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World History

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World History

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    2. CRUSADES (Holy Wars) Christian Europeans wanted to end Islam Christian knights traveled to the Middle East to fight Muslim soldiers RESULTS: Increased trade between Europe and Asia Led to an interest in exploration Led to growth in towns Exchange of goods and ideas

    4. Reformation There was a call to REFORM (change) the Roman Catholic Church Groups broke away from the Roman Catholic Church because it was corrupt. Some of the instances of corruptions were: The Church owned too much land. The Church sold church jobs, The Church sold “indulgences” (forgiveness of sins).

    6. Renaissance Revival of learning and questioning in Europe People became interested in art, music, books (because of the printing press), etc…

    8. Exploration Conquistadors Explorers came from Europe to explore “the Americas” Conquistador (meaning "Conqueror" in the Spanish language) is the term used to refer to the soldiers, explorers, and adventurers who achieved the Conquista (this Spanish term is generally accepted by historians), i.e. brought much of the Americas and Asia Pacific under Spanish colonial rule between the 15th and 17th centuries.

    9. Columbian Exchange When Columbus came to the Americas, the Indians were introduced to new foods from Europe. When Columbus went back to Europe, the Europeans were introduced to food that had been brought back from the Indians. The Columbian Exchange was not all positive. Some negative effects were: European diseases killed Indians Indians were enslaved Land was taken from Indians Exploration

    10. Settlements

    11. Jamestown Can you name this famous couple? John Smith and Pocahontas Jamestown is where John Smith met Pocahontas.

    12. Jamestown First English settlement in the Americas. Jamestown had the first representative government in America. It was called The House of Burgess. The settlement was saved when the settlers learned to grow tobacco.

    14. French and Indian War This war was actually fought between England and France. You may ask… WHAT DID THE INDIANS HAVE TO DO WITH IT? The Indians helped the French. The English won.

    15. The French and Indian war created debt for the English. So…the English raised taxes. Then…the Colonists boycotted the taxes and smuggled British goods to avoid the taxes.

    16. Taxation

    17. The Stamp Act

    18. The Navigation Act Colonists were forced to use only British ships and buy only British goods.

    19. Boston Massacre British soldiers said that some colonists “started it. That wasn’t true. Not very many people died, but the colonists were looking for an excuse to fight the British.

    20. Boston Tea Party The Colonists threw Tea in the Harbor to protest taxes. Results: British pass the Intolerable Acts and Quartering Act.

    21. Tensions Mount!! There is a pattern here. The British make a law. The colonist rebel. The British make another law to make the colonist follow the first law. The colonists rebel…etc. SOMETHING’S GOTTA GIVE!


    24. (Standard I-1) Study the list below. Increased trade between Europe & Asia Led to growth of towns Led to an increased interest in exploration This list shows the results of A. The Renaissance B. The Crusades C. The Middle Ages D. The Trade Route

    26. 4. The Renaissance A. was a period of rebirth and learning B. led to an decrease in the desire for learning about the world C. decreased an interest in art D. led to the end of the Roman Catholic Church

    27. Answers B C A A B

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