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Warehousing and Distribution

Unit 3. Warehousing and Distribution. Goals. 1. Learn the functions of warehousing. 2. Learn the process of warehousing operations. 3. Learn the functions of material handling. 4. Introduce a distribution center. Lesson 1 Functions of Warehousing. Goal.

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Warehousing and Distribution

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  1. Unit 3 Warehousing and Distribution

  2. Goals 1. Learn the functions of warehousing. 2. Learn the process of warehousing operations. 3. Learn the functions of material handling. 4. Introduce a distribution center.

  3. Lesson 1 Functions of Warehousing Goal Learn the functions of warehousing.

  4. What are the functions of warehousing?

  5. Learn the words and phrases the diagram gives about functions of warehouse. Look them up in a dictionary if necessary.

  6. storage of goods transportation protection of goods risking bearing 分阶段,分等级 风险负担 grading and branding financing 品牌化 融资,财务 processing 加工

  7. Dialogue 仓库主管Daniel在仓库中巡视工作时与 仓管员Lily的一段对话。 标签 Daniel: Lily, why don’t these cartons of goods have any label? Lily: Let me see… these goods are unloaded from a container just now. Daniel: You should label them before carrying them into the warehouse in case the workers have mixed them with the goods of other customers. Lily: Yes, I’ll pay attention to it. 卸货 万一,假如

  8. Daniel: Whom does these goods belong to? Lily: If I’m not mistaken, they belong to Mr. Smith. Daniel: Did he have any instruction on the way for placing his goods? Lily: No, he just informed us the date of unloading and the quantity of goods. Daniel: Contact Mr. Smith to see if these cartons can be palletized. If yes, move them to Section A immediately. It will save a lot of space. 属于 错误的,弄错的 指导,说明,指示 通知 用托盘装 码垛堆积

  9. Lily: Ok. I’ll contact him right now. Daniel: Don’t forget to add labels to his goods. Get this task done before lunch. Lily: Yes, I’ve already asked Mary to label the goods. Daniel: There will be other goods to be moved in after lunch, am I right? Lily: Yes, we’ve already prepared the labels and related documents. Daniel: Good job. Lily: Thanks. 接触,联系 相关的,有关联的

  10. A. Read the dialogue again and answer the questions. 1.The goods mentioned in the dialogue belonged to _________. 2. ________ will contact Mr. Smith to see if these cartons can be palletized. 3._________ is the warehouse supervisor. 4. _________ will label the goods before lunch. Mr. Smith Lily Daniel Lily

  11. Reading 仓储 Warehousing refers to the activities involving storage of goods on a large scale systematically and making them available conveniently when needed. In the past, a warehouse was only seen as a place to store things. It often took up a lot of ground space, and goods were usually picked by hands or fork- lift trucks. 大规模地 系统的,体系的 便利地;合宜地 占去(地方,时间,注意力等)

  12. During the last few years, however, the role and the design of the warehouse have radically changed. The warehouse is now considered as an important link between a manufacturing plant and the external world, and it has a strong impact on the performance of the entire manufacturing - logistics system. 根本上;彻底地 生产厂;制造工厂 外部的,表面的 影响 绩效

  13. B. Practice the following sentences with your partner. It has little/ a strong/ some impact on the performance of the entire manufacturing logistics system. 2. It takes up a lot of space/ time.

  14. A. Recorder the letters with your partner. systematic performance scale conveniently link

  15. C. Fill in the blanks with the following expressions, changing the forms if necessary store radically on a large scale consider 1. He _______ wine in the basement. 2. The flood caused damage _______________ across the country. 3. You have to __________ what to do next. 4. The accident __________ changed their lives. stored on a large scale considered radically

  16. Word and Phrases label n. 标签 mistaken adj. 错误的;弄错的 inform vt. 通知;告诉 palletize vt. 用托盘装;码垛堆积 section n. 部门;地区 contact vt. 接触,联系 related adj. 相关的,有关联的 scale n. 规模 systematic adj. 系统的;体系的 conveniently adv. 便利地;合宜地

  17. Word and Phrases radically adv. 根本上;彻底地 external adj. 外部的;表面的 performance n. 绩效 in case 万一,假使 good job 干得不错,做得好 on a large scale 大规模地 take up 占去(地方,时间,注意力等) manufacturing plant 生产厂;制造工厂

  18. Lesson 2 Warehousing Activities Goal Learn the process of warehousing operation.

  19. Check and Learn Learn the types of warehouses given below and look them Up in a dictionary if necessary. private warehouses public warehouses types of warehouses government warehouses bonded warehouses 有担保的 co-operative warehouses 合作的

  20. A. Learn some new words. • unpack vt. 分开,开箱 e.g. Goods are often unpacked or repacked here. 货物在这里被拆包和重新打包。 Exercise: When we unpack the case, we find that the goods inside Have been damage. 当我们拆开包裹时,我们发现里面的货物已经被破坏了。

  21. A. Learn some new words. 2. handling n. 搬运;处理 e.g. rough handling 粗暴搬运 Exercise: Glass is often broken due to rough handling. 玻璃常常被打破,因为粗暴搬运。

  22. A. Learn some new words. 3.separate adj. 单独的;分开的 e.g. separate unit 单独的单元 Exercise: Our children have separate bedrooms. 我们的孩子有独立的卧室。

  23. A. Learn some new words. 4.consolidate vi. 合并;联合 e.g. After picking, the goods are consolidated and made ready for dispatch. 拣选之后,货物被整理到一起,准备发送。 Exercise: The two banks in this city will consolidate and form a large bank. 这个城市的两家银行将要合并形成一个大银行。

  24. A. Learn some new words. 5.dispatch n.发送,发出 e.g. dispatch advice 发运通知 Exercise: Their job is concerned with the dispatch and receipt of cargo. 他们的工作包括发送和接收货物。

  25. A. Learn some new words. 6.load n.负载,负荷;装载量 e.g. safe load 安全载重 Exercise: The work load in house was reduced by modern equipment. 在室内的工作量被现代设备减少了。

  26. Dialogue Fill in the blanks. 1.service 2.hold 3.receiving 4.dispatch 5.order First of all, there is the ___________ area. That’s where all incoming goods arrive and documentation is checked and recorded. Goods are often unpacked or repacked here to make their format more suitable for warehouse handling. receiving 收货区 记录,文件 分开,开箱 格式,形式,计划 处理

  27. The back-up storage area _________most of our warehouse inventory. holds 备料 备用存放区 存货清单 In the _________ picking area, the goods are selected in the right quantities which are required by the customer. Here we also break bulk. That means we pack large quantities in smaller separate units for customers. order 订单拣选区 卸货 整批货物拆卸,从整体中取出部分(货物)

  28. After picking, the goods are consolidated and made ready for dispatch. Some warehouses also provide special ____________ such as labeling. This part of warehouse operations is called collation and value-added services. 合并,联合 发送,发出 services 整理 加值的,增值的 发货区 The final stage in warehouse operations is the ________ area. The goods are brought together to form vehicle loads. dispatch 工作量,装载量

  29. 分拣货 品补给 收货 换装 文件 管理 分类 堆放 发货 订单管理 库存管理 分拣

  30. Reading 仓储流程 Goods that arrive in the warehouse are accepted by receiving and prepared for storage. This includes unloading and identifying incoming goods. 确定;识别 After being inspected at receiving, the goods are prepared for storage. The order-picking area works well relying on high-tech such as pick-to-light and pick-by-voice, which not only makes the order picker’s job easier but also increase productivity and accuracy. 依靠 高科技 生产力;生产率 准确性,精确度 按灯拣货系统 语音拣选系统

  31. In the packing station, the picked order is consolidated into a unit for shipment. Shipping involves both the dispatch of goods to the recipient and delivery related activities. This includes receipt of the goods from the packing station, arrangements for pick-up vehicles and loading. 包装操作区 选好的订单被合并为一个单位等待发货。 操作台,工位 交货 提取,接送 收件人 安排 从包装区收到货物、安排接送车辆和装货

  32. Read the paragraph and circle Yes or No. Usually, goods are accepted by receiving area in the warehouse. Yes No 2. The order-picking area uses high-tech to make work efficient. Yes No 3. The picked order is grouped into a unit for shipment in the packing station. Yes No 4. The work arranging for pick-up vehicles and loading in the warehouse is done in shipping area. Yes No

  33. Learn More The following picture is about the design of a warehouse. Now use the words you have learned in this lesson to describe the picture to your partner.

  34. receiving area 收货区 货架 贮存区 大宗货物 贮存区 bulk storage area rack storage area order picking area 拣货区 packaging area 包装区 dispatch area 发货区 产品流通 product flow

  35. Lesson 3 Material Handling Goal Learn the functions of material handling.

  36. 4.fork-lift truck 5.pallet 6.hand pallet- truck 1.trolley 2.rack 3.conveyor

  37. hand pallet- truck 手动液压叉车 fork-lift truck 平衡重式叉车

  38. pallet 托盘 trolley 手推车

  39. pallet conveyor 输送机,传送带 rack 货架,搁物架

  40. Dialogue: Daniel正在向Lily讲解货物的包装步骤。 Lily: Mr. Daniel, could you show me the steps of packing the goods? Daniel: Sure. After the goods have arrived at the packing location, the first step is to scan the bar code of the shipping box. Lily: Ok, I got that. What is the next step? Daniel: Well, following the first step, you can access all positions in the picking container. Lily: I see.

  41. Daniel: Once the package is completed, the system will automatically calculate the weight. Lily: Sounds good. What about the shipping labels? Daniel: That is actually the next step. The system will automatically print the shipping labels after you have selected the modes of transport. And now we come to the last stage of this process. After the order has been completed, the delivery note is printed automatically. Lily: I see. I got that. Many thanks! Daniel: you’re welcome!

  42. Dialogue: Daniel正在向Lily讲解货物的包装步骤。 Lily: Mr. Daniel, could you show me the steps of packing the goods? Daniel: Sure. After the goods have arrived at the packing location, the first step is to scan the bar code of the shipping box. Lily: Ok, I got that. What is the next step? Daniel: Well, following the first step, you can access all positions in the picking container. Lily: I see. 包装箱 条形码

  43. Daniel: Once the package is completed, the system will automatically calculate the weight. Lily: Sounds good. What about the shipping labels? Daniel: That is actually the next step. The system will automatically print the shipping labels after you have selected the modes of transport. And now we come to the last stage of this process. After the order has been completed, the delivery note is printed automatically. Lily: I see. I got that. Many thanks! Daniel: you’re welcome! 出货标签 提货单

  44. 专业词汇 the bar code 条形码 the shipping box 包装箱 the shipping labels 出货标签 the delivery note 提货单

  45. How many steps of packing the goods? What are they?

  46. Dialogue: Daniel正在向Lily讲解货物的包装步骤。 Lily: Mr. Daniel, could you show me the steps of packing the goods? Daniel: Sure. After the goods have arrived at the packing location, the first step is to scan the bar code of the shipping box. Lily: Ok, I got that. What is the next step? Daniel: Well, following the first step, you can access all positions in the picking container. Lily: I see. 1 2

  47. Daniel: Once the package is completed, the system will automatically calculate the weight. Lily: Sounds good. What about the shipping labels? Daniel: That is actually the next step. The system will automatically print the shipping labels after you have selected the modes of transport. And now we come to the last stage of this process. After the order has been completed, the delivery note is printed automatically. Lily: I see. I got that. Many thanks! Daniel: you’re welcome! 2 3 4

  48. A. Learn the following expressions to describe the steps of a process.

  49. 西红柿炒鸡蛋

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