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Minnesota’s Small Group Market Select Statistics

Get an overview of coverage distribution, employer-based coverage statistics, and trends in health plan benefits in Minnesota's small group market. Explore market shares, loss ratios, and enrollment data.

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Minnesota’s Small Group Market Select Statistics

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  1. Minnesota’s Small Group MarketSelect Statistics Health Care Access CommissionSmall Group Insurance Market Work Group September 23, 2010 Stefan GildemeisterAssistant Director, Health Economics Program

  2. Overview • Coverage distribution in Minnesota • Statistics on employer-based coverage, comparing small and large firms • Trends in health plan benefits in the small group market • Health plan market shares and loss ratios

  3. Size of Small Group Market

  4. Distribution of Minnesota Population by Primary Source of Insurance Coverage, 2008 Total Population 5.2 Million Source: MDH Health Economics Program; population estimates are from the U.S. Bureau of Census, July 2009 MA is Medical Assistance, MNCare is MinnesotaCare, GAMC is General Assistance Medical Care

  5. Distribution of Minnesota Population by Primary Source of Insurance Coverage, 2008 Total Population 5.2 Million Source: MDH Health Economics Program; population estimates are from the U.S. Bureau of Census, July 2009 MA is Medical Assistance, MNCare is MinnesotaCare, GAMC is General Assistance Medical Care

  6. Enrollment in Small Group and Individual Health Plans as a Share of the Population

  7. Trends in Minnesota Small Group Health Insurance Enrollment, 1998 to 2008 Fully Insured market only. Source: MDH, Health Economics Program; estimates based on data from various sources.

  8. Characteristics of Small Firms

  9. Trend in the Number of Establishments, by Firm Size Source: Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, Quarterly Census of Employee and Wages

  10. Trend in the Number of Employees, by Firm Size Source: Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, Quarterly Census of Employee and Wages

  11. Percent of Minnesota Employers Offering Health Insurance Coverage, by Firm Size (1996/97 & 2008/09) Source: MDH analysis of data for private employers from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey/Insurance Component (years are pooled to improve the statistical validity of the estimates. Preliminary data; difference between estimates have not been tested for statistical significance.

  12. Percent of Employees in Minnesota Establishments Offering Health Insurance Coverage, by Firm Size (1996/97 & 2008/09) Source: MDH analysis of data for private employers from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey/Insurance Component (years are pooled to improve the statistical validity of the estimates. Preliminary data; difference between estimates have not been tested for statistical significance.

  13. Percent of Employees Eligible for Health Insurance in Firms Offering Coverage, by Firm Size (1996/97 & 2008/09) Source: MDH analysis of data for private employers from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey/Insurance Component (years are pooled to improve the statistical validity of the estimates. Preliminary data; difference between estimates have not been tested for statistical significance.

  14. Percent of Eligible Employees Who Enroll in Coverage (Take-up Rate), by Firm Size (1996/97 & 2008/09) Source: MDH analysis of data for private employers from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey/Insurance Component (years are pooled to improve the statistical validity of the estimates. Preliminary data; difference between estimates have not been tested for statistical significance.

  15. Average Annual Health Insurance Premium in MN for Family Coverage, by Firm Size Source: MDH analysis of data for private employers from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey/Insurance Component (years are pooled to improve the statistical validity of the estimates. Preliminary data; difference between estimates have not been tested for statistical significance.

  16. Average Employee Contribution to Family Coverage, by Firm Size (1996/97 & 2008/09) Source: MDH analysis of data for private employers from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey/Insurance Component (years are pooled to improve the statistical validity of the estimates. Preliminary data; difference between estimates have not been tested for statistical significance.

  17. Trends in Small Group Health Plan Benefits

  18. Distribution of Family Level Deductibles in the Small Group Market, 2002 to 2008 Source: MDH, Health Economics Program Deductible levels are per family. Distribution of deductibles only includes enrollment in plans with a deductible

  19. Small Group Market Enrollment in High Deductible Health Plans with Savings Option, 2005 and 2008(by share of total enrollment) Qualified High Deductible Health Plan enrollment must meet the minimum deductible guidelines for the calendar year, as determined by the Internal Revenue Service (for 2008 the minimum deductible is $1,100), and be paired with (or have the option to pair with) a Health Savings Account. Source: MDH, Health Economics Program

  20. Distribution of Office Visit Copayments in the Small Group Market, 2002 to 2008(by share of enrollment) Source: MDH, Health Economics Program Includes only enrollees who have an office visit copayment.

  21. Family Level Out-of-Pocket Limits in the Small Group Market, 2002 to 2008(by share of total enrollment) Source: MDH, Health Economics Program Median calculation and distribution excludes enrollees with no out-of-pocket limit. Out-of-pocket limit applies to covered services only.

  22. Lifetime Limit on Benefits in the Small Group Market, 2002-2008(by share of total enrollment) Limits on lifetime benefits define the maximum amount an insurance policy will pay over the life of a policy holder. Source: MDH, Health Economics Program

  23. Market Shares in the Small Group Insurance Market

  24. Health Plan Market Shares: Small Group Market, 2008 Total Premium Volume in 2008: $1.54 Billion Note: Companies with common ownership were treated as one entity. For example, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN includes Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota and Blue Plus. Market shares based on premium volume; fully insured market only. Source: Minnesota Department of Commerce, "Report of 2008 Loss Ratio Experience in the Individual and Small Employer Health Plan Markets for: Insurance Companies Nonprofit Health Service Plan Corporations and Health Maintenance Organizations," August 2009.

  25. Loss Ratio Experience in the Small Group Market, 1998 to 2008 Note: Companies with common ownership have been combined for purposes of this analysis. Source: Minnesota Department of Commerce, "Report of 2008 Loss Ratio Experience in the Individual and Small Employer Health Plan Markets for: Insurance Companies, Nonprofit Health Service Plan Corporations, and Health Maintenance Organizations ," August 2009.

  26. Contact Information • Stefan Gildemeister(651) 201-3550stefan.gildemeister@state.mn.us • www.health.state.mn.us/healtheconomics • https://pqc.health.state.mn.us/mnha/Welcome.action

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