonaswhile reachingouttonew audiences. CustomerData Platformisa centralizedhubforall thecustomerdataof yourcompany. Thisiswhereallthe customerdatafrom yourcompanycanbe found. TheUnifyingData processinvolves linkingidentity informationfromyour knowncustomerswith anonymousdatathey mayhaveshared beforetheybecame customers. TheCDPactivates thedataonceithas beencreatedand resolved,enabling real-time personalizationof customer experiences.

  4. WHYISACDP SOUSEFUL? An enterprise customer data platform enables marketerstomonitorhowasinglecustomerinteracts with several brands of their organization and identify opportunities for increased personalization and cross- selling. Additionally,it'sdesignedtobeasimpleandpowerful platform that simplifies the process of analyzing customer and prospect data, creating segments, and identifyingkeyaudiencesegments.

  5. DATA-DRIVEN DECISIONSFOR SUPERIORCX-ALTUDO At Altudo, we help marketers curate seamless customer experiences across all channels. We build a business case based on your organization's goals, existingtechnologyplatformsfor capturing customer information, and then add the right MarTech to help you leverage these insightsmoreeffectively.

  6. ToknowmoreaboutCustomerData PlatformsContactAltudo'sTechnicalexperts. www.altudo.co marketing@altudo.co

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