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Job Interview Questions Not to Ask

A lot of careers coaches and Recruitment Consultants, and books and blogs that you can read will often tell you, in an interview situation

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Job Interview Questions Not to Ask

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  1. Job Interview Questions Not to Ask The interview question I don’t like and why Q: ‘At the end of an interview, is it appropriate to ask whether the interviewer doubts my suitability for the job or not?’ A lot of careers coaches and Recruitment Consultants, and books and blogs that you can read will often tell you, in an interview situation, to ask questions such as: ‘Is there any reason / have I give you any reason to doubt my suitability for the role? Have I given you any reason to think I’m not right for this role?’ It’s understandable why people advise to ask that question, because what you’re doing is you are allowing the interviewer to give you some feedback there and then. It gives you the opportunity to eliminate any doubt and potentially get back in there straight away and convince them you are the right person for the job. Having worked in a Recruitment Environment, this question has popped up in lots of different environments. Some interviewers will love this question. In our experience, however, more will not.

  2. In Fact It Is One Of The Job Interview Questions NOT To Ask. Why don’t interviewers like this question? Asking the interviewer if they doubt your suitability can often create an awkwardness in an interview setting. Many clients say that they dislike it because it’s very direct. By asking it, what you are doing is putting the interviewer on the spot. As human beings, and remember, your interviewer is a human being –they are somebody’s mum, dad, brother, sister – we don’t always like or aren’t comfortable with giving negative feedback to somebody’s face. Especially if you have only just met them. The whole purpose of the interview is yes, to show you are suitable for the role, but also to build rapport with this person. A lot of people will feel uncomfortable being asked it because, in some cases, it can get people’s back up. It’s a question that puts you on the spot, and it’s certainly not a good way to end a conversation. Of course, we’re not suggesting to steer clear away from this question entirely. Some people really like being asked this question, but it’s hard to tell who these people are. So, as a compromise, think about how to re-word it so it”s not so ‘in your face’. For example, you could ask: ‘Is there anything you feel I haven’t covered today that would make me suitable for the role?’ Or:‘Is there anything I haven’t covered’ Or even:‘Are there any gaps you’d like me to go over?’ You can word it anyway you like, just leave the interviewer in a better place, because people may not remember some of the things you say or the things that you do, but they do remember how they make you feel. For More Information Please Visit Our Website: http://www.careercake.com/

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