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Simulation on silicon tracker for the TAC-PF Detector

Simulation on silicon tracker for the TAC-PF Detector. Ilhan TAPAN* and F. Belgin Pilicer Uludag University Physics Department Bursa-Turkey * on behalf of TAC-PF group.

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Simulation on silicon tracker for the TAC-PF Detector

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  1. Simulation on silicon tracker for the TAC-PF Detector Ilhan TAPAN* and F. Belgin Pilicer Uludag University Physics Department Bursa-Turkey * on behalf of TAC-PF group 9th International "Hiroshima" Symposiumon the Development and Application ofSemiconductor Tracking Detectors,Hiroshima, Japan

  2. Outline - Turkish Accelerator Center (TAC) project - TAC Particle Factory (PF) Detector and Tracker - Simulation works Momentum resolution Particle track- Energy deposition - Spot size calculation - Conclusion

  3. Turkish Accelerator Center (TAC) Project http://thm.ankara.edu.tr/ Themission of TAC is to design, construct and use high energy particle accelerators for scientific researches in Turkey and in the regionand to collaborate with international HEP community.

  4. Turkish Accelerator Center (TAC) Project The ongoingprojecthas three main parts • AcceleratorBasedLightSources, • Proton Accelerator (PA) • 3) ParticleFactory (PF) An electron-positron collider as a “super charm factory” A 1 GeV electron linac and a 3.56 GeV positron ring for linac on ring type collisions anda dedicated detector “TAC-PF Detector”

  5. Turkish Accelerator Center (TAC) Project TAC super charm factory collider parameters

  6. TAC-PF detector

  7. TAC-PF tracker Fiveindividualmoduleswith 4 cm distancesbetweenthem. Eachmodule has twoparallelsiliconstripdetectorplanes. (carbon+ silicon + 2 cm gap + carbon + silicon) Second module First module

  8. TAC-PF tracker

  9. x3 , y3 x2 , y2 s L x1 , y1 R TAC-PF tracker – Momentum resolution Two main parameters contributeon transversemomentum resolution; 1. Contributionfrom measurement error: Sagitta s defines trajectory uncertanitiesand measured inside the magnet region via the measurement of three space points ?

  10. TAC-PF tracker – Momentum resolution Measurement of curvature R and lever arm L provides Sagitta determination as thus ; ; sagittameasurementerror The resolution becomes worse with momentum and improves as 1/BL2 2. Multiple Scattering contribution tomomentum uncertainty: Due to presence of material inside the tracker, will result in wiggling of the track and consequently to mis-measurements of thecurvature. It is momentum independent and improved only as 1/BL Together with total momentumresolution

  11. Simulation works - Momentum resolution FLUKA with precision physics(1GeV e+ @ 1T) From this graph ~ 1.9% Precision physics include both multiple scattering term and measurement term FLUKA with precision physics and suppress multiple scattering (1GeV e+ @ 1T) From this graph ~ 0.5 % This value includes only measurement term. To suppress multiple scattering in silicon MULSOPT card is used.

  12. FLUKAresults for e+ @ 1 GeV and 1T Simulation works - Momentum resolution suppressing multiple scattering

  13. Simulation works - Momentum resolution = 1.67 % = 0.46 % xo =0.0936 m (Si), 0.25 m (C) @ 1 GeV and 1T = 1.74 % Sagitta measurement error variation with momentum Relative momentum resolution variation with momentum

  14. Simulation works - Momentum resolution precision physics and suppress multiple scattering (1GeV pion+ @ 1T) precision physics (1GeV kaon+ @ 1T)

  15. Simulation works - Momentum resolution (1GeV@ 1T)

  16. Simulation works - Momentum resolution (electron @ 1T) Sagitta measurement error variation Relative momentum resolution variation Relative momentum resolution variation with pseudorapidity

  17. Simulation works – Particle tracks- Energy deposition

  18. Simulation works - Energy deposition Deposited energy variation with incident particle energy 200 micron Si 200 micron Si Deposited energy resolution variation with incident particle energy

  19. Simulation works - Energy deposition 200 micron Si Deposited energy resolution vs momentum at different ηs Deposited energy resolution vs η at different electron energies 200 micron Si

  20. Simulation works - Energy deposition 200 micron Si Deposited energy resolution vs momentum at different ηs Deposited energy resolution vs η at different kaon energies 200 micron Si

  21. Simulation works – Particle tracks- Spot size Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 5 Layer 3 Layer 4

  22. Spot size Calculated spot size is the standard deviation of the charged particles path due to the scattering in Si layer. Spot size variation with incident particle momentum Spot size variation with pseudorapidity

  23. Spot size Spot size variation with incident particles momentum Spot size variation with pseudorapidity for different type charged particles

  24. Conclusion • Simulationshowsforthedesignedtrackerstructurewith 200 micron Si layerthat; • Gives momentum resolution ~ 0.5 % fromthemeasuremets • ~ 1.6 % duetothemultiplescatt. • Energydeposition rate is OK fortheenergylossmeasuremets • andenergyresolution~ 7 % upto 2 GeV • getsbetterwithincreasingη • As thecalculatedspot sizessmall,theproposedpitchwidth • of 50 micronwould be finebelow 2 GeV.

  25. Sigma s-sigma y 1GeV positron ; Spot size d ; the width of the pitch that would record the signal

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