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SCIENCE OLYMPIAD. Mission Possible – Div. C 2009-2010 CeAnn Chalker ceann@chalker.org. What is Mission Possible?. Students design, build, test & document a Rube Goldberg-like device Device made of sequence/series of consecutive tasks Device must run autonomously Specific Start and End task.

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  1. SCIENCE OLYMPIAD Mission Possible – Div. C 2009-2010 CeAnn Chalker ceann@chalker.org

  2. What is Mission Possible? • Students design, build, test & document a Rube Goldberg-like device • Device made of sequence/series of consecutive tasks • Device must run autonomously • Specific Start and End task

  3. Safety Requirements/Inspection • Students must wear safety spectacles with side shields • Items not allowed • Computers or digital circuitry • Remote controls or timing • Liquids (except water)

  4. Other Potential Hazards not Allowed • Rat traps • Model rocket engines • Fireworks, explosives, lighters • Flammable substances, matches, candles • Uncontrolled projectiles • Any other hazardous materials

  5. Allowed Items • Simple electric DC motors • Factory sealed batteries • No more than 10.0 volts per any single electrical circuit (no lead-acid batteries) • Energy devices may be set/activated prior to starting the device (flashlights & mousetraps, not motors)

  6. Requirements • Maximum Size of Machine (50 cm x 50 cm x 80 cm) • Task Sequence List • Ten tasks required to earn maximum points must contribute to the completion of the final task • No parallel sequence of tasks allowed

  7. Requirements – Start Task – Task A • Device must be started by: • dropping a golf ball from above the device • that will trigger a mousetrap • that will begin the chain of events leading to the final task

  8. Requirements –Final Task – Task J • Raise a flagpole: • With rectangular school flag (fixed or mobile) that is at least 5 cm x 10 cm • The bottom of the flag must be at least 30 cm higher than all original parts of the device.

  9. Other Details • Tasks between the Start Task and Final Task may be in any order. • Additional non-listed devices, tasks, and energy sources may be built into the device between the listed tasks but will not earn points. • Additional non-listed tasks must contribute to the completion of the final task.

  10. 8 Other Required Tasks (May be in any order) • Activate a photocell providing power to operate a motor. • Using a motor, turn a shaft that continuously moves a mass for at least 10 seconds, mass must trigger next action. (extra 10 points for each full sec. over 10 secs., up to 40 secs.)(300 pts. possible)

  11. Other Required Tasks cont’d • Block a light source, so that it stops powering a photocell which is operating an electromagnet which releases a mass that activates the next step. • Use heat generated by the resistance in an electrical wire to melt a mono-filament line in two, so that a mass falls and activates the next step.

  12. Other Required Tasks cont’d • Use either pneumatics or hydraulics in an enclosed system to operate the next action in the chain. • Use any part of the device to raise a golf ball vertically by at least 30 cm. • Pop a balloon. • Use a motor with a propeller that generates a wind that activates the next step.

  13. Task Sequence List • Format • What is listed? (All tasks in operation sequence) • Numbering and Letter Labeling Tasks • Accuracy • Sequential vs. “dead ends” and “parallel paths” • When to turn in TSL • How many copies?

  14. Tournament Day • Set up • Only 30 mins. Before you plan or are scheduled to run device • Be able to explain device to judges • Go through TSL • Run Device • Remove from testing location

  15. Device Operation - Timing • Timing begins when Event Supervisor says, “Go” • Student drops golf ball into device to start • Clock does not stop until maximum time limit of 3 minutes • Tasks completed after 3 minutes will not be scored • Timing stops when: • Device fails to operate • Or device completes final task • Or 3 minutes have elapsed

  16. Device Operation – Ideal Operation Time • The Ideal operation times will be announced after impound • Regional – 60 seconds • State – from 60 – 90 seconds • Nationals – 90 – 120 seconds

  17. Device Operation – Penalties • Each touch or crossing of the imaginary box is a penalty • Students may “adjust” device but will receive penalty points • Stalling will lead to DQ • Points will not be awarded for task completion when touches or adjustments lead to the task completion

  18. Scoring • 2 pts - for each full second of operation up to the “ideal” time. (max 120 at Regional) • 100 pts - final task completed in 3 mins. • 75 pts - Sequence Task List (STL) submitted on time and correct format • 25 pts - STL 100% accurate documentation of device operations • 50 pts – no more that 30 min. setup • 25 pts – each successful required task (max 250) • Max. at Regionals – 620 pts.

  19. Penalties • 1 point for each second the device operates over “ideal” time (Max 120 pts) • 100 pts for each motor running at start • 100 pts not starting with required 1st Task • 50 pts, one time, for any object that leaves the boundary of the device (except flag & pole) • 15 points for each time the device is touched, adjusted, or restarted • Tier 2 for construction violations, parallel designs or “dead end” paths

  20. Things to Consider • Avoid questionable components that are too complex, too small, or not clearly visible • Device may not be timed or controlled by any remote method.

  21. More Things to Consider • Final Task – the team may not complete the task themselves or make adjustments that lead directly to task completion of the next action. • Obvious stalling during ”adjustments” to gain time advantage can result in a DQ

  22. Costs & Time Commitment • Inexpensive available materials • Avoid the “Black Hole” theory • Where does the money go? • Long term project approach • In your Classroom vs. in a student’s garage or basement • Parent involvement

  23. ExamplesStart Task A & Task B • Task B – • String attached to mousetrap pulls light blocker • Preset light source activates photocell • Photocell powers a motor Start Task – Golf ball dropped onto Mousetrap Light blocker Photocell Golf ball String Preset light source Mousetrap

  24. ExamplesTasks E & F • Task E – • Inside jar monofilament wire heats up and breaks • Container inside jar falls • empties contents into bottom of jar • Contents mixes with water • Task F – • Chemical reaction increases air pressure • Balloon inflates • Inflated balloon displaces lever • Mass moves

  25. ExamplesTasks G & H Task H – - Inflated balloon is popped. - Weight drops • Task G – • String attached to • weight goes through • series of pulleys. • String lifts golf ball • Rising golf ball • - activates micro switch for next task.

  26. ExampleFinal Task Weights or motors can be used to pull flag up. Hint – have string attached to highest point on the pole, you get more lifting power. Lengths are important, if done by this method, the fulcrum must be higher (not at the base of device) By this method the arm is too long! 5 cm (flag size) + 30 cm (above device) + 50 cm (one of max dimensions)= 85 cm (5 cm longer than max device dimension)

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