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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts The Big Picture

Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts The Big Picture. 2011-12 CCSS Timeline and Foci…. OSPI Quarterly Webinar Series. August/Sept. 2011. January 2012. March and May 2012. Implementing the Common Core State Standards in Washington State.

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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts The Big Picture

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  1. Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts The Big Picture

  2. 2011-12 CCSS Timeline and Foci… OSPI Quarterly Webinar Series August/Sept. 2011 January 2012 March and May 2012 CCSS Webinar Series Part 4:

  3. Implementing the Common Core State Standards in Washington State Our Vision: Every student will have access to the CCSS standards through high quality instruction aligned with the standards every day; and that all English language arts and mathematics teachers are prepared and receive the support they need to implement the standards in their classrooms every day. Our Purpose: To develop a statewide system with aligned resources that supports all school districts in their preparation of educators and students to implement the CCSS. This includes building system-wide capacity for sustained professional learning that can support CCSS implementation now and be applied to other initiatives in the future. Our Core Values: This vision can only occur through core values of clarity, consistency, collaboration, coordination, and commitment from classrooms, schools, and communities to the state level.

  4. Washington Implementation Partnerships PLUS… Large School Districts Higher Education Statewide Education and Content Associations

  5. Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts:

  6. CCSS English Language Arts

  7. English Language Arts Common Core Standards for Washington: Map of Skills and Concepts

  8. ELA Structure Introduction • K-5 • Reading • Foundational Skills • Writing • Speaking and Listening • Language • 6-12 • Reading • Writing • Speaking and Listening • Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Appendices A, B, C

  9. CCR ELA/Literacy strands • College and Career Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standards are divided into four interrelated literacy strands.

  10. Students who are college and career ready… • … demonstrate independence • … build strong content knowledge • … comprehend as well as critique • … value evidence • … respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline • … use technology and media strategically and capably • … come to understand other perspectives and cultures

  11. ELA / Literacy: Major Shifts • Increased Complexity of Text • Writing Using Evidence • Text-based Questions and Answers • Academic Vocabulary • Literacy in the Content Areas Balance of Literary and Informational Texts

  12. Balance of Literary and Informational Texts Literature includes • Stories • Drama • Poetry Informational Text includes • Personal essays • Literary nonfiction • Speeches • Opinion pieces • Biographies • Memoirs Sue Pimental talks about the balance of texts

  13. A balance of informational text 6-12 Dave Pimental talks cross-content

  14. Balance of Writing Text Types • In grades K-5, the term opinion refers to persuasive writing • Argumentative is a form of persuasion but brings in evidence from both sides of the issue. • Narrative strategies are important component to developing both argumentative and explanatory writing

  15. Literacy in the Content Areas • At K-5 • Emphasis on literary experiences in content specific domains • Instruction in science and history/social studies • Grades 6-12 • Teaching content specific literacy • Reading is critical in building knowledge in content areas

  16. Increased Complexity of Texts • Staircase of complexity • Each grade level, step of growth • More time for close and careful reading • Appropriate and necessary scaffolding and supports for students reading below grade level

  17. Text complexity is defined by: • w of Text Complexity Quantitative measures – readability and other scores of text complexity often best measured by computer software. Qualitative measures – levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands often best measured by an attentive human reader. Quantitative Qualitative Reader and Task considerations – background knowledge of reader, motivation, interests, and complexity generated by tasks assigned often best made by educators employing their professional judgment. Reader and Task

  18. Emphasis on Text-based Questions and Answers • Rich discussions dependent on common text • Focus on connection to text • Develop habits for making evidence based arguments in discussion and writing

  19. Writing using evidence • Expect students to compose arguments and opinions, informative/explanatory pieces, and narrative texts • Focus on the use of reason and evidence to substantiate an argument or claim • Emphasize ability to conduct research – short projects and sustained inquiry • Require students to incorporate technology as they create, refine, and collaborate on writing • Include student writing samples that illustrate the criteria required to meet the standards (See standards’ appendices for writing samples)

  20. Academic Vocabulary • Vocabulary to access grade-level, complex texts • Vocabulary that crosses content • Focus on pivotal, commonly found words, such as consequently, generation

  21. Structural Comparison: WA Standards vs. CCSSEnglish Language Arts (for full comparison informational handout go to: http://k12.wa.us/Corestandards/default.aspx) • The move toward “career and college readiness”… • CCSS add grades 11 and 12 • Greater focus on increasing text complexity, argumentative writing, research skills from early grades • WA strength at K-3 / student goal setting

  22. 6-12 ELA/Literacy Strands

  23. Three Appendices Include Valuable Information • Appendix A: Research and evidence, glossary of key terms, overview of each strand, text complexity, conventions grade-level chart • Appendix B: Reading text exemplars; sample performance tasks • Appendix C: Annotated student writing samples, K-12

  24. Resources

  25. Transition to the ELA CCSS in Washington • Three-year transition plan focuses on shift areas each year, with an increasing level of rigor as we progress. • OSPI will provide the “big picture” support and resources, while ESD partners will provide “deeper dives” • Resources, references, and supports will be available to all districts, schools, teachers, and communities

  26. English Language Arts Common Core Standards for Washington: Map of Skills and Concepts

  27. http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/ProfDev.aspx CCSS Webinar Series Part 4: District and Building Leaders

  28. Washington State Literacy Leadership Cadre

  29. Common Core Questions: • Email: corestandards@k12.wa.usOR • Greta Bornemann, OSPI CCSS Project Lead, E-mail: Greta.Bornemann@k12.wa.us • ELA Questions • Liisa Moilanen, ELA Director • Liisa.MoilanenPotts@k12.wa.us CCSS Webinar Series Part 4: District and Building Leaders

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