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Unit 2: Changes

Unit 2: Changes. Chapter 5. TEACHING AND LEARNING. Offer ( verb ). To put forward a gift , suggestion etc . for acceptance or refusal She offered the customer a cup of tea . Opportunity ( noun ). A chance to do or a time for doing something .

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Unit 2: Changes

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  1. Unit 2: Changes


  3. Offer (verb) To put forward a gift, suggestionetc. foracceptanceorrefusal Sheofferedthecustomer a cup of tea.

  4. Opportunity (noun) A chanceto do or a time fordoingsomething. I’ve had severalopportunitiesnot tomissthisyear.

  5. Pickup(verb)an act of collecting a person or goods,esp. in a vehicle: As soos as youarrive at theairport, give me a calland I willpickyouup.

  6. Kind(adj.) Readyoranxiousto do goodothers; friendly. Itwasverykind of youtolookafterthechildrenyesterday.

  7. Be aboutto To be goingtoperform an action. I amabouttoleavetheoffice.

  8. Challenge (noun) An invitationto a contest He accepted his brother’schallenge.

  9. Shock (noun) A severe emotionaldisturbance. Thenewsgave us all a shock.

  10. At all (usedforemphasis) in anyway, toanyextent I don’tlikeswimming at all.

  11. Level (noun-abbreviation) I don’texpect her tomovetothenextlevel at that online game.

  12. Dealwith(verb) To be concernedwith Thisbookdealswithseverallanguagelearningmethods..

  13. Polite(adj.) Havingorshowinggoodmanners It is a needto be a politeperson.

  14. Suddenly(adv.) Suddenly, she realized thatthestranger had a gun.

  15. Quit(verb) Toleave, stop, orresignfrometc. Childrenhavebeentold toquitthegamein ten minutes.

  16. Disappointed(adj.) (sadordispleased) I wasdisappointedtohearthattheparty had beencancelled.

  17. Memory(noun) Thepowertorememberthings. Theplaythatwewatchedlastyearwasone of thegreatmemories of me.

  18. T F T F F F

  19. was about to picked him up challenge shock at all suddenly level deal with polite memories

  20. T DS DS F T T F

  21. T

  22. Mohamed Nashed & Hasan Savaş

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