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Once upon a time there were two Hilliard C ity School Physical Education Teachers and a school Nurse who had a “CRAZY

Once upon a time there were two Hilliard C ity School Physical Education Teachers and a school Nurse who had a “CRAZY FUN” idea!. Here is the story…. ( Cliff notes version ) Trying to be done in less than one hour!. Who is Who?.

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Once upon a time there were two Hilliard C ity School Physical Education Teachers and a school Nurse who had a “CRAZY

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Once upon a time there were two Hilliard City School Physical Education Teachers and a school Nurse who had a “CRAZY FUN” idea!
  2. Here is the story…. (Cliff notes version) Trying to be done in less than one hour!
  3. Who is Who? Mr. Decker (Darby Creek Elementary) jeff_decker@hboe.org Mr. Burkhart (Alton Darby Elementary) chuck_burkhart@hboe.org Mrs. Stoner (Hilliard City Schools Nurse) debra_stoner@hboe.org
  4. The Idea A kid oriented “Warrior Dash” type challenge course! The unique course will be designed to push each student to their limit with multiple obstacles and challenges along the way.  Whether it's climbing over barriers, squeezing through tunnels, or squirming through mud -everyone is guaranteed to have a BLAST!
  5. Who and Why The focus of this “DASH” is to bring two school communities together and give students an opportunity to get exercise in a “FUN” way! This event is OPEN to Alton Darby Elementary School and Darby Creek Elementary School students who are currently enrolled in Kindergarten through fifth grade. Parents, siblings, and school staffs are also encouraged attend and participate.
  6. Cost and Registration Admission to the DASH will be a nonperishable food item per participant or a monetary donation. All collected food will be donated to the “Hilliard Food Pantry” from Alton Darby and Darby Creek Elementary Schools. ALL monetary donations collected on site will be donated to the Hilliard “Summer FREE lunch Program”. Just trying to help out a little in the community. To keep it simple, there is not any registration requirements this year. Come One come All! $
  7. Time Schedule(subject to change) This will be a staggered start dash and student start time will depend on their grade level. All students in the same grade level from both schools will meet at the starting area start at the following times: Kindergarteners10:00 am First Graders 10:30 am Second Graders 11:00 am Third Graders 11:30 am Fourth Graders 12:00 pm Fifth Graders 12:30 pm Each grade level will have 30 minutes to complete the course at least once. Students will be in small groups starting at the beginning of the course every 15-30 seconds. As students finish, they can return to the start line to go again as time allows. There will be designated heats for parents and siblings throughout the posted times.
  8. Be Prepared Proper footwear is a must!  Remember, what you wear is going to get muddy (this is NOT your typical race - if you participate, you will get muddy!).  We'd recommend bringing a towel and a garbage bag to sit on for the ride home. Come with a ”WARRIOR ATTITUDE" and dress the part!  We will be giving away prizes to some of the best dressed Warriors who have made it through the DASH!
  9. Health/FUN Fair Before or after your “Dash” you will have an opportunity to visit some local area health care providers and DASH supporters located close to the course. At the “Fair” you can pick up some “Free Stuff” and healthy information. This event is being brought to you by the Hilliard City Schools Nurses.
  10. 7 Course Obstacles Tires ZigZag Balance Mud Barrels Walls Teeter Totter
  11. Can you help?

  12. Confirmed Supporters PITTEROFF’S Handyman Services Abbott Nutrition Carolyn Carr Contacted but Unconfirmed
  13. Volunteer Opportunities VOLUNTEER sign up opportunities located at the tables. Sign up to be a station volunteer or a station rep. (Highlighted Line) Station reps (on the Highlighted Lines) will be “The Leaders” of the station and be responsible for contacting (email) others on the list with more information to come. Station reps also will be responsible for having volunteers atthe station throughout the entire event (all grade levels) 9:00 – 2:00. Other Opportunities: Health Fair Volunteer Course Set Up Volunteer Course Tear Down Volunteer Loan or Donation (Equipment, Service, Prizes?)
  15. Thank you for attending our meeting! Please sign up to volunteer or help in some way! Get your friends and neighbors involved! WE NEED YOU!
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