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2010 年(名)资深教师中高考辅导讲座. 初三基础考试试题 和典型例题分析. 主讲人:杨浦区教师进修学院周兴强. 一、试卷基本情况. 分值与去年中考保持一致( 30-46-74 ) 整张试卷的难易度为 1-9 ,以基础题为主 知识点以考试手册中提到的为依据,能力题稍微拉开区分度 “ 淡化语法、强调运用 ” 仍是今年的中考方向. 考试结果 (11 校). 及格率( 72-150 ) 为 88.32% 优秀率( 130-150 )为 24.50% 良好率( 110-129 )为 35.93% 11 校平均分 为 108.05 分

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  1. 2010年(名)资深教师中高考辅导讲座 初三基础考试试题和典型例题分析 主讲人:杨浦区教师进修学院周兴强

  2. 一、试卷基本情况 • 分值与去年中考保持一致(30-46-74) • 整张试卷的难易度为1-9,以基础题为主 • 知识点以考试手册中提到的为依据,能力题稍微拉开区分度 • “淡化语法、强调运用”仍是今年的中考方向

  3. 考试结果(11校) 及格率(72-150) 为88.32% 优秀率(130-150)为24.50% 良好率(110-129)为35.93% 11校平均分 为108.05分 32校平均分 为116.28分

  4. 各大题得分比例

  5. 二、答卷质量分析 第一部分 听力 听力理解能力是语言运用能力中的一项基本 技能,主要用来测试理解口头英语的能力 考核目标 1)获取事实信息的能力 2)推断隐含意思的能力 3)理解和运用语言能力 应对技巧 1)先看选项,再听题意 2)注意提问,找关键词 3)细听全文,整体理解

  6. 对话题分析 7.A) Tom. B) Rose. C) Jack. D) Mary. 7.M: What’re you going to do this weekend, Mary? W: I’m going to the zoo with my parents. How about you, Jack? M: I will go to see a movie with Tom and Rose. Q: Who is going to the zoo? (获取事实信息) (D)

  7. 8. A) In the office. B) In the restaurant. C) At the library. D) At home. 8. W: Where is John, David? I can’t find him in the office. M: He is having lunch in the restaurant. W: Thank you for telling me. Q: Where is John now? (获取事实信息) (B)

  8. 13.A) Once a week. B) Twice a week. C) Every day. D) Three times a week. 13. M: Do you clean your bedroom every day? W: Well, Mum usually does it. But I do it myself on Saturday and Sunday. Q: How often does the girl clean her bedroom? (推断隐含意思) (B)

  9. 16. A) School news. B) TV news. C) New students. D) New teachers. 16. W: Have you read the school newspaper? M: Not yet. Anything special? W: Yes. It’s said that there will be two new hobby groups next term. School is asking for our opinions. M: Sounds interesting. Q: What are they talking about? (推断隐含意思) (A)

  10. 08年中考题 15.A) Five. B) Four. C) Three. D) Two. 15. M: Did you go to Ningbo last weekend? W: Yes. The new bridge over the sea is magnificent. M: Who went there with you? W: My parents and my cousin. Q: How many people went to Ningbo altogether? (推断隐含意思) (B)

  11. 08年中考题 16. A) He wants more fish. B) He wants to cook fish. C) He doesn’t want to eat more. D) He isn’t a wonderful cook. 16. M: Grace, you’re a wonderful cook! The fish is really delicious. W: I am very glad you like it. Have some more, please. M: Thank you. But I am full. Q: What does the boy mean? (推断隐含意思) (C)

  12. 09年中考题 16. A) Three days. B) Four days. C) Seven days. D) Ten days. 16. M: Some students from Sichuan will visit our school this summer. W: Great. How many days will they stay in Shanghai? M: They’ll be in our school for three days, and spend another four days seeing the rest of Shanghai. Q: How long will the students from Sichuan stay in Shanghai? (推断隐含意思) (C)

  13. 是非题分析 • I asked a worker to help me repair an old farmhouse. After he had just finished a hard day’s work, his car went wrong and made him lose an hour of his time. As I drove him home, he was unhappy and sat in silence. • 18. The worker wasted an hour repairing his car. (F)

  14. “It’s very funny,” he smiled. “When I come out in the morning to pick them up, there aren’t as many troubles there as I hung up the night before.” • 21. He put his trouble on the tree because it would disappear the next day. (F)

  15. 08年中考题 Susie was trying to find him. She called the police and asked them to look for the missing member. A police helicopter flew over the mountain and the pilot saw the fire. 22. Susie saw the fire and the message from the police helicopter. (F)

  16. 09年中考题 • The car kept moving slowly for some time until it finally stopped. When Mark opened his eyes, he saw that he was in front of a house. The door on the driver’s side opened and a man started to get in. Mark said at once, “Don’t get in, it’s strange that the car was driving itself.” But the man said, “Don’t be silly. The car went wrong at the top of the hill and I pushed it all the way down.” • 22. When Mark opened his eyes, the car was in front of a house. • 23. From the passage we know that the car was moving down itself. (T) (F)

  17. 填空格题分析 • Jane: Hi Chris, would you like to do something with me this weekend? • Chris: Sure. Jane. What shall we do? • Chris: Sure, that sounds great. What about Italian food? I love seafood and pizza! • Jane: Me too! A new Italian restaurant just opened near the cinema. Let's meet there at six. 24. Jane and Chris are talking about what to do this ________. 28. They both love ________ and pizza. 29. They will meet at the new ________ restaurant at six before the film. weekend seafood Italian

  18. 09年中考题 • Sally and Ben happened to meet at the bus stop one Sunday morning. • W: Ben, you look tired. What’s the matter? • M: I stayed up late last night. I only slept for about six hours. • 24. Sally saw Ben at the bus stop one ________ morning. • 25. Last night Ben only slept for about ________ hours. Sunday six

  19. 第二部分 词汇和语法 在词汇和语法这两方面基础知识掌握的情况 考核目标 1)基本语言知识 2)基本语言技能 应对技巧 1)全面梳理,注意归纳 2)掌握重点,区分难点 3)关注热点,发展能力

  20. 选择填空题范围 感叹词 冠词 介词 代词 数词 名词 连词 形容词 副词 动词 不定式 动名词 宾语从句 功能意念 同义词 混淆词

  21. 选择填空题分析 • 31. We play ______ football after school every day. It’s our favourite sport. • A) a B) an C) the D) / (D)

  22. 不定冠词 a report an old man a university an uncle a house an hour a European city an empty room a one-yuan stamp an 8-year-old boy

  23. 定冠词 the sun the east the tallest boy the first day the Huangpu River the poor the girl in red the high jump play the piano tell the way

  24. 零冠词 history Lesson One Tom, monitor of Class 3 by bus Beijing Yangpu Park play basketball go to school next week my other hand

  25. 注意区分 by bus on a bus in red in a red coat at night in the night have lunch have a rich lunch in space in the sky Ninth Street the ninth month

  26. 历年中考题目 (D) 1. Did you enter for ______ high jump or ______ 400-meter race? (00) A) a…a B) a…the C) the…a D) the…the 2. More college graduates would like to work in ______ west part of our country ______ next year. (01) A) the…the B) /…/ C) /…the D) the…/ (D)

  27. (D) 3. The scientists from ______ United States live in ______ Ninth Street. (02) A) the…the B) /…the C) /…/ D) the…/ 4. There is ______ report in today’s newspaper. It’s about the International Film Festival, Shanghai. (05) A) a B) an C) the D) / 5. The old lady teaches children to play ______ piano at a weekend school. (06) A) a B) an C) the D) / (A) (C)

  28. (D) 6. My father usually reads morning papers before going to ______ work. (07) A) the B) a C) an D) / 7. Linda always takes ______ active part in sports after school. (08) A) / B) a C) an D) the 8. Can I have ______ look at the photo of your pen friend? (09) A) a B) an C) / D) the (C) (A)

  29. 选择填空题分析 (A) 39.Nowadays science fiction isn’t as ______ as cartoons among teenagers. A) popular       B) more popular C) less popular D) the most popular 40. The children are playing ______ in the garden. A) likely B) happily C) friendly D) lovely (B)

  30. 形容词与副词 She is a beautiful dancer. The dancer is beautiful. She dances beautifully. The report was beautifully written. Luckily she won the first prize.

  31. 原级 so good too bad very clever quite important rather difficult old enough as often as not as/so easy as

  32. 比较级 bigger thanmuch better far more useful even earlier still greater a little longer better and better The earlier…, the better…

  33. 最高级 the fastest in our class the tallest of the three the second longest river one of the longest rivers among the best films

  34. 历年中考题目 (D) 1. JinmaoTower is ______ building in Shanghai. (00) A) high B) tall C) highest D) the tallest 2. 30,000 dollars is a large amount of money, but it’s ______ than we need. (01) A) far more B) very much C) far less D) very little 3. Mr. Smith thought the Century Park was the second ______ in Shanghai. (02) A) large B) larger C) largest D) very large (C) (C)

  35. (D) 4. I think Yao Ming, the famous basketball player, will be ______ new star in NBA. (03) A) hot B) hotter C) hottest D) the hottest 5. All of us are proud of the great changes in Shanghai. We’re sure Shanghai will be even ______ tomorrow. (04) A) good B) better C) best D) the best 6. Nowadays science fiction isn’t as ______ as cartoons among teenagers. (05) A) popular B) more popular C) less popular D) the most popular (B) (A)

  36. (A) 7. The cheese cake tasted so ______ that the kids asked for more. (05) A) delicious B) well C) bad D) badly 8. We are glad to see that Shanghai is developing ______ these years than ever before. (05) A) quickly B) less quickly C) more quickly D) the most quickly 9. Taiwan is ______ island of China. I hope to visit it soon. (06) A) big B) bigger C) biggest D) the biggest 10. The lake looks ______ in the moonlight. I often take a walk around it. (06) A) wonderfully B) famous C) beautiful D) well (C) (D) (C)

  37. (D) 11.Jane can speak English ______. She wants to work for the Special Olympic Games. (07) A) correct B) nice C) sweet D) well 12. This motorcycle is not as ______ as that one, and it uses less gas. (07) A) expensive B) less expensive C) more expensive D) the most expensive 13. Mr Smith said to Billy, “Your idea sounds ______.” (07) A) clearly B) fluently C) good D) loud (A) (C)

  38. (D) 14. The snow storm which hit this area last night was ______ in recent years. (08) A) heavy B) heavier C) heaviest D) the heaviest 15. George was frightened to see a snake in the grass. His face turned ______. (08) A) pale B) clean C) sadly D) happily 16. Thanks to the new inventions, our lives are much _____ than before. (09) A) convenient B) more convenient C) most convenient D) the most convenient 17. The home made ice-cream in this restaurant tastes ______. Would you like some? (09) A) softly B) greatly C) nice D) well (A) (B) (C)

  39. 选择填空题分析 (D) 49.The plane from Shanghai to Paris will ____ in an hour. A) take up B) take away C) take out D) take off 50. We have decided to _____ the spring outing till next week because of the changeable weather. A) put up B) put on C) put off D) put out 51. Wang Fei’s special voice is _____ us. She sings so wonderfully! A) pleased with B) interested in C) familiar to D) famous for (C) (C)

  40. 容易混淆的词 say something say it/ this/ that say a word/ a few words say good morning to sb. say (to sb.) that ... What did you ____ at the meeting? say

  41. tell the time/ the way/ the difference tell a story/ the truth/ the news / a lie tell sb. about the book/ his work/ life tell apples from pears tell sb. to do sth. tell sb. that ... can tell wh. What did you ____ him to ____ at the party? tell say

  42. talk about sth. talk with/to sb. about sth. speak English speak at the meeting speak to sb. about sth. Are you going to _____ at the meeting? What are you going to ____ at the meeting? speak say

  43. take up English • take out a book • take off the coat • take away the book • take hold of the pen • take care of the baby • take charge of the group • take the place of the wooden house

  44. sb. spend time on sth. • sb. spend time doing sth. • it take sb. time to do sth. • sth. take sb. time • How much time did you _____ on the work? • How much time did it _____ you to do the work? • How much time did the work _____ you? spend take take

  45. sb. pay money for sth. sb. spend money on sth. sb. buy sth. for money sth. cost (sb) money It cost sb. money to do sth. How much is …? How much does ...cost? What’s the price of …?

  46. dress up get up give up grow up look up pick up put up shut up stay up take up turn up wake up get off jump off keep off put off see off show off take off turn off

  47. come on depend on get on go on hold on live on put on rely on try on turn on find out go out look out pick out put out run out sell out take out turn out work out

  48. lead to • depend on • Hard work will ________ great success. • Great success will ________ hard work. • rise • put up • Many high buildings have been _______ in the recent years. • Many high building have ______ in the recent years. lead to depend on put up risen

  49. 历年中考题目 (C) 1. With the help of computers, news can ______ every corner of the world swiftly. (00) A) get B) arrive C) reach D) return 2. What did the manager ______ you to ______ at the meeting? (00) A) tell…say B) ask…speak C) tell…speak D) ask…talk 3. It’s cold outside. Alice, here’s your coat. ______, please. (00) A) Put it on B) Put it up C) Take it off D) Take it away (A) (A)

  50. (B) (A) 4. The VIPs (Very Important Persons) from 21 countries will ______ the APEC in Shanghai this autumn. (01) A) hold B) attend C) join D) take part in 5. The government will ______ some new colleges for more students to receive higher education. (01) A) set up B) set out C) put down D) put on 6. The manager ______ that the business would be worse after the stock (股票) went down. (02) A) talked B) told C) said D) spoke 7. I don’t know Sam’s telephone number. Will you please ______ in your address book for me? (02) A) look up it B) look it up C) look for it D) look at it (C) (B)

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