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  1. Supplementary Fig. 1 Maximum-parsimony phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showing the positions of Aquimixticola soesokkakensis DSSK2-3Tand representatives of some other related taxa. Stappia stellulata IAM 12621T (GenBank accession number, D88525) was used as an outgroup. Scale bar, 0.01 substitutions per nucleotide position. Roseovariussediminilitoris M-M10T(JQ739459) Roseovarius crassostreae CV919-312T(AF114484) Pseudoruegeria lutimaris HD-43T(FJ374173) Pseudoruegeria aquimaris SW-255T(DQ675021) Celeribacter neptunius H 14T(FJ535354) Celeribacter baekdonensis L-6T(HM997022) Roseovarius marinus HDW-9T(GQ243422) Pacificibacter maritimus KMM 9031T(AB558927) Aquimixticola soesokkakensis DSSK2-3T(KJ794108) Roseovarius marisflavi H50T(KC900366) Roseovarius lutimaris 112T(JF714703) Pelagicola litorisediminis D1-W8T(KC708867) Roseovarius aestuarii SMK-122T(EU156066) Roseovarius pacificus 81-2T(DQ120726) Roseovarius halotolerans HJ50T(EU431217) Roseovarius nubinhibens ISMT(AF098495) Roseovarius tolerans EL-172T(Y11551) Litoreibacter halocynthiae P-MA1-7T(JX644172) Litoreibacter albidus KMM 3851T(AB518881) Litoreibacter arenae GA2-M15T(EU342372) Litoreibacter meonggei MA1-1T(JN021667) Octadecabacter antarcticus 307T(U14583) Octadecabacter arcticus 238T(U73725) Planktotalea frisia SH6-1T(FJ882052) Sulfitobacter marinus SW-265T(DQ683726) Sulfitobacter pontiacus ChLG 10T(Y13155) Sulfitobacter mediterraneus CH-B427T(Y17387) Roseobacter litoralis ATCC 49566T(X78312) Roseobacter denitrificans Och 114T(M59063) Pelagicola litoralis CL-ES2T(EF192392) Aestuariihabitans beolgyonensis BB-MW15T(KC577450) Thalassobiusgelatinovorus IAM12617T(D88523) Thalassobius mediterraneus CECT 5383T(AJ878874) Thalassobius maritimus GSW-M6T(HM748766) Ruegeria lacuscaerulensis ITI-1157T(U77644) Ruegeria atlantica IAM 14463T(D88526) Ruegeria halocynthiae MA1-6T(HQ852038) Leisingera methylohalidivorans MB2T (AY005463) Phaeobacter gallaeciensis BS107T(Y13244) Ruegeria scottomollicae LMG 24367T(AM905330) Loktanella cinnabarina LL-001T(AB688112) Loktanella soesokkakensis DSSK1-5T(KC987356) Loktanellasalsilacus LMG 21507T(AJ440997) Poseidonocella sedimentorum KMM 9023T(AB576006) Poseidonocella pacifica KMM 9010T(AB576005) Donghicola xiamenensis Y-2T(DQ120728) Donghicola eburneus SW-277T(DQ667965) Yangia pacifica DX5-10T(AJ877265) Roseivivax lentus S5-5T (FJ875966) Litorisediminicola beolgyonensis BB-MW24T(JQ807220) Roseivivax halodurans OCh 239T(D85829) Stappia stellulata IAM 12621T(D88525) 0.01

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