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Plot Structure

Plot Structure.

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Plot Structure

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  1. Plot Structure • The series of events in a story that usually follow a specific pattern made up of five steps. Almost all plots center on at least one conflict, or problem, that the characters struggle to resolve. The events of a plot are designed to arouse the reader’s curiosity and pull the reader forward.

  2. Exposition • This is where needed background information is given. The characters and setting are introduced and a piece of the plot or conflict is introduced. Sometimes it tells what happened in the past. *Conflict *not a part of plot structure • A struggle or clash that drives the plot. While there may be many conflicts within a story, the main conflict is drives the plot forward and is typical revealed in the exposition

  3. Rising Action • This involves a series of events where the main character tries to solve his or her conflict but the problem is not solved and typically becomes more challenging.

  4. Climax • This is the part of the story where the outcome of the conflict is known. The conflict might be solved or it remain a problem for the character. Typically the main character does something to solve the problem but not always. Additionally, the climax may cause the character to undergo achange.

  5. Falling Action • The effects of the climax are shown here. The suspense is over.

  6. Resolution/Denouement • This tells how the struggle ends. Other conflicts may be resolved during the denouement but some may be left unresolved.

  7. Students, copy this diagram onto a new sheet of paper that you can turn in. Basic Plot Diagram

  8. You are going to see six different images from a story. The images are out of order. As you view the images, think about how the images could be arranged in a story that follows the basic plot diagram.

  9. Now, work with a partner to put the pictures in order. Once you and your partner have agreed on the order, write a short story (include all 5 elements of plot)based on the images and the order you put them in. Your story should be a minimum of one page, single spaced. Write it on the paper you copied the plot diagram on. You have 15 minutes! Here are the pictures again:

  10. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore As you watch this movie take notes. You will need to write down 15 key points. After the film you will arrange them into a plot diagram.

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxrYDaj0dbs

  12. Lessmore’s Plot Diagram On your paper, use your notes to summarize each section of the plot. Here is the plot diagram for your to reference: Periods 1 and 2 stop here. Period 4, you have one more activity with Mr. Lessmore

  13. Period 4: Explain Mr. Morris Lessmore’s quest. • What was his quest? • What did he set out to find? • What dragon(s), knight(s), and princess(es) did he encounter on his quest? • What did he end up learning about himself? • What did other’s gain from his quest?

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